45 Year Old
Invited by: 892697·
Joined on June 19, 2007
Born on August 21st
Wel my name is Dustin. Im from Alex Oklahoma. SOONERS BABY #1!!!! Im 27 yrs old. I married to a wonderful women name Shannon. I have three kids Koda 9, Zoey 7, and Ashlynn 4. Ive worked in the oilfield for bout 7 yrs now which is to damn long but is good money. I'm also a volunteer firefighter for grady county thats pretty cool. My wife works at Rush Springs EMS she is an EMT and is go for Intermediate in August. Thats pretty much bout me
45 Year Old
Invited by: 892697·
Joined on June 19, 2007
Born on August 21st
I like just bout any kind of music mostly rock. I like to camping, fishing, paintballin, boating, party and hanging out with my fucked up friends LMAO
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m