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Plants to Use in Creams and Lotions Aloe Vera The sap from the leaves is soothing and healing. Avocado An excellent skin food with high vitamin E and A content. Borage Good for dry, sensitive skins. Calendula (Marigold) A healing herb for rough or problem skin. Chamomile A gentle, soothing herb that also softens and whitens skin. Comfrey A healing and soothing herb that contains allantoin, a protein which speeds up cell renewal. Good for rough and damaged skin. Cucumber A cleansing agent and toner. Soothing and healing. Dandelion Contains a rich emollient useful in cleansing lotions for dry, sallow skin. Elderflower A good tonic for all skins. Reputed to soften skin and smooth wrinkles, fade freckles and soothe sunburn. Essential oils These are excellent additions to creams and lotions. Fennel Cleansing and soothing. Add crushed seeds to face packs. Purifies oily skin. Hens and Chicks A healing and soothing herb especially good for dry, sensitive skin. Ivy Relieves sunburn; helps to disperse trapped fluids and toxins in the fight against cellulite. Lady's Mantle A healing herb for soothing dry, sensitive skin; a good astringent for large pores. Lavender A gentle cleanser and tonic for all skin types. Lemon An astringent that restores the skin's natural acid balance. Linden tree blossom Softens the skin. Deep cleansing. Lupin seed A cleanser and pore refiner for oily skin. Marsh mallow A healing softener for dry skin, chapped hands and sunburn. Nettle A deep cleanser; very good for oily skin. Orange flower An excellent skin tonic, said to help restore the skin's acid barrier. Also treats dry skin and broken capillaries and stimultes cell replacement. Parsley A conditioner for dry, sensitive and troubled skin. Peppermint An astringent which clears the complexion. Rose A soothing and gentle cleanser which has a softening effect on the skin. Rosemary An invigorating antiseptic which boosts circulation and deep cleansing. Sage A cleansing, stimulating astringent which tightens pores. Thyme A stimulating but gentle antisptic cleanser. Violet A gentle astringent. Watercress Expressed juice can help to clear blemishes. Witch hazel Soothing and astringent. Yarrow A healing and cleansing astringent. Good for oily skin.


I. Know yourself II. Know your Craft III. Learn IV. Apply knowledge with wisdom V. Achieve balance VI. Keep your words in good order VII. Keep your thoughts in good order VIII. Celebrate life IX. Attune with the cycles of Terra X. Breathe and eat correctly XI. Exercise the body XII. Meditate XIII. Honor the Goddess and God Author Unknown. ---------------------- The Following is the understanding of one single person. Itis also, the BEST I have ever come across. Blessings, Eugene --------------------- With Interpretation By Lady Bridget © 1998 http://www.ladybridget.com/w/w13.html Know yourself. As far back as Socrates, and most likely much farther, this was advice best followed. If you don't know what you want, you are not likely to get it. Consequently if you don't know what makes you happy, you are not likely to find your happiness. You also need to know your own strengths and weaknesses. Know your craft. Wicca is a craft, hence the term Witchcraft, the Craft of the Wise. This is not something you learn from reading a few books, although they can point you in the direction your path can take. This is something you will learn by living it. Know what you want to study - understand your spiritual path. Learn. Learn everything you can, everything you have an interest in. You don't have to master every subject completely, but a thorough knowledge of many subjects will help you grow spiritually, and be open minded about subjects you don't know anything about. Apply knowledge with wisdom. This is perhaps one of the hardest to practice. Put it this way: You can read a dozen books, but until you put into your life what you have read, it is useless to you. Also, the wise person will use their common sense regarding whatever it is print, and especially on the internet. One person's "truth" is not necessarily truth for all; only you know in your heart of hearts what rings as "truth" for you. Knowledge is power, but without wisdom, you will not be able to have control over that power. Achieve balance. Is this like "moderation in all things"? YES! Your time cannot be totally consumed by something without the rest of your life suffering the consequences. We have a tendency, most of us, to dive into a new area with total concentration, and that can be wonderful, as long as we don't ignore everything else. Women are usually pretty good at this, since we have to balance husband's needs, children's needs, and job needs all at once. What most often suffers, though, are our own needs. Many times we all feel as if we are too rushed, and pulled into many different directions at once. Try to balance your life so that you feel invigorated instead, and so you also enjoy what you are doing. Keep your words in good order. Have you heard that "A witch is only as good as her word"? It comes from a time when the person's word was their bond, and it still is as important today. When you say a thing, you make it so. Why does your magick work? Because you say "So mote it be", and your words and your will have that power. When you don't keep your word, you are breaking that bond. Be very careful HOW you speak, what you say, negatively or positively, is what you bring into manifestation. Another reference to this is found in the Christian Bible, in Genesis, where it says "In the beginning was the word". Words have power, which is recognized many religions. Keep your thoughts in good order. "Energy follows thought" is another Wiccan saying. Again, what you think, thought often enough, you bring into manifestation. Every single invention started out as a thought. Think about it! Positive thinking and positive affirmations can make a difference in your life. (back to top) Celebrate Life! Life is meant to be joyful! The whole earth is alive, and so are you! Think about all the senses you have, and all the sensations you feel, and how fantastic that is! We are linked to all life, everywhere. Attune with the cycles of the earth. Be aware of the seasons, and the phases of the Moon. Wiccans do this by celebrating the Esbats and Sabbats. Everything runs in cycles, our bodies, the animals, and the plants. Gardners know that timing is important in planting, not just with the seasons, but also with the moon. You can even do such things as trimming your hair more effectively by utilizing the moon's cycles. Breathe and eat correctly. Breathing is very important to life, and to proper magick, to energy raising, not to mention, your health. Breathing deeply from the diaphragm should be mastered. Also breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, especially during meditation, or other forms of energy control and conciousness control. Eat to live, don't live to eat. Eat what is a proper diet for you, and not until you are stuffed. Eating the wrong foods, and eating too much of anything, will inhibit your ability to do much except take a nap! Exercise the body. This is so important, and gets ignored so much in our techno-pagan society. Exercise relieves stress, tones muscles, burns fat, and adds years to your ability to enjoy life. This is the physical vessel your soul has incarnated into, at least take care of it! And while we're on the subject, along with exercising, drink plenty of water, at least 6-8 glasses a day. This will flush out the toxins that are caused by stress, as well as by other factors. Meditate. This concept one of the most misunderstood by many students today. What people think of when they see this word, is perhaps an Indian Yogi sitting in the Lotus position and chanting "om". While that is one valid way to meditate, there are many others, including mediation through concentrating on an object, a thought, your own breath, your own body rhythms, or concentrating on nothing at all. Other ways to meditate are to dance, to move the body, as in T'ai Chi, or Sufi Dancing, or just in exercises such as walking, when you are being at one with your body and not thinking about anything at all. Another form of mediation is by doing a skill over and over, something repetative, to the exlusion of all other thoughts, except the total concentration on the skill you are doing. Many people who say they can't meditate, or have trouble with it, are only aware of one kind. There are so many different ways to do this, that there is a method to suit each person. (For more information, get the very small book "How To Meditate" by Lawrence LaShan.) Honor the God and Goddess. Since God/Goddess dwell within ourselves, while we are honoring them, we must also show honor to ourselves, and to others. Try this simple exercise: the next time you are standing in line somewhere, try to see the God and Goddess in each person in line with you. Really look at them and see their innate deity. This is one that may take practice, but when you really see it, it will have impact. We are all divine, we are all God and Goddess both.

