I'm on the outside looking in, at people laughing, joking and having fun. Why must I always be on the outside looking in?
I'm on the outside looking in, a mile wide gulf separates me from them. Tears fill my eyes, and all I see is I'm on the outside looking in.
I'm on the outside looking in, aching so badly to be in there happy and accepted for who I am, perhaps they would accept me. Only I'm on the outside looking in.
I'm on the outside looking in, hating them but yet I want to be their friend. Will they look my way? Will my pain ever end? Or will I stay on the outside looking in?
Will the day ever come where I will be one of them on the inside looking out? Lending a hand or helping others and just being a friend to those who are still on the outside looking in?
How I long to be on the inside looking out, it's cold, dark and lonely out here...will you let me in? Or will I still be on the outside looking in?
By: Lucky to be Irish
This poem was written about my sisters, family and I.