55 Year Old
From Heath Springs, SC·
Invited by: 784146·
Joined on April 6, 2007
Born on November 23rd
I am a very open minded girl that loves to have fun. Watch out if I drink with ya I can get pretty silly. I love to tease but if I do I will try to please. I am out here trying to make new friends and see the world...lol.Your Name Is Damn Sexy! :) Your name scored 155 in the "How Sexy Is Your Name Test"How Sexy Is Your Name?.mygen { Created using MyGen 2.5 - www.mygen.co.uk }.mygen { Background Properties }table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;}body { background-color:000000; background-image:url('http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p240/myhotcmts/cc/c8/554ab1c4aced6d0a732d0519f9761713.gif'); scrollbar-face-color:000000; scrollbar-highlight-color:4422FF; scrollbar-3dlight-color:4422FF; scrollbar-shadow-color:000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:4422FF; scrollbar-arrow-color:4422FF; scrollbar-track-color:000000; }.mygen { Table Properties }table table { border: 0px }table table table table{border:0px}table table table { border-style:double; border-width:3px; border-color:6622FF; background-color:000000; }.mygen { Text Properties }table, tr, td, li, p, div { font-family:comic sans ms; color:DDDDDD; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .btext { font-family:comic sans ms; color:DDDDDD; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .blacktext10 { font-family:comic sans ms; color:DDDDDD; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .blacktext12 { font-family:comic sans ms; color:4422FF; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .lightbluetext8 { font-family:comic sans ms; color:4422FF; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .orangetext15 { font-family:comic sans ms; color:4422FF; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .redtext { font-family:comic sans ms; color:4422FF; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .redbtext { font-family:comic sans ms; color:4422FF; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .text { font-family:comic sans ms; color:DDDDDD; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .whitetext12 { font-family:comic sans ms; color:DDDDDD; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } a:active, a:visited, a:link { font-family:comic sans ms; color:DDDDDD; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } a:hover { font-family:comic sans ms; color:4422FF; font-size:12px; } a.navbar:active, a.navbar:visited, a.navbar:link { font-family:comic sans ms; color:DDDDDD; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } a.navbar:hover { font-family:comic sans ms; color:4422FF; font-size:12px; } a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited, a.redlink:link { font-family:comic sans ms; color:DDDDDD; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } a.redlink:hover { font-family:comic sans ms; color:4422FF; font-size:12px; } .nametext { font-family:comic sans ms; color:4422FF; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; } .contactTable { width:300px !important; height:150px !important; background-image:url("http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/francisnyny/cc/c10/f8e4a09dfcc6cbb677a23dff27e61349.jpg"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:transparent; background-attachment:scroll; background-position:center center; padding:0px !important;} .contactTable table, table.contactTable td { background-color:transparent; background-image:none; padding:0px !important;} .contactTable a img {visibility:hidden; border:0px !important;} .contactTable .text {font-size:1px !important;} table table table td.text div img{visibility:hidden;} table table table td.text div {background-image:url('http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p240/myhotcmts/cc/c6/1380a56ad461414a8265df9bad468a82.gif');background-repeat:no-repeat;} table table table td.text table table div img {visibility:visible;} table table table td.text table table div {background-image:none;}.mpd {; left:50%; top:31px; margin-left: -400px; 9;}body {cursor: url(http://www.gotomycodes.com/graphics/cursors/misc/47.cur); }a .text { font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }animated layout @ HOTFreeLayouts.com You have a sexual IQ of 157When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.comYou should have sex outdoorsYou are the romantic type and enjoy being spontaneous. You are not that into having other people watch though, so make sure that there is no one else around before getting busy.Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.comGet More at COMMENTYOU.com
55 Year Old
From Heath Springs, SC·
Invited by: 784146·
Joined on April 6, 2007
Born on November 23rd
Get Your Sexy Name
Your inner rock star is Kelly Clarkson
Who's Your Inner Rock Star?
Brought to you by Tickle
.cink{font-size:10px;font-family:tahoma;color:a9a9a9;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;}I Stand Alone VideoI Stand Alone lyrics - Godsmack lyricsGodsmack Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
YOUR song is Every Breath You Take
What's Your Song?
Brought to you by Tickle
You Are 72% Open Minded
You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.
How Open Minded Are You?
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animated layout @ HOTFreeLayouts.com
You prefer Spontaneous sex!
You're into spontaneous sex. Anywhere, any time the mood takes you. Just be careful that your sexcapades don't land you in a (ahem) tight spot.
'What is the best type of sex for you?' at QuizUniverse.com
You Are 88% Open MindedYou are open minded. You aren't at all judgmental, you accept and honor every one's beliefs. You're definitely willing to drop your beliefs if someone can provide good enough reason to do so.How Open Minded Are You?MySpace Quizzes at PimpSurveys.com
I love to listen to music and dance and have fun. I am very open minded and I guess that sometimes almost got me into trouble...lol! I love to laugh and cut up .. so if I offend anyone I might as well go ahead and say I'm sorry ...but I do tell it like I see it...oh well that's me...take it or leave it.
.cink{font-size:10px;font-family:tahoma;color:a9a9a9;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;}Strong Enough VideoStrong Enough lyrics - Sheryl Crow lyrics
Sheryl Crow Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
.cink{font-size:10px;font-family:tahoma;color:a9a9a9;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;}All I Wanna Do VideoAll I Wanna Do lyrics - Sheryl Crow lyrics
Sheryl Crow Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
.cink{font-size:10px;font-family:tahoma;color:a9a9a9;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;}Tonight I Wanna Cry VideoTonight I Wanna Cry lyrics - Keith Urban lyrics
Keith Urban Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
.cink{font-size:10px;font-family:tahoma;color:a9a9a9;font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;}I Stand Alone VideoI Stand Alone lyrics - Godsmack lyrics
Godsmack Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
Video Games
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Get More at COMMENTYOU.com
Chocolate said to a lollipop, you are damn sweet. And the lollipop said : Not as sweet as the person reading this! Your smile makes me smile... Your talks make me glad.. Your company makes me happy... But your absence makes me sad... Be always with me my friend!!! Send this to all your friends in your list and also back to me if i am your friend.... If you get more than 7 you are lovable...which I know you are
If kisses were water, I would give u the sea. If hugs were leaves, I would give u a tree. If your luv were a planet, I would give u a galaxy, if friendship were life I would give u mine. Your love is ur heart, your heart is ur spouse, your spouse is ur future, your future is ur destiny, your destiny is ur ambition, your ambition is ur aspiration, your aspiration is ur motivation, your motivation is ur belief, your belief is ur peace, your peace is ur target, your target is heaven, heaven is like hell without FRIENDS. It's"world best friends week" send this to all ur good friends. Even me, if i am one of them. See how many u get back. If u get more than 3 u r really a lovable person...."