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WTF People...

OK, here's my latest adventure here on CherryTap. To start out it goes like this... When I browse profiles and see someone I might like to rate in a positive way and even get to know I do 2 things. I rate them a 10 and I Fan them. It kind of gives them notice they caught my eye and I can find them again from my Fan list. I don't ask them to come leave me votes or anything. So I don't see anything unfair about that ok? So this person (Click below) is one I did that with. Next thing I know I get the following e-mail. http://www.cherrytap.com/viewimage.php?u=47207&albumid=239647&i=3068522688# Hey hun...wanna do me a favor? Click on that link and leave me tons of comments on that photo. It's for a contest... You're a doll...thanks hun! *mwah* So needless to say I am a bit stunned thinking... you don't even say Hi and think I have no life but to leave TONS of comments for her contest. Gee.. Sorry. So I clicked REPLY and sent this e-mail back. Kind of Funny that you ask me to spend time comment bombing you for a contest and you don't even think of dropping a few 10's my way to thank me. Or even message me to talk a lil first. So not more than 15 minutes later I get this reply from her. wow...that's kind of rude. You just added me...I haven't had the time to really rate anything....but you have no problem being my fan without even talking to me. Sorry...I'm not into rude people. So again I am stunned but laughing. I went to leave her a comment but now she's totally blocked me. Talk about a total Whinning Lil Child. Shouldn't children like this finally be stopped from being on here? Ok, I'm done now... lmfao h00kerh0micide
Hey All... Well I have done this before and it's time again. I got up this morning and after logging in and really taking a look at My Friends List I thought... WTF??? When I joined CherryTAP it was to make friends and have some laughs. I didn't and don't care about ratings and popularity. I am who I am and happy with me. So I have all these friends that for the most part... I never talk to and they don't talk to me. It's nothing personal just simply we didn't click or something like that. I see no reason to bog down my friend list. I am deleting those I think I need to delete. I thank all of you for your time and friendship. I will do my best to keep my true friends on here. You might still find yourself as being Fanned by me though. Hope you all understand and have an awesome day, God Bless, Eragon1021 3011749760.jpg
OK... it's Friday morning and I feel like stirring up some trouble. If you have read the news about... An Air Force staff sergeant who posed nude for Playboy magazine has been relieved of her duties while the military investigates, officials said. Then here is a posting I put on the AOL MESSAGE BOARDS that I want to share. Someone please pinch me cause I must be dreaming. I am reading over and over about how wrong this is and I am in shock. I am not saying I approve of her actions but what I am saying is who are we to judge her? We are a country that views nudity as a sin... Ha. Adam and Eve spent most of their time naked. European countries treat nudity as an everyday thing and have no major social or moral issues. America... sheesh, lose the burlap panties and lighten up. You talk about Standards and Morals? We have George Bush starting wars and sending our troops to their deaths for his own personal reasons. Bill Clinton was caught involved in a sex scandal worse than this woman showing her body and he wasn't relieved of his duties. The military has scandal after scandal over abuse to enemies and to gay service men and women. We have drugs, homeless, poor education and employment standards and all you can do is waste time whinning over this. If the bleeding hearts and moral conscience spent as much effort on the serious issues America wouldn't be the joke of the free world. And I bet if I wanted to research it more I could go on and on. The worst part is... I'll bet better than 90% of the crackpots on here that have screamed NO IT'S TERRIBLY WRONG, have more skeletons in their closets than this woman. Everyone has a right to an opinion I won't deny that. I will say unless you are living a spot free life you don't have the right to comment. When did God hand over the world to you people and give you the right to judge? Our service men and women put their lives on the line everyday. They do it without haste even if they disagree with it. So right or wrong until you can show me the rest of America living the spotless, sinless life... back off and tend to your own business. Ass I said... everyone is entitled to an opinion. And you know what they say about opinions... they are like A$$HOLES everyone has one just some are bigger than others. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND OUR BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN OF THE MILITARY. We should be thanking them not screwing them.
