long live the traitors !
some good hearted people have reported my picture as NSF - though not..it was just me, a guy in briefs..
no exhibitionism at all...even quite few of you have admired this photo and ripped this to your page..
but now its removed.. your friend in brief has just gone..
ok.....its all in the game.
so this is my new primary picture you are seeing now..
my picture may be removed .....but i know my friends.... its quite
impossible to remove me from your good hearts ..its for me ever ..
i have not hurt any of u so far..i have solved many of ur problems when u contact me through "shout box" or by pvt message..
im damn sure that all my friends at least would leave a shout / message to me in sympathy....ty... i am ever your " lov "
email: lov4u@cherrytap.com