What Neopagans Believe

What Neopagans Believe or Neopagan Polytheology 101 (Version 5.6.5) Copyright © 1974, 2005 c.e., Isaac Bonewits Introductory Warnings I have rewritten this essay many times over the last thirty-plus years, both as “What (Do) Neopagans Believe(?)” and as “What (Do) Neopagan Druids Believe(?)” — the latter title because I wanted my tradition of Druidism to be rooted in those opinions held by most other Neopagans. While fully aware that there are some in the Neopagan community who resist vigorously any attempt to codify Neopagan beliefs, and that some Neopagans — and many Mesopagans — may disagree strongly with one or more of the following statements, I think it is an accurate synthesis of the majority view in the Neopagan movement. I am also making clear in this version what ideas Neopagans generally don’t believe, an increasingly important element in our interfaith dialogues with non-Pagans. Clarifying our “doctrines” (the things we do and don’t believe) without descending into “dogma” (the things we are ordered to believe or disbelieve by someone in a position of power over us) is a vital step in the growth of any new religious movement. True, I’m something of an “(anti-?)authority figure” within the Neopagan community, yet I have no ability to force anyone to believe or disbelieve anything. Neither do those antagonists who seek to disrupt our community from within by loudly demanding that we draw no lines that might ever exclude anyone, for any reason, ever. The Neopagan community has the right and the duty to define itself and such definitions are made by the majority of our members and leaders — and have been over the last thirty years. Those who insist on waiting to define who and what we are until some mythical 100% consensus can be achieved are being deliberately ingenuous — they know full well that the more people who are involved in an attempt to achieve consensus about any topic, let alone a religious one, the less the chances are of ever succeeding. Not everyone in the Neopagan community will use the term “belief” in reference to these concepts and many of these concepts have a wide variety of accepted interpretations within Neopaganism. Even so, it’s reasonably easy to list those ideas with which a majority of Neopagans usually agree or disagree, and thus sketch the outlines of our doctrines, just as the members of their faiths could for the Evangelical Christians, Mahayana Buddhists, Sikhs, or Taoists. Do such declarations create “reality” or reflect it? Yes. By the way, if you’re completely unfamiliar with the terms “Paleopaganism,” “Mesopaganism,” and “Neopaganism,” you can read “Defining Paganism: Paleo-, Meso- and Neo-” for a quick overview. Definitions of other terms used in this essay will be found in my Pagan Glossary. My own interpretations of, and extensions to, the basic Neopagan beliefs listed in this essay will be found in my other writings on this website as well as in future books. Thou Art God/dess Neopagans believe that divinity is both immanent (internal) and transcendent (external), with immanence being far more important for people to pay attention to right now. This principle of immanence is frequently phrased as, “Thou art God” or “Thou art Goddess.” (The former phrase was taken originally from Robert Heinlein’s classic novel, Stranger in a Strange Land, and the Neopagan organization it inspired, the Church of All Worlds.) Deities can manifest at any point in space or time which They might choose, whether externally (through apparent “visitations”) or internally (through the processes known as “inspiration,” “conversation,” “channeling,” and “possession”). This belief often develops among Neopagans into pantheism(“the physical world is divine”), panentheism(“the Gods are everywhere”), animism (“everything is alive”), or monism (“everything that exists is one being”) all of which are concepts accepted by some Neopagans. Original Sanctity Neopagans believe that children are born holy, since they have no barriers of consciousness between them and their indwelling deities. So the concept of “original sin” — the idea that all children are born innately evil and have to be cleansed by a magical ceremony before they can become good — is alien to us. Babies arrive in a morally and ethically neutral state, although the reincarnationists among us would claim that tendencies towards certain types of behavior may be carried from previous lifetimes. Because of this reverence for children, Neopagans do not approve of any form of child abuse. Some members of our community may perpetuate the abuse they received growing up in a dysfunctional mainstream culture, but unlike in many other faith communities, such mistreatment is not religiously justified nor excused. Goddesses and Gods Neopagans believe that divinity is as likely to manifest in a female form as it is in a male form, and that the word “Goddess” makes just as much sense as “God.” Women and men are spiritually equal, and “masculine” and “feminine” attitudes, values, and roles are of equal importance, regardless of the physical gender of those exercising them. Many Neopagans believe that feminine energies and values are more needed to balance masculine excesses of current cultures. Hence, the common emphasis on Goddesses in our myths and rites, and the presence of “Goddesses-only” worshipers as a significant minority of the Neopagan community. Polytheism and Pluralism Neopagans believe in a multiplicity of gods and goddesses, as well as “lesser” beings, many of Whom are worthy of respect, love and worship. We have a wide variety of non-exclusive concepts as to the nature of these entities. While some of us believe in a “Supreme Being,” we don’t anthropomorphise Him/Her/It/Them — i.e., a Supreme Being is not perceived as even remotely humanoid — a concept like the Tao or the “Force” is perhaps closer to an adequate concept. Even when such a Being is part of the picture, Neopaganism as a whole is polytheistic and focuses its attention on the deities associated with our planet. Within that overall polytheism, much of Neopaganism is “duotheistic” (with female deities seen as aspects of a single Goddess, and male deities as aspects of a single God). A significant minority of Neopagans worship only female deities. Along with polytheism comes a logical tendency towards pluralism, leading thoughtful Neopagans to reject dualistic or “binary” logic systems that paint the universe in terms of black vs. white, in favor of multivalued or “fuzzy” logic systems that accept the astonishing complexity and ambiguity of life, the universe, and everything. No Gods of Evil Neopagans do not believe in, respect, or worship any divine or semidivine figure of ultimate Evil, leaving such concepts to the dualistic monotheists. “The Devil” is a character in Christian and Islamic mythology, a blasphemous parody of ancient Paleopagan deities, and an entity we have not the least bit of interest in. Those who insist that our beloved deities are “really demons in disguise,” are simply exhibiting their ignorance, their dualism, and their bigotry, as their predecessors