(Simply Because I've ALWAYS dug THOR!)
This official, unofficial movie review is being brought to you via someone who is in the real world who is fed up with some Know-It-All out there who is paid to give the opinion of the week based on paychecks received not actual emeotional responses to the movies viewed. That Someone is me... and for what its worth, my opinion is no more or no less valid than anyone elses, but it is my opinion with out a paycheck attached, there fore it it is unvarnished and non-contaminated by the all might buck...
Movie # 1 - Man of the Year
Mr. Williams has out done himself. He is Robin and he is back. The man has never been so ON his game. I give it the Celtic Bitches #10 for great movie entertainment. It is A Superior View.
Movie #2 - One Night With The King
A stirring middle eastern tale that mixes love, lies, betrayal and the jewish story of Queen Esther in a palitable viewing delight. Acting was good (you notice I did not say great). Costumes and settings were phenominal. It held my attention desently and I came away satisfied that I had not been ripped off. It's a good view.
There you have review # 1 and #2. Check in for future reviews. I won't review every movie out there, but I will give you my honest opinion on the ones I do see.
10/17/06 Well, I'm at it again...
Movie #3 - The Lake House
I love this movie. It resonates in my soul and plucks every emotional string I have in my being. Even though the acting is suttle and can easily be blown off as not the best that Sandra and Keanu have done, I beg you to give it another view as it has layers of such suttle beauty that it takes more than one viewing to understand and experience them all. I am on view # 6 and I am certain that I have not discovered all the depths that there are to this movie and the actors mute understanding of the understory of emotions envolved. Sandra and Keanu are masters of the understatement in this one. This one definately gets the Celtic Bitches #10 for great movie entertainment. It is A Superior View.
10/21/06 10:59 p.m.
Time for Movie Review # 4 - Click
I will be the first to admit that I am not a real fan of Adam Sandlers, however, his performance was credable. The Movie, however, stunk! No depth and no real chuckles. I thought it couldn't make up its mind /"Am I a Comedy? Am I a Drama? Duh? I'm so confused." It got the gilded plunger award for the crapper movie of the week. -10! -10! -10! Dive! Dive! DIVE!!!!!
Movie # 5 - The Kingdom Of Heaven
Heavy hitter that, unless you understand that this is dead serious, nutz and boltz religous philosophies clashing, you could easily get lost in the blood and gore of the picture. However, there are some beautiful moments between the battles and the sword hacking that tell of the efforts for peace and love that have dotted the area since the time of Christ. Orlando Bloom, Jeremy Irons head a cast of actor's actors in this film and if this movie is overlooked for oscar gold - then the idiots who rate and vote on best picture, best actor, etc. need to have their heads examined. This gets the Celtic Bitches #10 for Superior Entertainment (kicked in with a bit of real history). This is a most excellent view.
Movie # 6 - Flags Of Our Fathers
Excelllent movie. More than crediable effort on the actors part to portray real life events accurately. Kudos to Mr. Eastwood for bringing this story to the world. I had two Uncles on Iwogima when the flag was raised. I don't really know the story of what actually happened with the flag, as that was way before I was born, but I do know that my Uncles Pat and Mike would not readily speak of their time there. My mother would speak about the time afterwards and how they would be very careful about waking my uncles from naps and sleep, etc. as they would come up swinging or fighting as if there were someone trying to kill them. For honoring those who gave so much and to those who saw the need to tell this story, you have the Cletic Bitches #10 for Excellent View. Thank you.
Movie Review # 7 - Bable
Confusing and yet... Thought provoking. A confused attempt, aptly named "Bable", that attempts to show how every action has a reaction and how every act is connected - somehow - to every other action. Also, how a simple, accepted action in one country can and has been misunderstood and misconstrude in another to the point that it causes war. I'm still not sure how I truly feel about this movie. It made me think and it unsettled me (on the inside) so I guess it acheved its purpose. For still resonating in my soul I give it the Celtic Bitches #10. However, I will warn you - if you go see it, it is not an easy movie to follow, view or understand and I promise that it will stay with you for along time.
Movie Review #8 - Stranger Than Fiction
I resisted seeing this movie for a very long time as I usually don't like Will Ferral. But I must say that this was a surprise. Will did a creditable job and only once or twice - briefly did I see the twirp that I hate on Saturday Night Live. I give it the Celtic Bitches # 5 for good attempt.
Movie Review # 9 - The Nativity
This has the Celtic Bitches # 100 for best birth of Christ movie ever. So Beautifully done that you feel you are part of the movie and not just a sideline viewer. I loved it and I was moved by it.
Movie Review #10 - The Holiday
I'm not one who usually likes comedies, however, I found this a poinent and sensative love story for two sets of lovers that held all the classical attributes of a Breakfast at Tiffanies or Yours, Mine and Ours movie. It gets the Celtic Bitches #10 for great comedy.