Love is a powerful Aphrodisiac.It's intoxicating and invigorating.Love is palpable.In it's purest form Love is beautiful.Love demands attention and with that eventually comes touch,taste,scent and a kiss that makes the world around you fade away into nothingness.Love can change one's perspective on many things.I hunger for that which can not be seen and so I've ask myself what is it called? The answer was right in front of me the entire time.It's called Love.She who walks into my life ever so elegantly and whose mysterious beautiful smile makes my heart beat a hundred miles per hour.We play the game called Love and I willingly go in ready to open my heart to her with no regrets.
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This is a group of three very different friends united in protecting the world from evil monsters and supervillians.One's a hybrid tiger,another a superhuman and the third one is an immortal but together they are earths last hope against the forces of darkness.
Linda was quite lonely
On the day of love.
No one cared how well she fared
Or which way she might move.
No one thought her lovely
Or dreamed of her caress,
Or so she thought until she bought
A sexy dark red dress.
That dress had seemed a failure,
Though she had lost some weight.
Some men stared, but no one cared
Enough to make a date.
Her calendar was empty,
As empty as her heart,
When in this hell she heard the bell
And jumped up with a start.
Could it be? Oh, could it?
Here was her salvation!
To her joy a delivery boy
Was holding a carnation.
"Carnation-Gram," the boy said,
And handed her the box.
Who was it from? Perhaps someone
Who thought she was a fox.
All Linda's sadness vanished
As if it never were.
That little flower had the power
To set her heart astir!
And so when Johnny called her
In a little while,
She was primed in heart and mind
To greet him with a smile.
So please remember Linda
When starting a relation:
Her mood reversed when she got first
A single, cheap carnation!
There was a full moon out above Tokyo Japan and there was a growing tension in the air within the car that I sat in with the four armed gun men.The driver was taking me into one of the most crime ridden area in the city.The part of the city where the Yukuza had the most influence.The cars stopped near an old power plant factory that was long shutdown.Outside the car window I saw a middle aged man with a large slash scar across his face walking towards the car.The wound was a downward slash which traveled over his nose nearly touching his lip.It obviously was either a battle scar of some kind.One of the men in the car jabbed his gun against the side of my ribs which I did'nt even notice intill his partner shouted for me to get out of the car.Amaya was unharmed.When she saw the older man in the gray suit walk up to her Amaya tried to back away from him but the other men near her would have none of that."Damien?You're..You..I saw you die!Don't touch me!"Amaya struggled and fought but it was useless against two men holding both her arms down.The man named Damien smiled at Amaya before placing his hands underneath her chin."My dear and beautiful woman as you can see I am quite alive and well.Did you actually believe that a mine explosion could keep me down? I have traveled the world long and far for you.The knowlege and power that I hold can also be yours as well.That is if you are willing to join the journey with me.Though I suggest that you choose wisely because your fathers life does hang in the balance."Damien said in a casual tone as if he was discussing business with a couple of his closest friends.At the mention of her father I quickly scanned the factory with my X-ray vision but to my dismay I could only make out a couple of people within the building in certain parts of the place the other parts were covered in lead.Great the one thing that I could'nt see through was lead.It did'nt matter I had to get Damien to focus his attention on me and away from Amaya."Why don't you just let us go?!" I shouted out at the man.He looked in my direction with a look of curiousity and disgust for interrupting him."Now whom do we have here?"Moving with the movements of a serpent the Damien seem to glide towards me."My name is Clark Kent and I am.."before I could utter any other word Damien had grabbed me by my throat with incredible strength and power close to my own that I struggled to breath.I could'nt breath as his vice like grip tightened around my throat.His pupils were liquid black."Pathetic human flesh.Would'nt you agree Amaya?"Without waiting for an answer he released his hold from my throat.I rubbed my throat as I stared at the man with anger."Take her inside for the ceremony and deal with our reporter friend here."I watched as Amaya looked back at me helplessly as she was being dragged towards the factory before the men pushed me back into the car."You don't have to do this."I said trying to reason with them to no avail.They stopped the car near an alley and that's when I chose to make my move.It was now or never and this was the best chance for me to make my escape as Clark Kent while keeping my secret identity.Without any hesitation I kicked the side door open.Not allowing the men to stop me I used a minimal amount of my strength knocking out the two men in the back seat with a nonlethal blow that I learned from Bruce.I caught them both off guard in the temple with my palm.It took alot of concentration just to hit them with right amount of force.If I miscalculated the force of my blow even a little the results would have been devastating.I ran away from the car and the two other men gave chase but it did'nt matter anymore.Thanks to the dark shadows in the allow I was able to go airborne without being seen and make my change.I glided down in front of the two men as they headed back to their car.They both drew out their side firearms and pointed them at me."I would'nt try that if I were you."I tried to warn them.I heard the safety lock being taken off then the bullets started to fly.Time around me slowed down to a crawl while I snatched the bullets out of the air and took away the guns.Some criminals just never learn that crime does'nt pay.
Let's go out and have some fun.
It doesn't matter where or when,
Or what we say or what we do,
As long as it's just me and you.
Let's be together for a while
And get to know each other well,
Exchanging jokes and tales and chatter
Before we get to things that matter.
Let's see what happens when we dance
Across an evening sky, and glimpse
Below the stirrings of a sea
That might--or not--wind-haunted be.
You have an angel's face, a loving heart,
A peaceful, sunlit smile that lasts forever.
You are the whole, of which I am a part,
Not fully me unless we are together.
I know there is a world beyond our love
In which such thoughts are merely poetry.
But thinking of you now, I can't remove
The glow that shines on you from inside me.
How happy, happy life is when some tender
Feeling like a candle lights one's eyes.
For all my life you'll be my heart's true center,
Striding like a sun across my skies.