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Krissi so Rocks's blog: "nothing..."

created on 02/20/2007  |  http://fubar.com/nothing/b57488


(copied from my myspace blog) ok so everyone keeps asking what exactly happened to my car...and understandably so...so here it goes.... around the end of april it was still vickie's car...there was a problem and it wouldnt come out of park...she took it to shumacker and francy's up on west chester pike b/c her brother in law recommended them...they did something along the lines of a bypass and fuse replacement and said it was fixed...so she gives me the car...two weeks later the same thing happens...so i get on the phone with the guys who fixed it and they tell me that something is shorting and blowing a fuse which stops the brake lights from coming on..and when that happens it trips a safety mechinism that won't let the car come out of gear...so they tell me how to trick it out of gear so i can get it back to them without a tow...they were just gonna look at it for free for me...then vickie and her brother in law got in on it and finally got the jerks to agree to fix it for free since they didnt do it right the 1st time...this time they put in a modified fuse that would reset itself if it blew...i get it back and it worked for about a week and a half before fucking up again... (now here's the part ur all really interested in) so thursday i went out to go on my run and sure enough i couldnt get it outta fucking gear...i was so fed up i just walked away from it...that was about 11:30 am...i didnt bother calling shumacker and francy's b/c i didnt want them working on my car again since they obviously couldnt fix it the 2 times they tried...i was gonna call around friday morning and see who i knew and trusted to work on it...but i didnt get to do that did i?... after work (which i used my moms car it get to and nearly got an ear chewed off for) i came home and went about my usual night...then, laying there in bed around 1 am trying to fall asleep i heard noises outside...1st i heard people talking kinda loudly...couldnt make out what they were saying b/c the a/c was on...then i heard a knocking on my neighbor's door...none of this was out of the ordinary b/c my neighbors are noisy...then i heard a car horn...but not ur typical pull-up-and-honk...my car horn didnt work so i didnt think too much of it...about 30 seconds later alls i heard was BOOM...i'm thinking "what the fuck are the neighbors doing"...so i peek out my window and see some flashing lights on the neighbor's car and think "oh goody, the cops were called again"...at that point me and steph decide to go downstairs and be nosey b/c my neighbor's antics are of great amusement to us....we get downstairs and i open the front door and there's my car UP IN FLAMES!....i start spazzing...my car is on fire...my moms car is parked right next to it...as is the neighbors car...my car is on fire...omg omg omg...thankfully someone else had seen it (the people talking/knocking on doors i assume) and called 911...so the firetruck and cops were pulling up as i opened the door...needless to say they put it out pretty quickly...they axed open the trunk since my key didnt work in the trunk lock to make sure the fire hadnt spread into it...and then they towed it away... here's an article one of the responders wrote for the little internet publication he helps with : article link the next morning i junked it...no point it keeping it since it couldnt run...my mom talked to one of her mechanic friends online and he said they modified fuse probably allowed the short to over heat and thus ignite...but thats just a probably...he didnt get to see it so couldnt say for sure...he also told us that fords/mercury's have a defect...the dumbass designers of the cars put the brake fluid sensor inside the brake fluid container...and brake fluid is highly flamable...so if they sensor decides to spark in anyway u get a nice fire...so who knows if that played into it at all since my car's probably was definitely something in the brakes/sensors/electrical area... so thats basically the story...no one was in it., or near it (as far as i know) thankfully....and my mom's car has some cosmetic damage...a little melting on the bumper, side marker and parking light and the sideview mirror case...and nothing happened to my neighbor's car thankfully...and i have no car for the time being...i am taking donations to the Krissi Needs a New Car fund tho...make checks payable to ME!...just kidding... whats the moral u ask?...Cars CAN blow up after sitting there COLD for 13 hours :-D

