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Kloey's blog: "Operation: Hooah!"

created on 11/30/2006  |  http://fubar.com/operation-hooah/b29952

Ways to get started...

Want to lose weight and become fit and healthy? You do? Well, the first step to taking control is to become educated! Consult your doctor, read books, speak to a fitness instructor... A few basic steps to get you started are as follows: 1)Walk. If you're cleaning the house and you have a bit of extra time, make five trips instead of gathering everything at once. Bundle up and go out or if it's too cold, go visit a mall and use it as an indoor walking track. Every extra step you take will add up and help! 2)Hydrate! I cannot stress to you the importance of drinking water and keeping your body properly hydrated. Your skin tone will improve. You'll feel better. It'll cut down on false hunger (you think you're hungry, but you're simply thirsty). It'll help your liver function better. It'll flush toxins and whatnot from your body... 3)Add a little bounce! If you have to vacuum, turn on Aerosmith's Dude(Looks Like a Lady) and go to work Mrs. Doubtfire style. Dance around in your pjs. Walk briskly and/or swing your arms while walking. 4)Incorporate your friends/family. Plan activities that'll keep you moving from place to place while spending quality time with everyone. Go biking together. Swimming is great. Hiking is fun, as well! 5)Strength train! Strength training will not only help you burn more calories throughout the day, it'll also transform your body. Lean muscle may weigh more, but it takes up less space than fat. If you don't have any dumbbells or resistance bands (I firmly recommend a resistance band...it's very versatile :-p ), you can use things around your house. A twelve ounce can of corn weighs one pound. You can curl cans of corn...lol. I know it sounds silly, but it'll work in a pinch. 6)Sleep. You'd never believe how greatly sleep factors into your ability to lose weight and whatnot. It, however, does indeed play a huge role. Resting properly will allow your body to better handle its business! You'll feel better, look better, and be better able to cope! 7)Eat. It's crazy how often people forget proper nutrition. Like tuna? Trade in your crackers/bread for a dark green leaf of romaine lettuce. Top it with banana peppers, diced tomatoes and onions and voila! A fabulous tuna wrap is yours! If you don't give your body enough fuel, you'll go into ketosis. Ketosis is the state in which your body begins to metabolize your extra fat. It's important to remember that ketosis is basically the last step before starvation and should not be considered as a quick and permanent "fix". If you think your body is in ketosis at any point, consult your doctor and go from there. Whatever else you do, don't wait! If you mess up one day, don't give up. Do an extra thirty minutes of cardio or strength training and keep on trucking.

It can be done!

Okay, People. Wanted to share something with you all. I'm going to briefly tell you about one man's journey to become fit and healthy. At the tender age of twenty-six, Dustin was unable to walk more than few paces without being entirely out of breath. Taking those few steps would make his back and legs ache. You see, over the years, his muscles had atrophied... Dustin's wake up call came in the form of scales. Not your everyday scales, mind you. We're talking scales that are used to weigh semi trucks at weigh stations and truck stops. Four hundred and seventy-five is a hard number to swallow. Looking at the slip of paper with that damning number printed on it, Dustin knew he had to do something. He started off extremely slowly. He could barely walk. th_00558_1_122_51lo.jpgth_00560_2CABDJ1KI_122_86lo.jpgth_00562_blog1_122_64lo.jpg He's at two hundred and eighty now. That leaves him eighty pounds to lose. That's one hundred and ninety-five pounds since October 25, 2005. To all of you who have given up, don't. Get up and go again! It can be done!

New Toys.

Well, my jump rope finally gave up the ghost and died. I had to purchase a new jump rope, but I don't mind overly, as this new jump rope is simply perfect for my height. I even purchased a new stability ball, but I chose a 65 cm ball rather than the 45 cm ball to make the workouts more challenging. My various muscles are feeling the stability ball, the new and improved jump rope, and the belly dance. Salsa, too.

The world is not enough...