A single woman with a young daughter decided to join an online dating site. Being all new to the internet and the online dating scene she followed her heart when creating her account. She never dreamed that there could be any harm or danger and these sites must screen their members. She was totally honest with what she wrote about herself. She listed her true city she lived in, the job she held, and even children and pets she had. Then came the picture part of her ad. She picked a picture of herself that was most current. Deciding she wanted to continue being honest she proudly added a picture of herself and her 6 yr old daughter and the family dog. Once she had her ad all set she went ahead and posted it. Barely 2 weeks later she had this very handsome, professional man e-mailing her. She was amazed at how kind he was and truly thought he was the man for her. He stated though that he was over 500 miles away from her but was still interested. To her credit though he was so perfect she was still cautious after several friends told her to be careful. First he wanted to talk to her on the phone and asked for her number. Now they had only been talking about a week so she explained she needed a little more time. He agreed but still occassionally tried to persuade her. Within a week more he said he was feeling a lot toward her and wanted to come see her. Again she declined asking him to be patient. She told him she really liked him but wanted to give it some time. He was less understanding this time and made some comments that made her feel uneasy. Well after a month's time she realized he wasn't all he said he was. She started avoiding him and not reply to his e-mails. He got pissed and showed it in the subject line of e-mails because she started just deleting them. She was really scared and finally decided to delete her ad form the dating site. Things were quiet for about a week or so. Then one day she opened her personal mail and saw an e-mail with the subject line. "You think you can hide?" She had saved up all the e-mails and such when he started getting crazy and she told a friend about it. They decided on Monday they would talk to her lawyer and the police. (This was on a Friday night.) That evening she took her daughter to the movies with another woman and her daughter. While at the mall she noticed a man at the coffee stand. When the man turned to walk away pure fear raced through her. It was him, or was it? How could it be he said he lived 500 miles away? She tried to turn away and hurry into the theater but it was too late he saw her. He glared at her insanely but as she turned to her friend to tell her he vanished. Shaken but still not sure and not wanting to dissapoint her daughter they went to the movie. They got out when it finished, no sign of him. Maybe she just thought it was him. They drove home with nothing strange happening and went to bed. During the night the dog awoke and wanted to go outside. Not thinking about it and knowing the dog had done this before she let him out. She waited and waited but he never came back. She was in panic and called her friend. She told her friend about the mall and they called the police. With all the info and a picture of the guy the police started checking into it. The next morning the woman got an e-mail again from him. She opened it and he simply said... "How easy it was to get your dog... your daughter will be even easier." Now imagine the terror she felt. Again calling her friend and the police with this new information. Turns out he was a registered sex offender. Fortunately enough he wasn't an intellegent one. They were able to trace back his e-mail ip address and find out who he had internet service through and then where he lived. Within 2 days he was in jail. Thankfully he never harmed the dog. The man ended up going back to jail for kidnapping the dog, harrasement, and a few other things they could throw at him. What the woman learned was how easily someone can be someone totally different than what they say they are online. She learned that stretching the truth about things like location, job and family until you really know someone isn't lying it's just plain smart. She knows now that life is hard enough on our children and that she doesn't need to make it harder. Six months later with the help of her friend she tried the internet again. I'm proud to say that with a new approach and using safe measures she did meet a wonderful guy. They took it slow, used public places to meet and with friends, and after a year relationship got engaged and married. So there basically can be happiness and sincere people online... but there are even more freaks, predators, and dangers than we realize. So please think before you shre your life on the internet... it's only common sense. Well, hope I didn't freak you out. That basically is the story in the letter form that our local police dept shared with our community. It happend almost 5 yrs ago but plenty of us remember and share it with others in hopes of keeping more people safe. It's not that you should curl up and hide... just we want people to think safe and make safe choices.