have been doing for centuries. Thus our community says to both the conservative Christian community and its shadow side, the modern Satanist movement, One cannot be a Satanist and a Neopagan at the same time, though it is, perhaps, possible to be a Satanist and a Mesopagan simultaneously. Nature Worship Most Neopagans believe it is necessary to respect and love Nature as divine in Her own right, and to accept ourselves as part of Nature and not Her “rulers.” Many of us accept what has come to be known as “the Gaia hypothesis.” As first articulated by Neopagan polytheologian Oberon (then Tim) Zell (and later in secular terms by scientist James Lovelock), it states that the biosphere of our planet is a living Being who is due all the love and support that we, Her children, can give Her. Ecological awareness is a sacred duty and human desires and convenience are not more important than the needs of every other species on our planet. Please note that this last statement is not the extremist position that we and other environmentally concerned movements are often accused of having. Cautious Technophilia Most Neopagans believe in accepting the positive aspects of Western science and technology — most of us love our computers! — but also in maintaining an attitude of wariness towards the supposed ethical neutrality of that science and technology. We consider it important that scientists and engineers (like everyone else) pay as much attention to their methods as they do to their goals. Just because it’s possible to do something doesn’t mean we should do it. We have in the Neopagan community significant minorities of both anti-technology neo-Luddites and back-to-the-landers, as well as pro-technology science fiction fans and space exploration supporters. Positive Ethics Neopagans believe that ethics and morality should be based upon joy, love, self-esteem, mutual respect, the avoidance of actual harm to ourselves and others — human or nonhuman — and the increase of public benefit. Most Neopagans believe in some variant or another of the principles of “karma,” and many Neopagans will affirm that the results of their actions will always return to them, sooner or later. This belief that “what goes around, comes around,” whether thought of as karmic retribution or as an ecological principle, has a major influence on the ethical choices made by most Neopagans. Thus we try to balance individual needs for personal autonomy and growth with the necessity of paying attention to the impact of our actions on the lives and welfare of others, including other living beings and the environment as a whole (Gaia). This does not deter us from fighting for justice, freedom, and the rights of those who cannot fight for themselves, but it does require us to practice rigorous self-honesty before, during and after we are engaged in such fighting. These beliefs have led many Neopagans to become vegetarians, animal rights activists, pacifists and/or environmental activists. The Good Life Neopagans believe that human beings were meant to lead lives filled with joy, love, pleasure, beauty and humor. Most Neopagans are fond of food, drink, music, sex, and bad puns, and consider all of these (except possibly the puns) to be of spiritual value, at least when practiced among consenting adults and not taken to destructive excess. Neopagans may be carnivores, vegetarians, or omnivores, depending upon their individual religious beliefs, but we all approve of good cooking! Some Neopagans abstain from alcoholic beverages, especially if they are members of a Pagans In Recovery group, but most neither abstain themselves nor disapprove of others drinking. Neopagans are enthusiastic about many different forms of music and dance, especially tribal and ecstatic forms. Assertively Pro-Sexual Attitudes Many Neopagans consider sexual ecstasy as both a divine blessing and a major source of spiritual growth and enlightenment, though we vary widely in how, with whom, and under what circumstances we seek such ecstasy. Thus many Neopagans are actively involved in Tantric practices and disciplines, whether traditional, reconstructed, or recently synthesized. By and large, the Neopagan community is sympathetic towards many sexual minorities and alternative relationship styles which have been persecuted by monotheistic religions for sexist or erotophobic reasons. A Neopagan may be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, trans gendered or undecided; may have wildly unusual sexual practices (including celibacy!) or be “plain vanilla” in their tastes. A Neopagan may be in a monogamous relationship, in one or more polyamorous ones, or have no romantic relationships at all. A Neopagan may live in an Industrial Age nuclear family or a traditional or untraditional extended one. As long as all parties involved are happy and healthy, Neopagans will generally approve (or at least not actively disapprove). Magic and Mystery Neopagans believe that with proper training, art, discipline and intent, human minds and hearts are fully capable of performing most of the magic and miracles they are ever likely to need. Magical and/or miraculous acts are done through the use of what most of us perceive as natural (some say “divinely granted”) psychic talents, or occasional divine intervention. Most Neopagans seem to accept the laws of magic, outlined in my book “Real Magic,” as accurate descriptions of the way magical phenomena usually behave, though they might not say that they “believe” in these laws any more than a physicist “believes” in the laws of thermodynamics. Ceremonial Art and Science Most Neopagans believe that there is an art and/or a science to creating, preparing and performing magical and religious rituals. Our ceremonies are continually evolving as we search for the most intellectually satisfying, artistically beautiful, spiritually powerful, and magically effective rites possible. The use of human or animal sacrifice, though a common accusation, is not part of Neopagan worship, though some meat-eaters may say a blessing over their animals before preparing them for cooking. Animal sacrifice is often a part of some Mesopagan religions such as Santeria, Macumba, Voudoun, etc. Connecting to the Cosmos Neopagans believe in the importance of celebrating the solar, lunar and other cycles of our lives. We consciously observe the solstices, equinoxes and the points in between, as well as the phases of the moon. Such “rites of intensification” are human universals, as are the various ceremonies known as “rites of passage” — celebrations of birth, puberty, personal dedication to a given deity or group, marriage, ordination, death, etc. Together these various sorts of observations help us to find ourselves in space and time. Born Again Paganism Most Neopagans believe in some sort of afterlife, usually involving rest and recovery in an Otherworld before reincarnating. There is a common belief that we grow spiritually through each lifetime and will continue reincarnating until we have learned all we need to. This aspect of Neopagan polytheology has not been developed very far, perhaps because of