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48 Year Old · Female · From Anchorage, AK · Joined on June 13, 2007 · Born on January 24th · 6 referrals joined!
48 Year Old · Female · From Anchorage, AK · Joined on June 13, 2007 · Born on January 24th · 6 referrals joined!

I'm not here for a hook-up so don't even ask.

I'm a sarcastic smart ass that owns more high heels then other shoes and can run in them if I have to. Don't consider myself to have a style, just whatever I feel like wearing or whatever was laying on the floor nearest to me. My socks don't match sometimes and i'm ok with that.

It sometimes takes me awhile to warm up to people..I guard myself closely. So NO, i'm not a cold hearted bitch i'm just wary of letting people in. I'm not as complicated and stupid as most people think..don't take my aversion for fighting for peoples attention and at times being very quiet as weakness. I see it as a strength.

I like pie. I don't drink milk and i'm a terribly picky eater. Hello bottle, I am your friend. I have a lipgloss problem. I like shiny things and the color pink and Chucks. Love movies of all sorts. Love to drink and party but enjoy staying at home and just hangin out too. I demand honesty and respect...I have little time for those who can't treat others like they would like to be treated. I have a weakness for guys with tattoos and who are a little rough around the edges.

48 Year Old · Female · From Anchorage, AK · Joined on June 13, 2007 · Born on January 24th · 6 referrals joined!
slow kisses, driving fast, being silly, acting a fool, taking pictures of everything, working hard, playing even harder, long walks in the dark, pigtails, chucks, movie marathons in bed....naked, road trips to nowhere, trips to somewhere, talking about nothing, my hand on your hip, meeting new people, bar crawls, cuddling for hours, shopping, reading everything...remembering nothing, my lipgloss on him, junk food, having my man cook for me, giving my all, friends and lovers, playing in the dirt, long hot showers, traveling, board games, iced tea, the color pink, big sunglasses, tank tops and flats, having my hair played with...and thanking you for playin with it, stupid jokes, good times, hard sex, soft kisses


Boondock Saints, Pulp Fiction, Forrest Gump, Wedding Crashers, Dogma, Stigmata, Grandma's Boy, We Were Soilders, X-Men series, Euro Trip and yes I like the Harry Potter movies, just movies that don't suck ass in general
Video Games
Pattern MySpace BackgroundsMySpace Backgrounds at TweakYourPage.com

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