Got Chalk & Imagination?

Date: Mar 16, 2006 12:11 PM

More chalk drawings from Julian Beever. Scroll down slowly and stop at each new frame. Julian Beever is an English artist who's famous for his art on the pavement of England, France, Germany, USA,

Australia and Belgium . Beever gives to his drawings an amazing 3D illusion.

People are actually avoiding walking in the "hole"

Which is the real guy &which beer is real?

The image below has been taken from a wrong angle:

Remember, both his feet in reality are flat on the pavement

Politicians Meeting Their End

This drawing of a Rescue was to be viewed using an inverting mirror

girl on a beach mat.

Make Poverty History drawing from the side(40 ft long)

Spiderman to the rescue

Batman and Robin to the rescue(SO COOL)

Comment Bombing Contests

OK... I have to speak out on this once and for all. What is it with these Comment Bombing Contests? I have no problem with all the little contests of popularity on here. Though I frankly don't care if I am popular or not. As long as I am me that's all that maters. Let's think about the Comment Bombing Method for a minute... It doesn't truly prove anything. All it takes is one Friend or Fan with absolutely nothing better to do all day and you're bound to win. You can vote for yourself... yeah that's real fair. The person running the contest... haha... HELLO EVERYONE... think about it, they can delete comments since it's their page and their contest. I could probably go on but I won't. I just had to speak my mind and I did. I really think th fairest way to run a contest is not based on Rating or # of Comments. Simply decide it bsaed on the # of votes. Even if someone had no class and voted a 1 it would still be a positive vote for that person. I think if people knew a vote of any number was a good vote for that person you wouldn't see such degrading ratings. Well that's all I have to say about that... Thanks for reading and have a great day, Eragon1021
Dec. 13, 2006 Good Morning All, After having browsed hundreds of profiles, chatted with many, made friends with some, I have noticed something. A lot of people have Personalized Pics or Sayings they leave in comments to friends. Now we all know there is some awesome tags out there that can be used.The only problem is they are so generic and lack originality. With the help of a few of my friends here I have learned how to Personalize Pics and Comments. So now I want ot as they say Pay It Forward. If anyone would like a pic or a comment done I will be glad to do it. Yeah I bet you are sitting there wondering why right? Well it's like this... I do it simply because it's fun, I love being creative, and what nice gift to share with friends. I don't charge for doing it so it's not like I am making a living off it. All I do ask is that you allow me to display it for a little while. So why not join the rest of those with special pics? If you would like one done just contact me and let me know. It can be a pic of your choice or I can pick it. Also just let me know how you want it personalized. Let's just have some fun and dazzle each other on CherryTap. Any questions feel free to ask, Have a great day, Eragon1021

13 CherryTap Rules

Disclaimer... Don't get your panties in a bunch over these rules. Yes they are a variation of the well known MySpace Rules. I did not create them but I did modify them to my feelings. They are not meant to judge, insult, or harm anyone. What I hope will happen is people will read them, sit back, and say, "Holy Shit there are people that act like that. Damn even I do sometimes... lol." In all honesty... if you can't laugh at yourself and take things lightly online then you shouldn't be here. So on to the rules and as my favorite WWE Wrestlers Degeneration X would say... "If you're not down with that then I got two words for you... SUCK IT." 13 CherryTap Rules Oct 31st, 2006 ONE If you're ugly, stop acting like you don't know it. Also cover yourself up no one wants to see your shit. The captions under your picture that say "top model pose" "sexy bitch" "aren't i hot" doesn't convince anyone. TWO To the people who have like 25,000 friends, are you serious? Nobody in this universe can keep up with that many friends. You're stupid. Go play in traffic. THREE Don't ever post pictures and say "OMG, I'm so ugly" "OMG, I'm so fat" because if you were, you wouldn't post them. You're pathetic, stop begging for attention. FOUR Nobody cares about threats over the internet. Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard. Fighting online is like racing in the special olympics... even if you win, you're still retarded. FIVE Making 20 bulletins a day about how you have new pictures and begging people to comment on them is pathetic. Make the bulletin once if you have to, and those who actually care about you will comment on your pics. SIX If all your pictures look the same, don't post them all. Please put some variety in your pics. Nobody wants to see your face 8 different ways. SEVEN Who really cares if I don't accept you as a friend? MOVE ON!!! Don't send me another request or message asking "what's up with you not adding me?" I don't want you as a friend; that's what's up! EIGHT Little 6th graders who have CherryTap and look like sluts, go somewhere else because nobody wants you here. Go play with the children on MySpace. NINE I never judge race, sex, or age... but please if you aren't at least 21 don't bother trying to add me or e-mail me. I'm probably as old as your Parents already. Ten (Sorry this is my biggest Bitch) Collecting Votes... gimme a break. I know this site is all about points and reaching higher levels. That's cool and it's fun, but keep it fun. Don't go around soliciting my vote. I don't give a shit about your vote if you're going to try to make me feel guilty for getting it. I did this for me and me alone. So don't tell me you voted for me and would I return the favor. Trust me I won't, but if I did I wouldn't tell you anyway. Don't be shocked if I suddenly start giving you a ton of points. It's probably because I felt we have something in common or you are one of the few people on here who are intelligent enough to just be yourself and be real. ELEVEN If you have decided to read this, you are a REAL "CherryTap" Friend. Real friends read their bulletins. Real friends won't be offended by this and will probably be laughing and agreeing. TWELVE My challenge to you... I say you go and pass this on and maybe it will finally get through people's brains (if they have them). So feel free to copy and paste it as a blog or bulletin on your site. THIRTEEN And if you open a bulletin and it says something like "repost this in 10 seconds or a ghost will rape your dog tonight, " IT'S NOT REAL!!!!!!!!! QUIT BEING AN IDIOT !!!!!!!! AND PLEASE DON'T FORWARD THE SHIT TO ME!!!!!

