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CHAINS 301's blog: "Odds and sods"

created on 10/09/2006  |  http://fubar.com/odds-and-sods/b11815

computer problems (again)

Havig problems with the damn charging cable again. I'll need to try and find a new one as soon as possible..

I know that not many will see this, but I only have enough power to write this before I get shut down, so if you do please let folks know what is happening. It's not that I don't want to be here, I just can't at the moment.


Take care and hope to see you all again as soon as I can.


your friend


I have noticed that a lot of folks have recently been putting their settings to "comment approval". I don't know the reason for this latest idea, but I feel that friendship shouldn't need any approval. I hope that I don't offend anyone with this, but I won't be leaving any profile or photo comments on anyone who has this setting activated. I know that there is the argument that it keeps nasty or NSFW comments off of our pages, but it is very simple to delete them, or put our settings to friends and family only. The last thing I want is to fall out with anyone here,but as I said earlier, why should friendship need approval or vetting? Once again I want to reiterate that I never want to fall out with anyone, but I have decided to say what I think rather than hold it in and end up getting possibly pissed off and leaving a site that I truly like. Thank you for taking the time to read this...and I would like to hear your opinions. Adam...aka chains

Birthday Girls

To You! Pictures, Images and Photos >
Once again Fubars birthday alert has been posted missing for the new year. Most of you know Ej and Loey, and their birthdays are on the 1st and 3rd of January respectivley . They both remember our birthdays, and it is only right and fair that they get the same opportunity that the rest of us do.
happy birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
Happy Birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
Happy Birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
Photobucket >

The lost Cherry scrolls

Saw this in a bulletin....the first decent one I have seen in ages....just had to blog it.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....
Oops wrong scenario...
A long time ago on a site called Lost Cherry, A time when kindness, manners and friendship ran rampant. There was a discerning sense of ethics and etiquette. Now as the site has grown many of the old ways have become a thing of the past. Making way for a much more ME orientated atmosphere. Luckily a lone internet scavenger stumbled across the dead cherry scrolls while rummaging through archives in a hidden data base. After hour upon hour the scrolls have finally been translated.
Baby Jesus said unto the people of Cherryland......
This site is my gift to you, go forth my children, make friends, rate, fan and add in the name of love.
I give you 10s and 11s for which to award our fellow brethren. Give them freely and give them often. The 1 through 9s are of no use and only there to fill space, using them may result in hurt feelings or a rash of 1s tossed right back at you. (rather damaging to your rating if you are new)
When receiving an offer of friendship through a request, take into consideration the time and love that was given to you in this process, do not merely accept but take the time to visit this new friend and show them the same kindness. (ie: yeah fan back butthead)
As you begin to age and acquire status, never forget how you got there or take for granted all the noobs struggling to be someone's friend. (dont think for one minute you have earned the right to be an ass)
NSFW pictures are an option not a requirement. Enjoy and accept the pictures each member has chosen to share. Do not shout at a lady or gentleman demanding to see pictures that are not accessible to you. Should you be granted access remember to rate and comment as this is a gift to you. (peeking without showing appreciation deems you an ungrateful pervert)
Creating drama is frowned upon,you are not expected to love everyone you come across, but you are expected to accept them for who they are. In the eyes of another they may be heaven sent. So your words will often hurt more than just the intended target. (in short if you dont have something nice to say STFU)
Entering contests to win free stuff is encouraged, however begging and whining for help will get you nowhere if you have not stepped up to help others. This is something that takes much time and effort and is a reward not an obligation. (your time is not more valuable than others)
Never assume that just because someone's status shows them online that they are actually hovering over their computer just waiting for YOU to contact them. Do not immediately become disgruntled and send abusive shouts because they did not respond in a timely manner. (this will often result in the block feature being tested on you)
Last but not least, it takes less effort to be kind than it does to be cruel, we are born with kindness, but have been taught to hate. Forget what you have learned and just do what comes naturally.



Just for a laugh...see how many of these sayings us Scots have, you can translate. 1. Whit a stoatir... 2. Gaun yersel... 3. Yer nippin ma heid... 4. Dinnae geez yer p*sh 5. Ye cudnae hit a bull on the erse wi a banjo 6. Ahl pit ma fit so far up yer erse that thil think that Doc Martins ur making hats. 7. Yer jaikits in the lobby press 8. Wha lit that dug in here? 9. Ye counae score wi a fiver tied tae it. 10. Twa ootsiders wi a plate o' stovies.

