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56 Year Old · Male · From Waldorf, MD · Invited by: Rev Theory · Joined on August 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 1st
56 Year Old · Male · From Waldorf, MD · Invited by: Rev Theory · Joined on August 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 1st

What is up, party people? New here as you can tell. about me..........did anyone ask, will anyone care??

HOLY MONKEY I JUST TURNED 40! and everyone says life is short....it is THE longest thing i have ever done!!!!!

motorcycle enthusiast (read that as biker fanatic/freak who rides every second he can.) bigger air cooled V-twins are the preferred method of creating huge HP and pure sound heaven. living in southern maryland. responsible, hardworking man (read that as has a good job that allows a freewheeling lifestyle). i am an advanced open water, rescue certified diver. motorcycles and scuba diving....i like adventure and sense of pure freedom to do whatever i want.

yea, i can be the consummate gentleman or the hardcore asshole. just depends on the person and who turns my mood sour. normally just an all around fun person who enjoys breathing while doing this thing called life. and no one told me this career thing would get in the way of SO much of my time.

just hanging out wondering who is out there, local or otherwise. if anybody is in mechanicsville, waldorf, upper marlboro area and is itching for a ride or a decent road trip, let me know. or just hanging out shooting the shit, i can hold a good conversation.

be well, i will be me. 4 wheels moves the body, 2 wheels moves the soul!

56 Year Old · Male · From Waldorf, MD · Invited by: Rev Theory · Joined on August 18, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 1st

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