13 CherryTap Rules

13 CherryTap Rules Oct 31st, 2006 ONE If you're ugly, stop acting like you don't know it. Also cover yourself up no one wants to see your shit. The captions under your picture that say "top model pose" "sexy bitch" "aren't i hot" doesn't convince anyone. TWO To the people who have like 25,000 friends, are you serious? Nobody in this universe can keep up with that many friends. You're stupid. Go play in traffic. THREE Don't ever post pictures and say "OMG, I'm so ugly" "OMG, I'm so fat" because if you were, you wouldn't post them. You're pathetic, stop begging for attention. FOUR Nobody cares about threats over the internet. Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard. Fighting online is like racing in the special olympics... even if you win, you're still retarded. FIVE Making 20 bulletins a day about how you have new pictures and begging people to comment on them is pathetic. Make the bulletin once if you have to, and those who actually care about you will comment on your pics. SIX If all your pictures look the same, don't post them all. Please put some variety in your pics. Nobody wants to see your face 8 different ways. SEVEN Who really cares if I don't accept you as a friend? MOVE ON!!! Don't send me another request or message asking "what's up with you not adding me?" I don't want you as a friend; that's what's up! EIGHT Little 6th graders who have CherryTap and look like sluts, go somewhere else because nobody wants you here. Go play with the children on MySpace. NINE I never judge race, sex, or age... but please if you aren't at least 21 don't bother trying to add me or e-mail me. I'm probably as old as your Parents already. Ten (Sorry this is my biggest Bitch) Collecting Votes... gimme a break. I know this site is all about points and reaching higher levels. That's cool and it's fun, but keep it fun. Don't go around soliciting my vote. I don't give a shit about your vote if you're going to try to make me feel guilty for getting it. I did this for me and me alone. So don't tell me you voted for me and would I return the favor. Trust me I won't, but if I did I wouldn't tell you anyway. Don't be shocked if I suddenly start giving you a ton of points. It's probably because I felt we have something in common or you are one of the few people on here who are intelligent enough to just be yourself and be real. ELEVEN If you have decided to read this, you are a REAL "CherryTap" Friend. Real friends read their bulletins. Real friends won't be offended by this and will probably be laughing and agreeing. TWELVE My challenge to you... I say you go and pass this on and maybe it will finally get through people's brains (if they have them). So feel free to copy and paste it as a blog or bulletin on your site. THIRTEEN And if you open a bulletin and it says something like "repost this in 10 seconds or a ghost will rape your dog tonight, " IT'S NOT REAL!!!!!!!!! QUIT BEING AN IDIOT !!!!!!!! AND PLEASE DON'T FORWARD THE SHIT TO ME!!!!!
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