Neopaganism’s emphasis on the joys and duties of one’s present life. We have no concept of “eternal” punishment or damnation, and do not accept the “right” of other faith communities to impose their opinions about this (or any other) topic upon us. Hope and Action Most Neopagans believe that people have the ability to solve their current problems, both personal and public, and to create a better world, even though we might not all think of ourselves as “utopians.” This vision, tempered with common sense, leads us to a strong commitment to personal and global growth, evolution and balance. Mystic Vision Neopagans believe that people can progress far towards achieving personal growth, evolution and balance through the carefully planned alteration of our “normal” (culturally defined and limited) states of consciousness. Neopagans use both ancient and modern methods of concentration, meditation, reprogramming and ecstasy, including both shamanic and other trance-inducing techniques practiced by Paleopagan and Mesopagan peoples around the world. While some Neopagans may use caffeine, tobacco, sugar, alcohol, or other powerful mind-altering substances in their secular and/or religious lives, Neopagans do not approve of drug abuse or addiction. Community Responsibility Most Neopagans believe that human interdependence implies community service. Some of us are active in political, social, ecological and charitable organizations, while others prefer to work for the public good primarily through spiritual means (and many do both). This is yet another reason why Satanists, with their glorification of selfishness as the supreme value, are not Neopagans. Spiritual Authenticity Neopagans believe that if we are to achieve any of our goals, we must practice what we preach. Neopaganism, like any other religion, should be a way of life, not merely a weekly or monthly social function. So we must always strive to make our lives consistent with our proclaimed beliefs, difficult as that may be under our particular historical, cultural and economic conditions. Yet an insistence on such effort does not imply an expectation of impeccability — Neopagans know that mortals make mistakes, sometimes grievous ones. The emphasis is, or should be, on reaffirming our commitment to our ideals, not on punishing ourselves or others for past behavior (though we still have to clean up our messes and avoid making new ones). Spiritual authenticity should not be confused with historical authenticity. Neopagans often make up and teach absurd tales about how their traditions began or continued “underground,” just as members of other religions have done in the infancies of their faiths. Neopagans, however, are not required to believe such nonsense and the community seems to be growing out of this phase much more quickly than mainstream faith communities have managed. As a result, an increasing number of tale-tellers have lost their followings as their students grew beyond their teachers. Internal Religious Freedom Most Neopagans believe that healthy religions should have a minimum amount of rigidity and a maximum amount of flexibility. Neopaganism is an assortment of organic religions, which are growing, changing, and producing offshoots, and (though we do have our “orthodox” types) most of us accept these as natural (if sometimes painful) processes. Neopagans almost all believe that monolithic religious organizations and would-be messiahs are a hinderance to spiritual growth. As a general rule, Neopagan groups score very low on my Cult Danger Evaluation Frame. External Religious Freedom Most Neopagans believe that it’s difficult for ordinary humans to commit offenses “against the Gods and Goddesses,” short of major crimes such as ecocide or genocide. Our deities are perfectly capable of defending Their own honor without any need for us mortals to punish people (inside or outside of our community) for “blasphemy” or “heresy.” We have no divine mandates to force our beliefs down other people’s throats. Therefore, Neopagans believe in freedom of worship and belief for all religious groups and individuals who are willing to grant us our freedoms in return. Neopagans approve of the separation of church and state and, in the United States, disapprove of the efforts of the Religious Reich to impose their theocratic dictatorship upon all Americans. Interfaith Cooperation and Self-Defense Most Neopagans believe in cooperation and ecumenical activities with those members of other faiths who share all or most of these beliefs. It is clear that we have much in common with members of the liberal religious community, such as Unitarian Universalists, Reform Jews, Liberal Catholics, and others. Indeed, the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (or CUUPS) has become one of the largest and most active subgroups of the UU Church. However, most Neopagans also believe in resisting efforts by members of dysfunctional religions who seek to take advantage of our idealism. This is true whether they wish to exploit newer members of our community, to take members away from our community through deceptive means, or to parasitically ride upon our political and public educational coattails by falsely claiming to be “just like” us. Found on the Blog of : http://a.pca1.lostcherry.com/94/38/218349/tn_1320319373.jpg Copyright © 1979, 2001 c.e., Isaac Bonewits. This text file may be freely distributed on the Net, provided that no editing is done, the version number is retained, and everything in this notice box is included. http://www.neopagan.net/

What Neopagans Believe

What Neopagans Believe or Neopagan Polytheology 101 (Version 5.6.5) Copyright © 1974, 2005 c.e., Isaac Bonewits Introductory Warnings I have rewritten this essay many times over the last thirty-plus years, both as “What (Do) Neopagans Believe(?)” and as “What (Do) Neopagan Druids Believe(?)” — the latter title because I wanted my tradition of Druidism to be rooted in those opinions held by most other Neopagans. While fully aware that there are some in the Neopagan community who resist vigorously any attempt to codify Neopagan beliefs, and that some Neopagans — and many Mesopagans — may disagree strongly with one or more of the following statements, I think it is an accurate synthesis of the majority view in the Neopagan movement. I am also making clear in this version what ideas Neopagans generally don’t believe, an increasingly important element in our interfaith dialogues with non-Pagans. Clarifying our “doctrines” (the things we do and don’t believe) without descending into “dogma” (the things we are ordered to believe or disbelieve by someone in a position of power over us) is a vital step in the growth of any new religious movement. True, I’m something of an “(anti-?)authority figure” within the Neopagan community, yet I have no ability to force anyone to believe or disbelieve anything. Neither do those antagonists who seek to disrupt our community from within by loudly demanding that we draw no lines that might ever exclude anyone, for any reason, ever. The Neopagan community has the right and the duty to define itself and