Lost Cherry V's Fubar

It seems that a lot of folks here are doing blogs etc about this site, so I thought it time that I put my 2 cents worth into the fray. I have been here for over two years now and have noticed a lot of changes since the lost cherry days. The most significant thing is the race to level up. I have never understood the fascination with getting to Godfather or any of the higher levels. What exactly does it mean, or do? I, for one, liked the title of "rockstar"...it was cool, but it was only a name and didn't make me a real rockstar, it didn't make me a better or worse person.It was, as most things here are...VIRTUAL. The only thing I can suggest is...don't take this site too seriously...it is a fun site, and should be treated as such. As I said on Sandy's blog...we can only control what we ourselves do, and shouldn't be worrying about what others are doing. If we could all get back to the ways of lost cherry and enjoy just being here with our friends then I think we would all be a lot happier. True friends don't have to be on our pages, or shoutboxes every day, just knowing that they are here for us should be more than enough. We all have a lot of friends and family and it isn't possible to be at everyones page...every day. I know that my opinion isn't everyones...and that some will probably disagree with me, but that is life and as long as we don't fall out over it....then I will be happy. your friend Adam


You Can Only Type ONE Word. Not as easy as you might think. Now copy and paste into your blog and tag 5 ppl to do the same. Leave a comment to let us know you have done it, AND LEAVE THEM A COMMENT TO LET THEM KNOW THEY HAVE BEEN TAGGED. It's really hard to only use one-word answers! 1. Where is your cell phone? Kitchen 2. Your significant other? Eleanor 3. Your hair? Brown 4. Your mother? PA 5. Your father? Home 6. Your favorite thing? toys 7. Your dream last night? er... 8. Your favorite drink? Milk 9. Your dream/goal? happiness 10. The room you're in? Living 11. Music? ROCK!!! 12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? 40!!! 14. Where were you last night? Darts 15. What you're not? Gay 16. Muffins? Yes 17. One of your wish list items? happiness 18. Where you grew up? Scotland 19. The last thing you did? This 20. What are you wearing? Smile 21. TV? Sport 22. Your pets? Dogs 23. Your computer? Laptop 24. Your life? weird 25. Your mood? Happy 26. Missing someone? yes 27. Favorite Store? store??? 30. Your summer? none 31. Like someone? yes 32. Your favorite color? Black 33. When is the last time you laughed? today 34. Last time you cried? Tuesday I tag Morena Iron Maiden Ej Timmy Peeps 1967

Thank You

I would like to thank you all for the kind words, thoughts and prayers that I received on my mum's anniversary. It means so much, that I have such great friends that care about me and what goes on in my life. I truly hope that I can be here for you, as much as you have been here for me. We went away for a short break to Portugal to try and take my mind off of things. We had a great time, even though the weather wasn't too brilliant. Seems it was the coldest spell they had in over 10 years, but good friends, and lots of laughs made up for that. On a sad note, we received a phone call on Saturday afternoon that Eleanor's mum had died and that it was our oldest son, Graeme, that had found her. We are, of course, devastated that this has happened, but she had not been in the best of health for a long time and was, in all probability, more of a blessing for her, as she is no longer in any pain. Once again I would like to thank you all for the support shown to me. your friend Adam
Hi guys...and guyettes...hehehe I wanted you all to know that I won't have internet access untill after I get back from holiday. I have dial up as a temporay solution, but won't have broadband access untill 30th June, and we don't get back till 5th July. I won't go into the reasons for all this happening, but suffice to say I'm a bit pissed off with my last provider. I got the use of this PC to let you all know that I haven't disappeared,and that I hope to be back as soon as I can. Till then , I hope that you are well, and are having a great time. I hope that I don't miss anyone's birthday, or important event, during this time. If I have, please let me know in a message and I will catch up with you as soon as I get back. Take care my friends, I'll be thinking of you all. your friend Adam

The bulletins

Is it just me,or has everyone lost sight of what the bulletins are all about?. All I see now,is "please help me level up", or such and such deserves to be Godfather / mother. Please tell me, why does anyone "deserve" to be a certain level? This site, as much as I love it, has become such a rat race, and as such, I will no longer take part in this leveling carry on. I will help those that I think truly deserve to level up, and for no other reason than I think that they have done their bit to help others,or have been a really good friend. For too long now, bulletins have been posted that mean absolutely nothing, and I couldn't care less about who's lounge rocks, or pimp out this user. I have had people on my page that have been here barely 3 months, that think they "deserve" this and that. I apologize to any of my friends that find this offensive, but this is the way I feel right now. This should, first and foremost, be a social site, and for what it's worth, the bulletins should be kept for the really important things, like missing children, and warnings about serious issues. If any of you that take the time to read this disagree with me, I will not hold it against you,but I just thought it time that I voiced my opinion. Love you all....no matter what...your friend Adam
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