As my first act in the year of our Lord two thousand and seven, I managed to take a breath or two. Well, I may have blinked first. Let's call it a draw and move on. After doing a great deal of nothing other than thinking and doing a spot of reading, I decided to call it a night around a quarter til two this morning. Imagine my ire (yes, I considered bashing my head against the wall) when my eyeballs popped open around four this morning, refusing to shut, yet not quite managing to take in the world. Being the stubborn chit I am, I decided that if I just snuggled beneath my blankets, I'd drift back into a peaceful slumber. My supposition was incorrect. I slammed my lids shut only to find that those treasonous bits of flesh had very different ideas about closing up shop. The thundering sound of my lashes slapping against my cheeks apparently informed my nephew that it was time to wake up and play; loudly and more than a bit animatedly, mind you. Dragging my body from the warm cocoon of my bed, I found myself catching a toddler as he hurtled, full speed, into my unprepared arms. Peals of childish glee erupted from this tiny bundle of energy using my body as something that must be climbed and conquered. In any event, I ended up running around, alternately chasing and being chased, until roughly eight thirty this morning. I figured I wasn't going to get any sleep so I popped in my Turbo Jam dvd for a fabulous hour of cardio. Meant to get around to doing my strength training, but I became rather lazy. I've decided to do my strength training during Caden's nap.

Twisted Ramblings.

So, I've been sick with this garbage since Thanksgiving, but thankfully, I'm on the mend. My doctors are happy with the results thus far, which is good. The bad news? I let my exercise slide during this time. Last week or so, I became so motivated that I slipped my gym shorts on! Oh, yeah! I was proud of myself. The day after that, I was so motivated by the fact that I'd slipped into my gym shorts the day before that I slipped on my gym shorts and actually exercised. I did a spot of cardio and a wee bit of strength training. Don't worry. I didn't go all out. I did a piddlin' ten miles at a very leisurely pace and some rowing and the like. Something like thirty miles per hour, so you can see I didn't jump into it. I feel it's important to gradually ease yourself into something of that nature after time off and especially if you're brand new! Anyway, on to my strength training. I like to use body weight exercises, but I really and truly hate push-ups. Don't ask me why. It's really not hard, but I just don't like it. I have, however, found a way around that little bit of hate. I simply recognize the fact that I hate the concept of a weak body more so than I hate push-ups. It's give and take, you see. If I give up on push-ups and every little bit of exercise that doesn't make me jump with joy (I wonder if jumping for joy counts, too? :-p ), I have to take a weak body and that's just not cool. I also add various exercises which I enjoy, such as using my resistance bands, crunches and standing abductions to keep things from being too icky. Oh, and I simply must confess that I heart hitting muscle fatigue. Okay. I'm going to stop rambling for a few. The Hooah of the story? I'm back!
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us About the new group icon, that my friends, is courtesy of James P. and one Mr. Pat Lee (the photographer). Back in 2003, James was Mr. Gainesville, which is a small city here in the wilds of Florida. (Just as a side note, I was born in Gainesville... :-p ) Anyway, I stumbled across James some time back and I was thoroughly inspired by that particular photograph. After having started this group, I wrote to James, asking for permission to use the photo, as a means of inspiration and motivation for you ladies. I figure if it can inspire me, it can do the same for you . James wrote back, after having conferred with Pat, and granted permission with the stipulation that it not be used for commercial gain.

More Random Notes.

I jammed today to the point of muscle fatigue and I'm feelin' quite sassy! I can truly say that TJ is Hooah! It has helped me to tone my bottom and thighs in the short time that I've been doing it! It's truly amazing! ------------------------------------ So, life has been a wee bit hectic lately, but honestly, when isn't it? Sometimes, I feel like life will get the best of me, but then I start thinking about the best of me. There's a great deal of good in the worst of you and I, you know. I guess that sounds quite immodest, but you know, it isn't often that I remember to give myself the kindness that I dole out to others. Really, when I think about it, I should be just as kind and encouraging to myself as I am to others. If I treat myself poorly, who's to say that one day, my poor treatment will not spill over into another aspect of my life? What if I become so comfortable with being down on myself that I decide it's okay to knock someone else down, so to speak? It's not something I'm willing to entertain and so, I've decided to treat myself to the kindness normally reserved for Jack and Jill. My Hooah thought of the day: Not only did I wake up this morning and jam, I did so with an intensity that would rival that of any hardcore drill sergeant! -------------------------- "What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists...and it becomes available only when you are in that state of mind in which you know EXACTLY what you want...and are fully determined not to quit until you get it." -Henry Ward Beecher ----------------------- Something happened Monday night and since then, I have felt particularly disgusted with myself. One of our family friends came over for dinner and a movie. After dinner, I decided to pop in Turbo Jam. After I showered and dressed, Robert (the family friend) started rubbing my back. I didn't think anything of it, as I've always viewed Robert in a friendly light. He started grabbing me and even managed to get his hand in the back of my panties, which made me incredibly mad. I knocked the stuff out of him and then he had the audacity to try to kiss me. He slobbered all over my cheek. I cannot decide if I feel angry, disgusted, or disappointed. The hooah of the story? I kicked him out of my home.

