i was reading a blog by someone who described his excursion with online into reality,and while i posted a lengthy reply to it,i felt the need to go one step further..
while he learned it the hard way,as long as he learned from it it wasnt a total loss,and from reading it it seems he has come to realize that while online is good it is totally different than reality..
i personally dont believe in online Collaring.where neither have met or only hav met real time a few times...usually when people meet for the first time or 2 they are always putting their good foot out front(means putting on their best show to impress the other.).while we meet plenty of slaves/sub online when we meet them and get to know them only a 1/3 of them are who they say.
while online will get you their names,and their supposed likes n dislikes and what not,you always have to take that with a grain of salt.
online players as i call them find this lifestyle as fun and exciteing yet they hav no clue to what it really involves..while yes it is fun and exhilerateing there is alot of learning,patience,guiding,etc thats goes before the fun..
when we go to the dungeons there are many that i would love to play with but w/o knowing them the type of play i like is not condusive to either w/o knowing them personally..this requires the skills to be able to ask the rght questions and really listen to the answers given.there are many that will agree to anything just to get to play/scene...paying close attention to them while sceneing is very importanat(the body,movement,noises,everything)..
these are things you cant learn online and the list can go on and on ...the bottom line is online only gets you in the front door hopefully
the rest needs to be learned hands on by practice and watching others with the skills you are looking to use.
when we go i always watch others work their magic,its not just about what i can do its about eveyone and how they react to different things than i store this for future references.while there is little we havent tried the variations will always be neverending and as such has vastly different reactions.
Master Curios(SadisticDesires)