Elements and directions are important in Pagan tradition and magickal practice. Each of these has specific attributes and is part of the Tarot and astrology.
According to Western European Pagan traditions, the four traditional elements correspond to the four directions. There are Native American tribes that also share this belief. Akasha, according to some practitioners, is the spiritual power of the universe and fifth element.
This element creates and destroys. It can't exist without demolishing something and transforming it into another form such as ashes, smoke, heat and light, therefore, it has to be controlled. Fire purifies, energizes, cleanses and is forceful. Its energy is projective, masculine, and the colors are red or white. Its powers are used for courage,
protection, energy, strength, creativity, increasing one's personal power and banishing
* Direction: South, Okaga Ska*, place of growth, rejuvenation and youth
* Elemental spirits: Salamanders and Firedrakes (fire breathing dragons)
* Archangel: Michael
* Season and time: Summer and noon
* Tarot suit: Wands or Swords (As with Air, there are two different interpretations, according to sources.)
* Astrological signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
* Totem: Thunderbird
* Spirit Keeper of the South: Shawnodese**, Coyote
* Keywords: Pita's*, Eternal Life
This is the densest of the elements and is the mother who sustains life. Its energy is receptive and feminine. The element's natures are fertility, grounding, stabilizing and nurturing. Its energy is used to attract prosperity, abundance, grounding, career and fertility. Its colors are green or red.
* Direction: North, Luta*, the place of renewal, wisdom and the grandparents
* Elemental spirits: Gnomes
* Archangel: Ariel also called Uriel
* Season and time: Winter and night
* Tarot suit: Pentacles
* Astrological signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
* Totem: Turtle
* Spirit Keeper of the North: Waboose**, Buffalo
* Keywords: Maka's*, renewal
This element is the power of movement, intelligence and refreshing. Movement sounds and flying are manifestations of Air. Energy is masculine and projective. Attributes are intelligence, travel, freedom, knowledge, recovering lost items and study which are used to attract these qualities. Its color is yellow.
* Direction: East, Gi*, the place of clarity
* Elemental spirits: Sylphs
* Archangel: Raphael
* Season and time: Spring and dawn
* Tarot suit: Air or Wands
* Astrological signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
* Totem: Butterfly
* Spirit Keeper of the East: Wabun**, Eagle
* Keywords: Niyan*, Life Force
Healing, cleansing, psychicism and loving are associated with this element. Energy is receptive and feminine. Water is used for purification, psychic growth, peace, love, friendships and dreams. Its colors are deep blue and black.
* Direction: West, Sapa*, place of meditation
* Elemental spirits: undines, nymphs and merfolks
* Archangel: Gabriel
* Season and time: Autumn and Dusk
* Tarot suit: Cups
* Astrological signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
* Totem: Frog
* Spirit Keeper of the West: Mudjekeewis**, Bear
* Keyword: Mini's*, creativity
The name is derived from the Sanskrit word "kash" which means to shine or radiate. It's also another word for Spirit, the omnipresent immutable source of all energy. It's the domain of promise, potential and paths to be traveled. The energy permeates the Universe, the primal source that creates and nourishes the elements. Colors are white, purple and black.
Akasha is transcendence. Elemental spirits are angels. Much else about this spiritual
element is, yet, unknown or undefined. While some other traditions recognize this element, Akashan Witchcraft is a new tradition.
* Lakota Sioux
** Chippewa

The Astrologer's Handbook, Frances Sakoian & Louis Acker, (Harper & Rowe, Publishers, 1973)
Celtic Magic, D. J. Conway, (Llewellyn Publications, 1994)
Earth, Air, Fire & Water, Scott Cunningham, (Llewellyn, 1995)
Enchantment of the Faerie Realm, Ted Andrews, (Llewellyn Publications, 1994)
The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards, Chief Archie Fire Lame Deer & Helen Sarkis,
(Destiny Books, 1994)
The Medicine Wheel, Sun Bear and Wabun, (A Fireside Book, 1992)