Note to Self.

As I was going through these papers, I found a note that I had written to myself quite some time ago. I thought I'd share it with you. Sarah Leigh, It basically comes down to the following: you either get busy living or you get busy dying. It's up to you. You have to make the choices that govern your personal life. You are what you make of yourself. You are a product of yourself and your choices. You must choose to make it. You must make it for yourself. After having found the undeniable proof of my own knowledge (knowledge breeds responsibility, folks), I posted that lovely pink sheet on my wall. I've read it many times today. Each time, my responsibility strikes me. You see, I'm creating my environment. Not only have I plastered my walls, but I have also ripped apart my pantry, removing certain items. I have visual reminders, such as pictures of loved ones and my paperclip chain (for every pound I lose, I add a clip). Again, I'm creating my environment. For me, structure has been a hard race to run. I don't exactly get support at home. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that some members of my family and friends subconsciously sabotage my efforts. So, in an effort to combat that, I have started clinging to structure and the support offered by all my lovelies. I've also started a 'regimen', of sorts, with my younger brother, who happens to be an infantryman. The great thing about having an infantryman on my side is that he focuses on discipline and applied knowledge, rather than dwelling on the negative bits or discouraging me in any way. Joyce, strangely enough, I think you know exactly what I mean. I am so proud of you for having started your own journey to health! You are an inspiration in the fact that you realize who you are and what you need to do to become who you want to be. If you ever need a friend or whatnot, you can find me at eventhisisunavailablenow on yahoo. Even if I don't appear online, message me and I'll get back to you! Hey, Tucker! That is awesome! I am so proud of your accomplishments! As I extended the offer to Joyce, I extend it to you; if you need a friend, I'm available! I can't wait to hear all about the future success you two will definitely have!


Here's a bit of fluff I use: Be F.I.T.T. To be "F.I.T. to a T," use the following guidlines: Frequency - every day. Intensity - you should feel slightly short of breath (no gasping). Time - 30 to 60 minutes. Type of exercise - whatever you enjoy that will give you an aerobic workout (walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, low-impact aerobics routines). The best time to exercise is before a meal. Exercise should become as much a habit as eating or sleeping - which is why you have to enjoy it. Stretch it out Why stretch? Stretching increases your range of motion and helps prevent injuries. It makes you more flexible, which makes you more coordinated. Stretching tips Don't stretch too far and don't bounce. Stretch slowly, then hold it in a comfortable position. Exhale as you stretch; breathe slowly and naturally. It's best to stretch after a workout when muscles are "warm."

Motivational Quotes

Here are some quotes and whatnot that I have found to be particularly inspiring and motivational. "I thought: If I was lucky enough to live, I'd change, myself-I realized I could have a new life-new energy, new endurance, and feel better about myself." Larry King (After his 1987 heart attack) "Success is easy to find. It's 'down the street' from Discipline and 'around the corner' from Consistency." "If you will discipline yourself to make your mind self-sufficient you will thereby be least vulnerable to injury from the outside." Critias of Athen People create their own success by learning what they need to learn and then by practicing it until they become proficient at it. Brian Tracy "Nothing of importance is ever achieved without discipline. I feel myself sometimes not wholly in sympathy with some modern educational theorists, because I think that they underestimate the part that discipline plays. But the discipline you have in your life should be one determined by your own desires and your own needs, not put upon you by society or authority." Bertrand Russell We can have more than we've got because we can become more than we are. Jim Rohn "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Helen Keller "The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side." Margaret Carty "Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek." Mario Andretti The most practical, beautiful, workable philosophy in the world won't work - if you won't. Zig Ziglar "A stumble may prevent a fall." English Proverb "I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death." Thomas Paine "Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used." Richard E. Byrd "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings as eagles; They shall run, and not be weary; and They shall walk, and not faint." [Isaiah 40:31] Bible
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