such definitions are made by the majority of our members and leaders — and have been over the last thirty years. Those who insist on waiting to define who and what we are until some mythical 100% consensus can be achieved are being deliberately ingenuous — they know full well that the more people who are involved in an attempt to achieve consensus about any topic, let alone a religious one, the less the chances are of ever succeeding. Not everyone in the Neopagan community will use the term “belief” in reference to these concepts and many of these concepts have a wide variety of accepted interpretations within Neopaganism. Even so, it’s reasonably easy to list those ideas with which a majority of Neopagans usually agree or disagree, and thus sketch the outlines of our doctrines, just as the members of their faiths could for the Evangelical Christians, Mahayana Buddhists, Sikhs, or Taoists. Do such declarations create “reality” or reflect it? Yes. By the way, if you’re completely unfamiliar with the terms “Paleopaganism,” “Mesopaganism,” and “Neopaganism,” you can read “Defining Paganism: Paleo-, Meso- and Neo-” for a quick overview. Definitions of other terms used in this essay will be found in my Pagan Glossary. My own interpretations of, and extensions to, the basic Neopagan beliefs listed in this essay will be found in my other writings on this website as well as in future books. Thou Art God/dess Neopagans believe that divinity is both immanent (internal) and transcendent (external), with immanence being far more important for people to pay attention to right now. This principle of immanence is frequently phrased as, “Thou art God” or “Thou art Goddess.” (The former phrase was taken originally from Robert Heinlein’s classic novel, Stranger in a Strange Land, and the Neopagan organization it inspired, the Church of All Worlds.) Deities can manifest at any point in space or time which They might choose, whether externally (through apparent “visitations”) or internally (through the processes known as “inspiration,” “conversation,” “channeling,” and “possession”). This belief often develops among Neopagans into pantheism(“the physical world is divine”), panentheism(“the Gods are everywhere”), animism (“everything is alive”), or monism (“everything that exists is one being”) all of which are concepts accepted by some Neopagans. Original Sanctity Neopagans believe that children are born holy, since they have no barriers of consciousness between them and their indwelling deities. So the concept of “original sin” — the idea that all children are born innately evil and have to be cleansed by a magical ceremony before they can become good — is alien to us. Babies arrive in a morally and ethically neutral state, although the reincarnationists among us would claim that tendencies towards certain types of behavior may be carried from previous lifetimes. Because of this reverence for children, Neopagans do not approve of any form of child abuse. Some members of our community may perpetuate the abuse they received growing up in a dysfunctional mainstream culture, but unlike in many other faith communities, such mistreatment is not religiously justified nor excused. Goddesses and Gods Neopagans believe that divinity is as likely to manifest in a female form as it is in a male form, and that the word “Goddess” makes just as much sense as “God.” Women and men are spiritually equal, and “masculine” and “feminine” attitudes, values, and roles are of equal importance, regardless of the physical gender of those exercising them. Many Neopagans believe that feminine energies and values are more needed to balance masculine excesses of current cultures. Hence, the common emphasis on Goddesses in our myths and rites, and the presence of “Goddesses-only” worshipers as a significant minority of the Neopagan community. Polytheism and Pluralism Neopagans believe in a multiplicity of gods and goddesses, as well as “lesser” beings, many of Whom are worthy of respect, love and worship. We have a wide variety of non-exclusive concepts as to the nature of these entities. While some of us believe in a “Supreme Being,” we don’t anthropomorphise Him/Her/It/Them — i.e., a Supreme Being is not perceived as even remotely humanoid — a concept like the Tao or the “Force” is perhaps closer to an adequate concept. Even when such a Being is part of the picture, Neopaganism as a whole is polytheistic and focuses its attention on the deities associated with our planet. Within that overall polytheism, much of Neopaganism is “duotheistic” (with female deities seen as aspects of a single Goddess, and male deities as aspects of a single God). A significant minority of Neopagans worship only female deities. Along with polytheism comes a logical tendency towards pluralism, leading thoughtful Neopagans to reject dualistic or “binary” logic systems that paint the universe in terms of black vs. white, in favor of multivalued or “fuzzy” logic systems that accept the astonishing complexity and ambiguity of life, the universe, and everything. No Gods of Evil Neopagans do not believe in, respect, or worship any divine or semidivine figure of ultimate Evil, leaving such concepts to the dualistic monotheists. “The Devil” is a character in Christian and Islamic mythology, a blasphemous parody of ancient Paleopagan deities, and an entity we have not the least bit of interest in. Those who insist that our beloved deities are “really demons in disguise,” are simply exhibiting their ignorance, their dualism, and their bigotry, as their predecessors have been doing for centuries. Thus our community says to both the conservative Christian community and its shadow side, the modern Satanist movement, One cannot be a Satanist and a Neopagan at the same time, though it is, perhaps, possible to be a Satanist and a Mesopagan simultaneously. Nature Worship Most Neopagans believe it is necessary to respect and love Nature as divine in Her own right, and to accept ourselves as part of Nature and not Her “rulers.” Many of us accept what has come to be known as “the Gaia hypothesis.” As first articulated by Neopagan polytheologian Oberon (then Tim) Zell (and later in secular terms by scientist James Lovelock), it states that the biosphere of our planet is a living Being who is due all the love and support that we, Her children, can give Her. Ecological awareness is a sacred duty and human desires and convenience are not more important than the needs of every other species on our planet. Please note that this last statement is not the extremist position that we and other environmentally concerned movements are often accused of having. Cautious Technophilia Most Neopagans believe in accepting the positive aspects of Western science and technology — most of us love our computers! — but also in maintaining an attitude of wariness towards the supposed ethical neutrality of that science and technology. We consider it important that scientists and engineers (like everyone else) pay as much attention to their methods as they do to their goals. Just because it’s possible to do something doesn’t mean we should do it. We