I don't even know if anybody actually reads these blogs. They must, or blogs wouldn't be so freaking popular. The huge invisible committe of "THEY" have decided that "THEY" want to know the intimate stupid, unimportant details of various individuals lives. How nice.
In any case, my world has taken a whirlwind turn. I don't talk about any personal stuff to anybody, which can be attested to by my friends, coworkers, and aquaintances. When you see me, everything is good, even if it isn't. And to be honest, it hasn't been good for a while. But, shhhhhh, you didn't hear that. Afterall, I am invincible and untouchable. .......right...... For the most part I am ambivalent to the changes in my personal situation. But tonight, a chord was struck and now I'm thinkin.
Ever notice how easy it is to take someone for granted? Especially if they have proven reliable and steady in your past experience? You almost forget they are even there, till something extreme happens. Then you are either scrambling to grasp hold of their solidity, or you are angry that they would disappear into nothingness because you ignored them so long. The one's closest to you can become faceless after a while......
Sometimes the casualty's of such a phenomenon is a friendship......sometimes it's a sibling relationship......sometimes a marraige.....sometimes a coworker..... No relationship is safe. And when the nothingness takes hold.....the victims are left looking around in bewilderment and sadness, wondering what happened. And it's so easy to get to that point....so frighteningly easy.
So that is the thought for the day....sorry to "THEY' who read this that it is not more upbeat for you, but um.....guess what, I didn't write it for you, so kiss off.