just an update

ok so i'm sure at least some of you have been wondering where the hell i've been....i assure u things are fine...i've just been busy as hell working both jobs....i'm usually stuck doing 12 day stretches then having 2 days off then repeating..those 2 days off are usually spent packing...i'll be moving to vixie's house soon (as in by this summer)...dont worry...she only lives up the street from me...so its not like i'm going far...i still have alot of shit to pack...20 years in the same house...insanity when it comes time to packing up all the junk i've collected....other than that i've been helping vixie with the new carpet/paint thing in her house so things are new and pretty when i move in... anyways i wanted to let everyone know i'm sorry i havent been around much...i miss you all...ur all more than welcome to drop me a line and i'll be sure to get back to ya the very next time i pop online...or if ur lucky enough to have my cell # CALL IT...or at least text me...i do good with texts since i work so much and actually answering might be a problem lol... so now its shower time b4 i hit the sack so i can get up for work bright and early...BLAH...hope to talk to ya all soon!... ♥ ♥ ♥
just to let everyone know, i'm not sure how much i'll be around for the next week or so...i'm finally taking my laptop in on monday to get the power jack fixed and the guy said it'll take about a week...and cost about 300 bucks with parts and labor haha...i expected that...so i will be popping on using my family desktop (which is slow and retarded) when no one else is on and u'll probably see me on using vixie's laptop when i happen to be over there and she's not using it...until then, feel free to gimme a call if u have my number...or i'll try to keep yahoo on using my cell and u can hit me up there... i know its devistating to think that i won't be around for such a long *rolls eyes* time but im sure u can all survive and find someone else to keep u occupied during my absence lol... try not to miss me too much...and much luv to u all ♥


so things have been crazy lately...my best friend's mom passed on the 3rd...and then her cokehead brother fucked her royally just this weekend...and on top of that the guy she wants is being stupid...so i've been trying to be a great friend and be there for her...but it just seems like its always about her...and none of my other friends are around or care to include me enough to bother trying to reach to them for a hand... i hate my job, i want to firebomb corporate and roast marshmallows over the flames...but there are no other places hiring that would accept me for me, piercings and all...and don't dare tell me "well thats life" or anything along those lines...i fucking know and thats why i haven't bothered telling work to fuck off... seems like all my other friends are constantly "here's whats going on, come join us" on myspace about 10 minutes before they go so i've no way of planning on joining them especially without a car currently...or they don't reply when i ask for details, or they just don't bother telling me whats going on till its done and over...if i'm not out with vickie i'm home...thats it..don't get me wrong, i luv vickie to death but we both need more than just each other... and now i'm stressing over a possible job that i probably wont get...i contacted a local radio station (my dream job is to be a radio dj) and the guy told me to send in an aircheck...thing is i dont have one so i gotta put one together...but its not like i even finished my college degree and in comparison i have very little experience to most who go out for this type of thing...there are plenty of people who think i'd be perfect for such a job and are hoping more than i am that i get it but i just cant seem to share their enthusiasm...the idea excites me to no end but then i think of what chance i actually have of getting it and my bubble just bursts... i just need a vacation from my life...just take a step back, breathe, get my head straight so i can get shit organized and moving again...its crazy how many things can pile themselves onto ur plate in so short a time...just wish i had someone who would help share the burden or more like someone who would just support and encourage me to get through all this...


i dunno why...but i've just been getting random urges to cry...honestly things are far from stressful right now...my job is the same as ever...i have no health issues...i dont have a car but the bus is sufficing for now...i dont have a significant other that i need to worry about...only person i'm concerned about right now is my best friend b/c he mother is dying of cancer...generally i'm numb to most of the shit going on around me... so why is it that alls i wanna do is sit down and have a good cry?....i feel the way dane cook describes it in one of his skits...if u've heard it u know what i mean... sure, some of my other friends have blown me off...but i've come to expect that from everyone...complete disregard...a total lack of interest or care in how i'm doing...yes, its a sad concept but its something i've always dealt with so it no longer phases me... maybe i'm missing something...just seems like since the ex fiance left over a yr ago i've become cursed...i repel everything and everyone no matter how much i try to draw them in...i have this insanely bad desire for a connection but lack the ability or chance (and yes, i know there are a couple of guys on here who would love the chance but distance is not something i can deal with)...i just want to have contact with someone yet i cant stand people touching me lately... i laugh and joke and play around like everything's fine...sometimes i get a bit overbearing b/c i'm making up for the lack of enthusiasm i'm actually feeling...but all in all i'm pretty mellow...somehow it doesnt seem like the right way to be... but let me end this...before i say more and make things worse...maybe a good night's sleep is all i really need...i'm a tough cookie..i can handle this...

Under the Knife...

