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Update on me 9.11.08

For those of you who know me and have been wondering how I was doing....With-in 2 weeks of me being back home I have found a job, got my car back up and running, got me a new cell phone number and am on the fast track to getting my own place...Woo Hoo...Go ME!!!! Now...as far as the guys go...i have not really been looking too hard...made some new friends...better than the ones I had when I left here in early 2006...Did a lot of growing up and finding myself down in TX....

Going back home

OK...I know I said this to some people..."I will never move back to TN because I love TX." But, due to some unforseen "things" I am....And actually looking forward to it! I am gonna miss all my friends that I have made here in TX!!!! Gonna miss one more than the others, and he knows who he is, but this is something I have to do. I need to get my life back in order...I thought I could do it on my own here, but I've learned that I need to be closer to my family right now at this time in my life....So, on that note, good bye TX...I love y'all!!!! ; Hello TN....I'm baaaack......

Life is beautiful

Since the last blog, many good things have happened. I quit that housekeeping job. The pay and hours sucked ass!!! Who wants to bust ass for only $5.85??? Not me at my age! Anyways.... *Wal-mart called yesterday, went in for an interview last night at 10:30PM (I will be working nights). I got the job!!! WOO HOO!!!! Had to go back today and sign some papers and pee in a cup. I’ll know when I start in about 9 days. *On March 7th, I got my drivers license. Woo Hoo!!!!! I’m legal to drive now and it seems I always have to drive home from the bar now....fun, stamp TAXI across my forehead. *This is the best news....I’ve got me a boyfriend now. His name is Chris. He works, pays his bills and don’t do drugs and he takes care of his kids. Who, by the way, are 4 wonderfully behaved children! I figured after 2 months, it was time to try it again. So far things have been wonderful. He plays league pool 3 nights a week. I will be on his team next session. *Hashing....I never knew what it was until last Saturday! Your split into groups and follow a trail marked with special signs. It’s fast paced (you don’t want to come in last) and it’s like this race, but it’s so fun! There are beer stops along the way and when you come to the end of the trail, everyone drinks. It’s good execise and it’s fun, but whats best is the end, where we stand in the circle, drinking our beer ad singing songs and making people drink for screwing up on the trail or breaking the rules. At first I didn’t know what to expect when Chris and I were invited and at first, when things were being explained to us, i was like this is gonna be ok...well, 10 minutes into the hike (which took us through downtown Killeen) I thought I was gonna die of either a heart attack or an asthma attack! Thats how out of shape I am! Well, about 30 min. in, I started getting used to it and was feeling better. After the Beer stop, I was fine. I thought after walking 3 miles through culberts and water and trees and Rancier traffic (carrying and open beerof all things), that my legs or ankles would hurt the next day...they didn’t. We had so much fun, we are planning to do it everytime they get together (which is every 2 wks) Well, thats about it for now...Goals 1 and 2 have been acomplished (which were getting my DL back and getting a job) now on to goal 3, getting my car back on the road. Something I find real funny is how "finding a new boy friend" was goal 62....They say things happen for a reason when you least expect it and I’m so glad they do......

Dating again....

OK.....just a little update on whats going on....Hitler (my ex) has stopped harrassing me...he still calls and texts me, but it's not like he is being rude this time. I've finally decided to move on...I am very happy with my life at this time...all except I still havent found a decent job yet....hopefully that will change soon.

Update on Hitler (my ex)

OK...this some funny shit...After being away from dumbass and having to put up with his shit, it's all paid off. As some of you may remember, I left him because he traded my TV for cocaine. Well, he got caught with almost an 8-ball saturday night! HA HA!!! Serves him right!!!! He went to jail, but was released on a $20,000 bond...he'so has messed up his life and I'm glad not to be part of it anymore.....

