I stop by today at Fred Myers(krogers for those outside of NW).. I decide to pick up my expansion to Civilization 4. They are one of the last places to carry PC games, since EB Games, and Software ETC.. choose to only carry like 4 pc games now..
I grab the box and wiat inline behind some bozo asking questions of the clerk regarding co-ax cables(as if they will know lol). The guy behind me goes. "Is that a game?"
I'm thinking "Oh boy does this guy live on another planet"
"Uhm.. yes it is"
The guy then proceeds to lecture me on the ways we should devote our time to Jesus.
Now, I am not even buying Grand Theft Auto or my usual shoot em up and kill everyone in sight, but a strategy game..
"why thank you kind weirdo"
Now I proceed to buy some groceries, but its Senior Citizen 10% off day, so I am dodging people getting off of the senior citizen bus, and proceeding to bargain shop everything.
This just made my day, assaulted by people with Go-Go Ultra X Electric Scooter's

and this guy

guess it's back to Safeway online and Amazon.com