(copied from my myspace blog...its too much to retype lol) well well....looks like its time for an update... on the normal side things are the same as always...still working, still being goofy, still just hanging about with friends and such...nothing really worth reporting there... on the unexplainable side things could definintely be better....last week i went to the ER in extreme pain and unable to breathe...it was late wed/early thurs...they did some quicky tests, gave me some antacid and sent me home...all day thurs i felt icky and had bad back pain...friday when i woke up i felt better, ate lunch, chilled till it was time for work and then threw my lunch back up...vixie wound up taking me to work at which point she so lovingly pointed out that i was YELLOW!...not good..so when i got home from work mommy dearest totes my ass back to the hospital...i sit in the ER for 6 hours while the doc sits on his ass doing nothing...finally they admit me so i can sit around all day saturday while they do thing except poke me with needles grrr...sunday they ultrasound and mri me...guess what!...i had gallstones...do not ask me how i got them but i did...i passed one wed night/thurs morn...that was the pain and the reason for the yellowness friday...so monday they knocked my ass out, cut me open in 4 small spots and fished around in there to pull the gallbladder out...i dont remember the rest of monday lol...tuesday they made sure i could handle food and once they took away my morphine they sent me home...grrr @ them for taking away the morphine... anywho...here i sit, at home, in pain, not as much pain but still in pain...they got me on percocets...yay...but of course now i cant remember shit i did 5 minutes ago...i'm gonna be off work until after thanksgiving more than likely...good thing i got all that sick time, i'll still be getting my usual paycheck teehee...i'll definitely need some company so if ya want to you should come say hi!...or pick me up and get me out for a bit...the doc's want me to walk around lol...so as long as ur not expecting too much effort out of me i think we could still have a good time *wink* lmao... ok so i think i'll shut up now...i just wanted to fill everyone in...steph was keeping our mutual friends up to date but most of you arent on her friend's list...so those of you who called me in the hospital or since i got home, thank you! and i luv you!...those of you just finding out, i'm expecting ur messages/calls :-p

time to give up?

i wake up this morning to my sister bitching...not surprising...she's got a stick up her ass as always...go and grab a bite to eat and think about what all needs to be done b4 i leave for work...figure i got a few minutes, i'll pop on the fu while i'm munching my pizza rolls...yeah, not a good idea...just reminds me how pissed i am that people never try anymore...the lounges and the radio are one thing that i look forward to during the day...talking to people, busting out the tunes, goofing off...but after a whole line of shit i'm 1/2 tempted to throw in the towel...one lounge after another closing or w/e...friend's dispersing to other lounges and losing track of them...trying my fucking hardest to get new lounges going just for some1 else to turn around and dick us over...people running at the 1st site of instability...its really fucking depressing when the only thing that keeps me happy makes me aggravated more and more...the only person who wants to help me 100% can't b/c she's got some majorly stressing problems going on with her mother...but she still takes the time to listen to me bitch and gives me some support... but now that im done this little rant i'm gonna go to work and try to think of a way to get Dark Phoenix up and running again...to those of you who wish to help me in this endeavor i really appreciate it...you've no idea how warm and tingy it makes me feel inside....to those of u who wish me ill, and would rather see me crash and burn, your not even worth my time...

still even more to love!!

this is getting ridiculous!!! just had a convo with another person on aim...a rather nice person mind you...she...well i'll let u read the convo.... janedoe8411 (11:05:27 PM): hello, you don't know me and I don't know you but I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment OffTheWallChick1 (11:05:41 PM): about? janedoe8411 (11:06:29 PM): I seen something posted on myspace a few days ago. Some guy was harrassing you. janedoe8411 (11:06:40 PM): it's none of my business, but it was quite rude janedoe8411 (11:07:13 PM): he posted it in a blog. it was ridiculous. i just wanted you to see what he looks like before he makes anymore judgments about ANYONE being ugly OffTheWallChick1 (11:07:22 PM): umm..ok janedoe8411 (11:07:44 PM): http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendID=139789220 janedoe8411 (11:08:12 PM): but anyways, that's all I wanted. janedoe8411 (11:08:17 PM): I just thought it was immature OffTheWallChick1 (11:08:35 PM): oh it was...though i did get a good laugh out of it... janedoe8411 (11:09:07 PM): you handled yourself well. OffTheWallChick1 (11:09:04 PM): not to mention that text was tampered with janedoe8411 (11:09:23 PM): I'm not surprised. He seems like an idiot. OffTheWallChick1 (11:09:52 PM): well if someone has nothing better to do with their time than i've no time to deal with them...thus why i didnt bother getting into anything with them janedoe8411 (11:10:22 PM): I don't blame you. I would have done the same thing. janedoe8411 (11:10:40 PM): Well, I don't mean to hold you up. Just wanted to give you a heads up that some moron had posted that. OffTheWallChick1 (11:10:56 PM): thanks...good to know some people out there arent that rude janedoe8411 (11:11:16 PM): No problem =] have a good night. OffTheWallChick1 (11:11:20 PM): you too =) janedoe8411 (11:11:32 PM): Thank you. Goodbye! if ya check out the link there u'll see the text of the orginal convo i posted the other day was obviously tampered with...well just the last line...and also the person who replied to it is the drag queen who my ex left me for...funny how they cant get over it even tho they "won"...haha...losers...feel free to throw in ur own 2 cents if u have a myspace and an inclination =)