have in the Neopagan community significant minorities of both anti-technology neo-Luddites and back-to-the-landers, as well as pro-technology science fiction fans and space exploration supporters. Positive Ethics Neopagans believe that ethics and morality should be based upon joy, love, self-esteem, mutual respect, the avoidance of actual harm to ourselves and others — human or nonhuman — and the increase of public benefit. Most Neopagans believe in some variant or another of the principles of “karma,” and many Neopagans will affirm that the results of their actions will always return to them, sooner or later. This belief that “what goes around, comes around,” whether thought of as karmic retribution or as an ecological principle, has a major influence on the ethical choices made by most Neopagans. Thus we try to balance individual needs for personal autonomy and growth with the necessity of paying attention to the impact of our actions on the lives and welfare of others, including other living beings and the environment as a whole (Gaia). This does not deter us from fighting for justice, freedom, and the rights of those who cannot fight for themselves, but it does require us to practice rigorous self-honesty before, during and after we are engaged in such fighting. These beliefs have led many Neopagans to become vegetarians, animal rights activists, pacifists and/or environmental activists. The Good Life Neopagans believe that human beings were meant to lead lives filled with joy, love, pleasure, beauty and humor. Most Neopagans are fond of food, drink, music, sex, and bad puns, and consider all of these (except possibly the puns) to be of spiritual value, at least when practiced among consenting adults and not taken to destructive excess. Neopagans may be carnivores, vegetarians, or omnivores, depending upon their individual religious beliefs, but we all approve of good cooking! Some Neopagans abstain from alcoholic beverages, especially if they are members of a Pagans In Recovery group, but most neither abstain themselves nor disapprove of others drinking. Neopagans are enthusiastic about many different forms of music and dance, especially tribal and ecstatic forms. Assertively Pro-Sexual Attitudes Many Neopagans consider sexual ecstasy as both a divine blessing and a major source of spiritual growth and enlightenment, though we vary widely in how, with whom, and under what circumstances we seek such ecstasy. Thus many Neopagans are actively involved in Tantric practices and disciplines, whether traditional, reconstructed, or recently synthesized. By and large, the Neopagan community is sympathetic towards many sexual minorities and alternative relationship styles which have been persecuted by monotheistic religions for sexist or erotophobic reasons. A Neopagan may be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, trans gendered or undecided; may have wildly unusual sexual practices (including celibacy!) or be “plain vanilla” in their tastes. A Neopagan may be in a monogamous relationship, in one or more polyamorous ones, or have no romantic relationships at all. A Neopagan may live in an Industrial Age nuclear family or a traditional or untraditional extended one. As long as all parties involved are happy and healthy, Neopagans will generally approve (or at least not actively disapprove). Magic and Mystery Neopagans believe that with proper training, art, discipline and intent, human minds and hearts are fully capable of performing most of the magic and miracles they are ever likely to need. Magical and/or miraculous acts are done through the use of what most of us perceive as natural (some say “divinely granted”) psychic talents, or occasional divine intervention. Most Neopagans seem to accept the laws of magic, outlined in my book “Real Magic,” as accurate descriptions of the way magical phenomena usually behave, though they might not say that they “believe” in these laws any more than a physicist “believes” in the laws of thermodynamics. Ceremonial Art and Science Most Neopagans believe that there is an art and/or a science to creating, preparing and performing magical and religious rituals. Our ceremonies are continually evolving as we search for the most intellectually satisfying, artistically beautiful, spiritually powerful, and magically effective rites possible. The use of human or animal sacrifice, though a common accusation, is not part of Neopagan worship, though some meat-eaters may say a blessing over their animals before preparing them for cooking. Animal sacrifice is often a part of some Mesopagan religions such as Santeria, Macumba, Voudoun, etc. Connecting to the Cosmos Neopagans believe in the importance of celebrating the solar, lunar and other cycles of our lives. We consciously observe the solstices, equinoxes and the points in between, as well as the phases of the moon. Such “rites of intensification” are human universals, as are the various ceremonies known as “rites of passage” — celebrations of birth, puberty, personal dedication to a given deity or group, marriage, ordination, death, etc. Together these various sorts of observations help us to find ourselves in space and time. Born Again Paganism Most Neopagans believe in some sort of afterlife, usually involving rest and recovery in an Otherworld before reincarnating. There is a common belief that we grow spiritually through each lifetime and will continue reincarnating until we have learned all we need to. This aspect of Neopagan polytheology has not been developed very far, perhaps because of Neopaganism’s emphasis on the joys and duties of one’s present life. We have no concept of “eternal” punishment or damnation, and do not accept the “right” of other faith communities to impose their opinions about this (or any other) topic upon us. Hope and Action Most Neopagans believe that people have the ability to solve their current problems, both personal and public, and to create a better world, even though we might not all think of ourselves as “utopians.” This vision, tempered with common sense, leads us to a strong commitment to personal and global growth, evolution and balance. Mystic Vision Neopagans believe that people can progress far towards achieving personal growth, evolution and balance through the carefully planned alteration of our “normal” (culturally defined and limited) states of consciousness. Neopagans use both ancient and modern methods of concentration, meditation, reprogramming and ecstasy, including both shamanic and other trance-inducing techniques practiced by Paleopagan and Mesopagan peoples around the world. While some Neopagans may use caffeine, tobacco, sugar, alcohol, or other powerful mind-altering substances in their secular and/or religious lives, Neopagans do not approve of drug abuse or addiction. Community Responsibility Most Neopagans believe that human interdependence implies community service. Some of us are active in political, social, ecological and charitable organizations, while others prefer to work for the public good primarily through spiritual means (and many do both). This is yet another reason why