as discouraging this may be
i refuse to let myself let go
it would be to easy just to give up
i've never been one for taking the easy way through
i don't see any gain in starting that now
this love i have is like no other i have felt
and the situation in which this emotion rests
is surly far from any place i have seen before
i hope that you do not let this drive you away
i hope that you do not decide to take the easy way
i can't blame you if you do
as i know this not the most ideal thing t go through
and i wont hate you if you do
cause i could never do that
but i will understand
and will always be here
ready for that chance
it hurts inside because i feel so stuck
i hate that the burden i have placed on you
that i have no way to step up
if i could make a move
god i would have already made it
no question about it
but as of this moment that is not an option
i hate that
i have never felt so helpless in my life
though i have also never had anything just handed to me either
it always seems to be the way
i find something i want more than anything ever before
and it is just out of reach
god i hope you don't decide to take the easy way
i love you today more than yesterday
and tomorrow my love will have grown even more
and even though this is anything but easy
i want this more than anything that i have ever wanted before
no matter what
my love will never die
no matter how
i hope to always have you n my life
however long
i am wiling to wait
i just don't want you to hurt
you need to have joy in your heart
i want that for you more than anything
i don't want to be the cause of any pain
i wish i knew a way to make this all work
i wish i didn't feel so stuck
but somethings are just out of reach right now
some things no matter how discouraging
well they are just that way
i want you to know that no matter what
my love for you is never going to change
and i am here for you
no matter how long it may take
i love you baby