even more to love...

so this is a continuation of yesterday....i made the mistake of actually talking to a friend on aim thus making it impossible for me to be invisible..retarded ass aim... anyways, you-know-who IMs me again and b4 i even open the IMs (it gets caught in the IM catcher) i click the "report as spam" button lol...aim's new way of blocking and warning people... then i opened the IM and here's what it said... Shinjuku05 (12:05:09 AM): 'ello Shinjuku05 (12:05:15 AM): just to let you know last night wasn't personal LMAO...like i would believe that...when are people going to grow up?

Gotta love it...

The following conversation was had on aim just a few minutes ago...i have a very strong feeling that i know who it is...its really funny how some people cant let things go...especially when they "won"... Shinjuku05 (12:57:33 AM): you're Krissi? OffTheWallChick1 (12:57:38 AM): yes...do i know u? Shinjuku05 (12:57:48 AM): wow... that's a ... uh... very interesting myspace profile OffTheWallChick1 (12:57:49 AM): ty Shinjuku05 (12:58:11 AM): I'm just a bit currious about that hair though.. OffTheWallChick1 (12:58:12 AM): what about it? Shinjuku05 (12:58:35 AM): you realise the 80s are over ... by almost 3 decades, right? OffTheWallChick1 (12:58:57 AM): yepp...not trying to do the 80s thing tho...the bangs arent teased out Shinjuku05 (12:59:16 AM): do you always wear that much makeup? OffTheWallChick1 (12:59:20 AM): no, not always Shinjuku05 (12:59:44 AM): oh... Shinjuku05 (1:00:20 AM): that's ... i'm trying to find the right word Shinjuku05 (1:03:23 AM): grotesque? I mean common... are you trying to look like an ugly ass elephant / rihino only without as much colour? hair that outdates you and probally wasn't even cool when styles like that WAS popular, make-up or not you're still uglier than a child's toy ran over by a mac truck. your tits are lop sided, your "goth" attempt has probally been rejected by Lestat himself or at least made him want to puke and stab himself with a stake OffTheWallChick1 (1:03:55 AM): lmao...thanx...i needed a good laugh Shinjuku05 (1:05:46 AM): have you ever considered shooting yourself? because it really wouldn't be a waste of a bullet and society would probally celebrate OffTheWallChick1 (1:07:09 AM): keep going...ur making my night here Shinjuku05 (1:12:34 AM): you realise that today (the 19th) was talk like a pirate day? I believe planks were invented for a reason but in your case I'm sure the pirates would probally walk it themselves to avoid making eye contact with you. the sharks would probally become vegitarians or throw themselves onto spears if you entered the water. the dictionary can't put your picture beside "ugly" because children look at it. uglypeople.com rejected your profile by saying you make all the other ugly chicks look hot thus they'd have to close down. the boogie man admitted to being afraid of opening his door to find you there and your mom dropped you on your head on purpose because she knew it would be a crime not to try to prevent society from having to deal with you Shinjuku05 (1:13:24 AM): I know skanks with a better reputation than your's and STDs are clean compared to what's between your legs OffTheWallChick1 (1:14:37 AM): i'm still waiting for something worth my reading but since u apparently cant come up with anything i'm going to go to bed...i have work tomorrow and unlike some people i'm sure you are...or i mean know...i actually can keep a job....so...g'nite...and have a nice life.... Shinjuku05 (1:15:30 AM): haha. the street corner doesn't count OffTheWallChick1 (1:16:07 AM): not for drag queens it doesnt....
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