Satanists, with their glorification of selfishness as the supreme value, are not Neopagans. Spiritual Authenticity Neopagans believe that if we are to achieve any of our goals, we must practice what we preach. Neopaganism, like any other religion, should be a way of life, not merely a weekly or monthly social function. So we must always strive to make our lives consistent with our proclaimed beliefs, difficult as that may be under our particular historical, cultural and economic conditions. Yet an insistence on such effort does not imply an expectation of impeccability — Neopagans know that mortals make mistakes, sometimes grievous ones. The emphasis is, or should be, on reaffirming our commitment to our ideals, not on punishing ourselves or others for past behavior (though we still have to clean up our messes and avoid making new ones). Spiritual authenticity should not be confused with historical authenticity. Neopagans often make up and teach absurd tales about how their traditions began or continued “underground,” just as members of other religions have done in the infancies of their faiths. Neopagans, however, are not required to believe such nonsense and the community seems to be growing out of this phase much more quickly than mainstream faith communities have managed. As a result, an increasing number of tale-tellers have lost their followings as their students grew beyond their teachers. Internal Religious Freedom Most Neopagans believe that healthy religions should have a minimum amount of rigidity and a maximum amount of flexibility. Neopaganism is an assortment of organic religions, which are growing, changing, and producing offshoots, and (though we do have our “orthodox” types) most of us accept these as natural (if sometimes painful) processes. Neopagans almost all believe that monolithic religious organizations and would-be messiahs are a hinderance to spiritual growth. As a general rule, Neopagan groups score very low on my Cult Danger Evaluation Frame. External Religious Freedom Most Neopagans believe that it’s difficult for ordinary humans to commit offenses “against the Gods and Goddesses,” short of major crimes such as ecocide or genocide. Our deities are perfectly capable of defending Their own honor without any need for us mortals to punish people (inside or outside of our community) for “blasphemy” or “heresy.” We have no divine mandates to force our beliefs down other people’s throats. Therefore, Neopagans believe in freedom of worship and belief for all religious groups and individuals who are willing to grant us our freedoms in return. Neopagans approve of the separation of church and state and, in the United States, disapprove of the efforts of the Religious Reich to impose their theocratic dictatorship upon all Americans. Interfaith Cooperation and Self-Defense Most Neopagans believe in cooperation and ecumenical activities with those members of other faiths who share all or most of these beliefs. It is clear that we have much in common with members of the liberal religious community, such as Unitarian Universalists, Reform Jews, Liberal Catholics, and others. Indeed, the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (or CUUPS) has become one of the largest and most active subgroups of the UU Church. However, most Neopagans also believe in resisting efforts by members of dysfunctional religions who seek to take advantage of our idealism. This is true whether they wish to exploit newer members of our community, to take members away from our community through deceptive means, or to parasitically ride upon our political and public educational coattails by falsely claiming to be “just like” us. Found on the Blog of :
Victoria's Blogs Copyright © 1979, 2001 c.e., Isaac Bonewits. This text file may be freely distributed on the Net, provided that no editing is done, the version number is retained, and everything in this notice box is included. http://www.neopagan.net/
RIPPED FROM THE STASH OF VICTORIA - http://www.cherrytap.com/user/218349

Neo_paganism - A Video

Don't know if this will work. But the Following is an educational video on Neo-Paganism. I might quibblewitha few fine points butall-in-all it is quite good. Enjoy and plase Share. BB, Eugene
Found at http://paganwiccan.about.com/cs/aboutyule/a/paganxmas.htm The real reason for the season Many mainstream Christmas traditions stem from original Pagan practices. Though Christian origins and associations have been attributed to many of these traditions, they do in fact pre-date Christianity. Yule Log - A special log was chosen on the eve of Yule, for the holiday fire. A small piece from last year's log is used to light the fire. The lighting of the fire was a festive family event, to hurry the return of the sun. Charred pieces from the fire would be kept to protect the house through the coming year. The woods most often sought for the Yule log were birch, oak willow or holly. Today, the Yule log is sometimes represented as a log cake instead. Or a small log is decorated with candles. The burning of the Yule log is a well-known tradition, but it's not often done outside of the Pagan community anymore. Kissing Under Mistletoe - The roots of this habit are unknown, but is likely tied with the fertility aspects of mistletoe and that it was viewed as a bringer of peace by the Druids. Mistletoe was also a powerful healing herb. Mistletoe and kissing are also seen in one of the Norse myths: Frigga is the Norse Goddess of love, marriage and fertility. Her son, Balder was slain by Loki with an arrrow made from mistletoe. When Balder was restored to life, Frigga blessed the mistletoe and gave a kiss to anyone who passed under it. Some later versions of this tradition say to remove one berry with each kiss. When there are no more berries on the sprig of mistletoe, no more kisses. Tree Decorating - There is some debate on the origin of this tradition. Druids (and some other ancient cultures) saw evergreen trees as symbols of everlasting life, because they seemed to live through the winter undaunted by the cold. So using evergreen branches as decorations symbolized the undying strength of the Sun. Decorating the trees may have come from the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia (see below for more on Saturnlia). Gift Giving - The Christians attribute the giving of gifts at Christmas to the wise men who brough gold, frankincense and myrrh to the newborn Jesus. But this tradition was common well before the time of Jesus, during Saturnalia. The Ancient Roman Festival of Saturnalia Saturnalia is one of the best known ancient celebrations of the Winter Solstice. The name comes from the Roman God Saturn, who ruled over agriculture. He was the main God honoured at this time, after the fall crops had been sown. Saturnalia lasted for several days (typically 7, but various officials changed the length of the festival on a few occassions). Saturnlia was the greatest festival of the Roman year, and was marked with great feasting, gift-giving, dancing, playing, and relaxing. Homes were decorated, work was suspended, and there was general merry-making done by all.