Single again

...I just came out of a 2 yr relationship, so i'm not trying to rush into a new one just yet. There are things I must do first in order to get my life back together and one of them is to get back on the road again (meaning a DL) I left TN in 2006, a week after getting a ticket for no insurance on my car. for 2 yrs the boyfriend at the time, promised to pay the fine for me, told me I didn't have to work and that he'd take care of me. Well, after 2 years of dealing with the alcoholism and drug use he had been lying to me about, along with not paying my fines ( we had more than enough money many times over) I left him. Now I'm stuck fixing my life (my baggage) all by myself. I'm a strong person, but it is hard and I know I can do it. Today I went to church for the first time since sept. 2001. I'm trying to change, but not for anyone but me.

many months of excitement

many months all wrapped in 1 blog Current mood: busy Category: Life Much has happened since September (this will take awhile)...... Lets start with Sept. : My best friend from high school, Erin, found me on myspace and it turned out that she lived 5 hours from me in Orange Grove, TX. I had to make a trip to see her. I was sick, but would not let that stop me. We pulled into her town around 11pm and could not find a motel room and had to double back to Mathis, TX. We found a room....not the best of places....and the next morning we met up with her. Spent half a day with her. Erin has not changed a bit from high school; just a goofy as ever. I was glad to see how good she was doing. Buddy had the idea to go ahead and drive the extra 30min. and go to Corpis Christi...we left Erins around noon and arrived in Corpis around 12:30...had to wait 2 hours for a room, but boy was it worth it!!! The veiw was great! I swam in the ocean for the 1st time, we sat on the beach and drank beer, and checked all the cool stuff out. Didn't want to leave on Sunday. Drove home and crashed....what a great weekend!!!! OK....October...I got a job at Towne Place Suites as a house keeper...Had to quit 2 weeks later to go to TN....Buddy's Uncle Glenn passed away on Oct.19th. He raised Buddy. To him, Glenn was DAD. We rented a "08 Dodge Avenger (sweet ride!) We left here in the 22nd at 5:30PM and arrived at 5:30AM the next morning. Long story short, I got to see a few friends and all my family ( wish I could have spent more time with them) and I got to meet Buddys family. It all went great!!! Thursday night we said our goodbyes to his family and went to Dickson and went out with my mom and step-dad to a few bars.Showed Buddy where I used to hang out and who I used to hang out with. We planned to leave Friday, the 26th around 8 am. and instead left after the bars closed. I drove 6 hours and Buddy slept....I made him drive after Little Rock and I curlled up in the back seat and slept till Dallas. When we got home, we had to leave again....What a horror story!!!! Our dogs stayed at Janets that week we were in TN. No one had been home. I opened the door to the house and was nearl knocked backwards by the smell of rat piss and shit. The air was so thick I couldn't breath. I walked into the living room and on the floor were about 4 or 5 rats eating a dog cookie. They scattered. RATS had taken over my house!!!! Well, we ended up staying the weekend at Buddys sisters house. That Monday I walked into that house armed with bleach and a mop. Took me all day to clean, but it's clean and livable now. But we decided to move out. The landlord won't do anything about the rats. As for this month....Nov. 2nd....friday night. There was an Earl Thomas Connely concert at the Harker Heights Event Center in Harker Heights. We went, met Janet and her husband, Todd there. Had a great time and really enjoyed the concert despite the lack of sitting places. after the concert we all went over to Club Rodeo just in time to watch a fight go down in the parking lot. One dude got K.O.ed after his head went into the passengers side of the truck limo (the one with the jacuzzi in the back). Todd and Janet wanted to leave after that, but they didn't get a chance. Just when we thought all the bull shit was over, some 6ft 4 GI tryed to take a swing at Buddy. He ducked and missed the punch and grabbed dude at the waist. I don't know why, but I grab hold of the guy, put him in a head lock and pile drived his face into the parking lot and then held him down. No one tryed to get me off, they just stood there in awe....I guess I was choking the drunk because I kept asking him if he was done and he kept tapping out on the pavement...Now everyone jokes about it...I'm Buddys body guard.... Well thats about it.....these past few months have been so busy...hope you all enjoyed all this....until next time.......
