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Gypsy's blog: "Optimistic"

created on 05/30/2007  |  http://fubar.com/optimistic/b87092

Xmas Tales

Twas the night before Xmas and all through the house, everyone was pimping, even the mouse. When out on the lawn there arouse such a clatter. I sprang from my 'piece' to see what was the matter? What to my wondering eyes should appear? A big red Dick and eight fuckin reindeer! Up on the roof and down the chimney, like a bat out of hell. I knew right away, the fat fuck had fell! He stuffed our stockings with pretzels and beer. And a big rubber dick, for my brother, the queer. Back up the chimney with a thunderous fart! That FAT BASTARD, blew my chimney apart!! And I heard him exclaim, as he rode out of sight... "Piss on you all, it's been a hell of a night!" ~Unkown Author~

New Year New Shite!

I had a great time at the New Years Eve Party. I hope everyone else had a great time too? I got trashed! lmao..but not as bad as my sister lol. She was falling out every where! lol Ah, thats what its all about. Sharing fond memories and then laughing your arse off at them later! CHEERS*

New Calender Year

Just wanted to wish you all a Blessed New Calender Year! I hope everyone has a great time tomorrow night and please be safe! I'll be spending it with my sister and her husband, as it is their anniversary of 9yrs. They want me to preside over renewal of their vows, for their next anniversary. That will be a first for me. I also want to take a moment and thank everyone for their ratings and stopping by, just to say hello ;) See you all next year! lol ~May the Powers that Be, bless you and bless me~

Layouts for Fubar

I don't know how many of you out there know how to set up these layouts, but if you have any problems and/or looking for new ideas check out my girl, Liquiddreamscape. She is an incredible 'artist'. She'll be posting new layouts on skem9.com, soon. For those of you that don't know what skem9.com is, its a must see for any and all layouts. Enjoy! and... ~Cheers~

Personal Artwork

Just added some new drawings and would love to get some feed back on them. So, rate and comment away!!

~Blessed Summer Solstice~

Thanks to Karyn for providing the Pagan Lore, below.
Bald Eagle Day (United States) Mother of All Eagles Themes: Freedom, Perspective, Overcoming, Health, Power, Destiny, Air Element, Movement Symbols: Feathers (not Eagle - if you are not Native American and can prove it with a CDIB card, it's illegal. You can buy them at some Indian-owned stores) Eagle Mother glides into our reality and flies above all, giving us all-seeing vision over our circumstances. She represents healing to Native Americans and her feathers are often used by Shamans for this purpose. The Eagle is also the most spiritual bird for many tribes as She flies highest and closest to the Sun. She brings us to a place of joyfully accepting our personal power over destiny. Isn't she beautiful? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket From: 365 Goddess - A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the Goddess by Patricia Telesco, Harper-Collins, 1998, edited by Parthena Black. More great info in the book. ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Karyn Date: Jun 20, 2007 6:09 AM On this day, Pagans in parts of England celebrate the Day of Cerridwen in honor of the ancient Celtic goddess of fertility. Vervain (the herb most sacred to Cerridwen) is burned in small cauldron pots as an offering to the goddess, green ribbons are tied to trees, and green candles are lit on altars dedicated to her. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Entry for May 16, 2006 Drifting here, searching and screaming. Wandering through your plans and scheming. Time for an evaluation. Lost in thought and contemplaition. Interrupted, by your obsessive conversation. What gives you the right, to fill me with pain? My soul is crying, for a cleansing rain. Earth shattering, orgasmic strife. I'd cut it out, if you didn't hold the knife. Weaving chaos, from your velvet touch. Shattering hope, with a crimson crush. Wripping your fingers, across my breast. Kicking and stomping inside my chest. A child of corruption lay inside your vest. I'm not your redeemer! I can't save you from this rediculious fever. Your wrecked and ruined by your own confusion. You believe in this self, woven illusion! I'm ravaged by your raping conclusion. Don't put your damaged goods on me. I've suffered enough to live this free. No more, will I indulge, your devistating bate. You can fall and crawl at your own pathetic rate. I've become cold and numb with no end. All thanks to you, my wicked friend. You shadowed feind, with out a spark. You took my dreams, stolen, in the dark. What is to become of me? Why won't you go and let me be? I know I can salvage, whats left behind! If you'd just relinquish, my life and mind. Give me the closier, I so desire! Take with you, this all consuming fire. I long to walk, with my head intact. Without this baggage and their deep impact. Until these things, come to fruision. I'm left with nothing, but this mass delusion. Being left to comtinplait. Waiting for, my own hidden fate. Gypsy
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