How ironic,,,my first blog may be my only.
Yeah,,you heard me right. It maybe time to move on. When I signed up for CT,nothing could have prepared me for what was yet to come. Now don't get me wrong, I have made some awesome friends on here and that's a reason there is doubt I'll go through with this,,then again,,nothing is for sure. Maybe blowing off steam is just what I need and I'll be ok.
I have enough R/L drama going on right now to last the rest of my life if nothing else were to ever happen again. When I first got on CT, it was my escape,my release. Now,,there's almost as much drama on here as R/L.. WHO THE FUCK NEEDS THAT?
There is not 1 specific event,not 1 certain person,or, anything like that for my decision,it's the whole ball of wax....
Maybe I'll stay,maybe I won't. Maybe we'll still be friends,,maybe we won't. I don't know at this point,I just don't know..
I DO,however, want to say this..I won't make a final decision without talking to my closest friends first. I feel I owe them that much.
It took me reaing what I just wrote to see how much my friends mean to me,but,how long do we hang on to CT when it almost isn't fun anymore?
Then again if this is like when I post a bulletin,,no one is going to fuckin read it anyway!
I dont know,,perhaps I just need time to think.
Thanks to all my true friends,you know who you are.
Love you guys,