Since the BF don't know about me having a profile on this site, I feel safe posting this. Unlike my Myspace account, he can't get access to this (he don't know shit about computers; except how to navigate Myspace) I just need to vent...please bear with me.... Buddy and I have been dating/living together since March '06...We met at a bar, of all places, with several things in common, which I don't want to enclose. Anyways, things went fine for awhile. Actually, things were great! Then on Oct., he started drinking heavily, going out all the time and leaving me at home. In Dec., one of his co-workers intoduced him to Crack. We battled that together for 2 months. I finnaly was able to get him to stop. If any of you know, crack is a hard habit to break, but when you really care for someone, it can be broken. He hasn't touched it since March. Thank goodness! It took me leaving for three days and a lot of arguing. It was rough and there are times I think he still messes with it (it's all in my head, hopefully) But the drinking is the worst of it. He is an alcoholic. His dad was one too. He trys to fight it and can go many, many days without it. He can even stop after one or two. But he gets these kicks...when he wants to go to the bar and get shit faced (about once a week) and I go with him, only cause I want to see friends and get out of the house. I sip at my beer and watch him dring 4 to my one. Roll my eyes and tell myself "Here we go again" He can be a happy drunk most of the time, but he hasn't learned to slow down once he gets that slight buzz...He continues to pour it down him like there won't be any left or like someones gonna drink it all before he can. Then he becomes the annoying, obnoxious drunk. Getting loud. You know what I mean. He thinks he's having fun, but does not seem to care that I'm sitting there, bored, tired, and ready to go home. I asked him this morning why we can't just go out as a couple and leave somewhat sober, instead of me being totaly sober and pissy and him falling down drunk. His response....I love you...What the hell??? The reason I am writing this is because of what happened last night. John Anderson concert. All our friends were there. My birthday is this comming Wed. and this is supposed to be my birthday present from him. He got drunk at Jackpot Saloon before the concert! About 4 songs into the opening band, we are dancing and I ask him, "Are you alredy drunk?" He says this..."Let this be my night, when do I ever get a chance to have fun?..." Then starts singing loudly in my ear...the words comming out of his mouth were the wrong words...Well, the night progresses, as does his drunkiness...concert is over and the after party is across the parking lot at Club Rodeo. We are walking over there and I ask him if he wanted to go home. "NO" he yells as he continuosly bumps into every car in the parking lot trying to walk. I grab his hand and he's trying to drag me with him! If a cop would have seen him, he'd be in jail right now. Anyways, we do the club rodeo thing and go home. At the house, which I got to clean up some stuff, he want ME to undress him and put him to bed...By now I just want to beat the living SHIT out of him...I take his boots off and he passes out on the couch and I go to bed...Does it end there? NO! 20min. later he's screaming for me again, I pretend to be asleep. He makes it to the bathroom...and starts beating on the wall and yelling again for me. He wants the trash can. Why not the toilet? Cause dumbass is sitting on it. I almost took a picture. This is the funny part. Naked as can be, his elbows on his knees. head in his hands and he's got the wobbling thing going on. Trying his damnest not to fall off with the trash can beteen his legs. After I decided against the picture (which, by the way, would have made it on here) I went back to bed. He got done with his stuff and staggered to bed...Started complaing that he was hot. I'm freezing...I turn the air on HIGH and the ceiling fan on HIGH, grab my pillow and another blanket and shut the bedroom door. The couch was so comfortable!!!! He must of woke up freezing, the air and fan were off this morning. Not to mention; when I gave him the morning report of how stupid he was last night, he started kissing ass again...I just pushed him away.....

I finally did it!!!

I finally left that loser I was with....(refer to my old blog post titled "The Drunken Boyfriend Saga") Well it happened again last Friday night. This time it all happened in front of everyone at the bar. This time, I didn't go home with him and Sunday, I went and got all my stuff. Including my Shania and my car....It is officially over between us...This is something I've been planning for some time...saved up a little money to make due till I can find a job, but all will work out...Thanks for reading!
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