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38 Year Old · Male · From Tukwila, WA · Joined on April 15, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 1st
38 Year Old · Male · From Tukwila, WA · Joined on April 15, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 1st

I'm looking for fun in the sun with friends, drinking buddy, someone to spew my insecurities to, and someone to fool around with. At this point, I'm not picky as my profile may say. If you can hold a good conversation, drug and disease free, and don't mind incessant texts and ranting, hit me up.

I play computers, video games, and go to comic conventions. I dress up as video game characters. I carry a gun (I have a CWP).

38 Year Old · Male · From Tukwila, WA · Joined on April 15, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 1st
Books: The Alliance by Gerald Lund, Halo: books 1-3 (really great addition to the game), I read a ton of textbooks ranging from physics to chemistry to medical. I love to soak up knowledge.

Movies: The Usual Suspects, Scott Pilgrim, Lord of the Rings

Shows: I assume this is TV shows. I don't watch TV on a regular basis but when I do it's pretty much anything on the Food Network, History channel, Military channel, Travel channel, or other learning channels. I don't watch a lot of series or shows on a regular basis though I have seen all the old Law and Orders and SVU episodes.
Music: I have a unique style of music I listen to. Well, maybe not unique, certainly weird and unheard of. My main focus of music is in video game soundtracks. Basically, if i've played a game and i love the music, I have it.

This type of music is very important in my life. Granted there are tons of these songs that people would find quite annoying, I know this and respect it. Just means you don't have to listen to it. I have to put up with listening to Pop and Rap on a daily basis and I cannot stand it, so I just turn it off. If you can't accept this part of me, don't bother. The reasons I listen to this type of music delve way back to my childhood.

Other than instrumentals, my favorite bands are Blink 182, Lacuna Coil, and generally anything rock (though this new age alternative rock garbage is starting to piss me off, they all just sound like whiny 17 year old douches).
Video Games
Video Games: My ultimate, favorite, best video game in the entire universe is Secret of Mana (SNES, first one). I play FFXIV and a ton of other games on steam.

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