My moment of "revelation" if you will.
I have a set job, the most beautiful baby boy I could ask for and a hand full of selected individuals to back me up whenever I need help, yet there’s something missing; ALWAYS! “ I walk alone in the shadows of death” so true, those words echo in my head. I close my eyes and move on yet there’s this thought stuck in my head, which I can’t quite grasp. No matter how many cliques you join or how popular you may or may not be you are always alone. You got yourself and that’s it. Life is hard and like I’ve been told “We live to die and die to live” simple as that, in one sentence and yet when reality strikes you’re stuck and can’t comprehend. The words are too big to understand without prior analyzing. Shit happens in our life that is supposed to break us down so that we may build ourselves back up with a stronger “foundation” a smarter “building” now which is able to withstand any storm yet it is so hard to build yourself back up once you’ve been broken. Its possible, I have seen it happen yet it takes a lot of guts and maybe a little prayer here and there. Every so often I analyze the way I live my life and decide that I am unhappy with the way it’s going so I will do what I can to change yet it never quite happens. As much as I want to fulfill my goal at the end it becomes impossible. At times, in movies or magazines we read about someone who “made it.” I recently read a book by Dave Pelzer and it made me change the way I look at life. Many times we have no clue what one individual is going thru yet where quick to judge and point fingers but not to lend a hand and listen. Maybe I should of listened........