Okay, so here's the story....
I dropped my car off for repairs today. It was SUPPOSED to be done when I got out of work, and wasn't. A friend of mine gave me a ride home, and said call me later when it is ready and I will bring you to pick it up. Well, me being me, didnt want to BOTHER anyone....so I waited to see if I could catch a ride from my son, who of course, never came home....
The repair shop is less than a mile from my house, so I figure, God gave me two feet...sure, it's dark, but I will talk on the phone with my "Bro" and it will be fine. Right.....
As I am walking, (and talking) I trip....over a DEAD CAT...which my bro (of course) finds hilarious! I start gagging, he is laughing, and my ride arrives at the same time. I hang up with my bro, and go with my ride to pick up my vehicle. He asks..."Whats so funny?" so I tell him. And he says, "Oh my God, my cat is missing!" at which point, I feel very bad!
Except, he must be related to my bro, because he waits until I am ready to cry before telling me he is just kidding, he never had a cat!
Anyway, I guess I have learned two things tonight.....I should learn to ask for help when I need it (i.e. just calling for a ride in the first place) and two, I really can't walk and talk at the same time!!
Hope you all got a smile out of this one! :)