so...there's this guy...who i guess was one of my friends on here...i dunno...i never talked to him.
anyway...basically once a day he would attempt to talk to me in the shout box...but he didn't have a salute picture...and his photos seemed i didn't even bother...
i just...pinpointed him as a faker from the get go.
i guess i should have deleted him as well...
i guess that after his 15th try or so to get me to talk to him, he decides to get angry...and get all stupid with me.
it made me giggle.
and i took screen shots of the messages he sent me...just so i could share them all with you.

i responded with:
okey dokey.
no biggie.
i don't know anything about you.
which i thought was a decent enough response...i guess i was wrong...because this is what he sent next:

i responded with:
you make me laugh.
i think you are just mad because i never talked to you in the shout box. have 3 pictures...that probably aren't really you.
and nothing about yourself on your profile.
so why would i talk to you?
then he sends:

mmmkay, dude...did i say i wanted to talk to you??? ugh.
so i responded with:
ummmm you have tried soooo many times to talk to me in the shout box.
but since i never you are saying that you don't feel like talking.
that's cute.
i'll just keep on doing well with my shitty pics.
and you keep on existing with your fake ones.
then i get:

at least he gets props for his correct usage of the word "you're"...not a complete lost cause, i suppose.
anyway....yeah...that's what happened...
so if you ever see that idiot's face around...i would ignore him...block him...give him shit...whichever applies.
just don't downrate him....because he still gets points for that haha
i scanned his friend list...and i only saw one of my friends on there...redneck...if you read this...delete that asshole haha
i hope you all enjoy the new, shitty pictures i uploaded this morning.
click on this graphic if you want to see this dude's profile.