What Wicca Is

What Wicca Is Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion with many traditions that date to pre-Christian (and prehistoric) Earth religions. It is based on a deep respect for nature and the certain knowledge that we do not have the right to exploit it for our own gain. Wiccans are deeply concerned with conservation and ecology, and as in all Neo-Pagan religions, Wiccans believe that both animate and inanimate objects possess a spirit which forms part of the Whole. Note that we do not use the term "spirit" in the Judeo-Christian sense of a "ghost," but rather that essence which every object possesses that links it to nature and makes it an inalienable part of the universe. Wicca is a celebration of the life-forces of nature as personified by the Goddess and her consort, the God. Wicca may includes the practice of magic which is defined as the process of causing change through the focusing of our natural powers. It is important to note that magic is natural. There is nothing supernatural about it. We use certain tools such as spells, visualization, chants, candles, amulets and meditation to help us focus our power, but the power comes from within -- it is not in the tools. Our ancestors knew how to use it effectively, but it is a largely forgotten art in modern times. What Wicca is Not Wicca is not a cult. A cult presupposes blind faith in a central figure whose every word is regarded as ultimate truth, and the utter conviction that no other way or philosophy will lead to this truth. You would be very hard pressed to find a Wiccan anywhere who would blindly follow anyone else. Wiccans are historically very independent people who seek truth from within through rituals, meditation, magic, study and communion with nature. Wiccans respect the right of everyone to worship in their own way. We do not feel that Wicca is the only way -- only that it is our way. Wicca is not synonymous with Satan worship. The very concept of a supreme evil spirit is alien to Wicca. In fact, most Wiccans do not even believe in Satan. The devil is a Judeo-Christian construct and as such, it has nothing to do with Wicca. The notion that witches worship Satan was propounded by the Roman Catholic Church as it made its way across Europe, in an effort to suppress the native earth-based religions prevalent at the time. They succeeded to the extent that they drove the practitioners of these religions underground where much of their knowledge and traditions were lost. Through the work of the Golden Dawn, as well as anthropological and archeological research, many of these traditions have been rediscovered and incorporated into Neo-Paganism, an umbrella term for most modern earth-based and shamanistic religions. Wicca does not include flying on brooms. Mostly, witches drive cars or ride bikes, although I have often wished for a flying broom when I'm caught in rush-hour traffic. My own little 15-year-old witch gets around on skates quite well, and although she sometimes seems to fly, she seldom gets more than an inch or two off the ground. There are many rituals which include brooms, however, and these may be the source of the flying-broomstick stories. In parts of Europe, some people run across their fields astride a broom to coax the grain to grow. They may also jump over a broom handle asking the grain to grow as high as their highest leap. It is also common for a ceremonial broom to be used to sweep away negative forces from any area one wishes to cleanse. Wicca is a celebration of the life-forces of nature as personified by the Goddess and her consort, the God. Wicca may includes the practice of magic which is defined as the process of causing change through the focusing of our natural powers. It is important to note that magic is natural. There is nothing supernatural about it. We use certain tools such as spells, visualization, chants, candles, amulets and meditation to help us focus our power, but the power comes from within -- it is not in the tools. Our ancestors knew how to use it effectively, but it is a largely forgotten art in modern times.
The time around December 21 or 22 is a very important day for our planet and its relationship with the sun. December 21 is one of two solstices, days when the rays of the sun directly strike one of the two tropical latitude lines. In 2006 at precisely 7:22 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on December 21 (00:22 UTC on December 22) winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere and summer begins in the Southern Hemisphere. The earth spins around its axis, an imaginary line going right through the planet between the north and south poles. The axis is tilted somewhat off the plane of the earth's revolution around the sun. The tilt of the axis is 23.5 degrees; thanks to this tilt, we enjoy the four seasons. For several months of the year, one half of the earth receives more direct rays of the sun than the other half. When the axis points away from the sun from December to March, the southern hemisphere enjoys the direct rays of the sun during their summer months. Alternatively, when the axis tilts towards the sun, as it does between June and September, it is summer in the northern hemisphere but winter in the southern hemisphere. December 21 is called the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and simultaneously the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. On June 21 the solstices are reversed and summer begins in the northern hemisphere. On December 21, there are 24 hours of daylight south of the Antarctic Circle (66.5° south of the equator) and 24 hours of darkness north of the Arctic Circle (66.5° north of the equator). The sun's rays are directly overhead along the Tropic of Capricorn (the latitude line at 23.5° south, passing through Brazil, South Africa, and Australia) on December 21. Without the tilt of the earth's axis, we would have no seasons. The sun's rays would be directly overhead of the equator all year long. Only a slight change would occur as the earth makes its slightly elliptical orbit around the sun. The earth is furthest from the sun about July 3; this point is known as the aphelion and the earth is 94,555,000 miles away from the sun. The perihelion takes place about January 4 when the earth is a mere 91,445,000 miles from the sun. When summer occurs in a hemisphere, it is due to that hemisphere receiving more direct rays of the sun than the opposite hemisphere where it is winter. In winter, the sun's energy hits the earth at oblique angles and is thus less concentrated. During spring and fall, the earth's axis is pointing sideways so both hemispheres have moderate weather and the rays of the sun are directly overhead the equator. Between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° latitude south) there really are no seasons as the sun is never very low in the sky so it stays warm and humid ("tropical") year-round. Only those people in the upper latitudes north and south of the tropics experience seasons.
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