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313983's blog: "nightstalker"

created on 10/15/2006  |  http://fubar.com/nightstalker/b14029

Becoming Wiccan

I have chosen to become Wiccan and would like some advice on what should be my first step should be. Any help would be greatfully excepted.

A story i'm working on.

Iron man. By Dean Good. It was the winter of the year of our lord 1605. It was one year to the day since John Marlow had been condemned for the murder and mutilation of the Priest’s wife Margret Church and her unborn child it was a most terrible crime indeed. The priest wife a lovely woman always smiling and never to busy to stop and talk. The one thing I’ll never forget is her eyes. She had the most beautiful hazel eyes that would have melted the coldest hearts. Margret was found with her internal organs spread all over the bedroom floor. And her head was severed from her body. The unborn fetes was found inside the stone fire place. It’s head had also been severed from it’s body. Then it was thrown into the fire place. The two halves of the unborn child were burnt to a dark charred black. It took all the strength I could muster to keep from vomiting when I pulled the two pieces of the little black corpse from the fire place. Let me introduce myself my name is Constable Shamus O’Reilly. I had only arrived here in Stone castle shire and had only met Jacob Church and his wife Margret a couple of times after Sunday sermons. From my first impressions of th


Last night i thought i'd be nice and comment on some people's pages and what do i get in return NOTHING not even a lousy ten. What good does it do to be nice to people if they won't even be nice enough to return the favor. FUCK THEM ALL let them go some where else to get their fucking points.




Dragon Day Spell Dragon energy is straightforward, so be careful for what you ask. You will receive it in the most direct way. Be very specific. Dragon logic is not human logic. Dragon moves from A to B, and simply removes anything in its way. For example: an acquaintance asked Dragon, without going into specifics, to change her living situation. As a result, a few days later there was a fire in her apartment building, and she was left without a place to live. That’s a change, but it was not the one she wanted! Dragon energy is great for removing blocks, but only use it when you are determined to make a change. Using Dragon energy when you fear change will backfire on you. Pick something in your life that you wish to unblock. Find an image of a dragon that you feel connected to. Decorate your altar using bright colors and shiny, sparkly accessories. Cast a circle. Invite Dragon energy to join you in the ritual. Discuss the situation thoroughly with Dragon; consider the options, and request Dragon’s help in a way that will harm none. Ground and close the circle. You should feel energized at the end of the ritual. Dragon energy usually works quickly and in unexpected ways, so be aware of everything around you—as rapid change is on its way. by: Cerridwen Iris Shea

golden compass


Since i've been here on Cherrytap i've had a couple of my pictures marked NSFW. but yet you go look at some of the sites here and you'll see more adult themed pictures then the pictures i had marked NSFW. NOW why is that ? could someone explain that to me. Have you ever heard the phrase what's good for the goose is good for the gander. I'sf your going to mark someones picture NSFW you should do the same for some of the add's on peoples sites.

a story i wrote

My body as well as my gear was bouncing off of the C-47’s floor, along with every other soldier aboard the plane, that night as it started down the runway to pick up speed to take off. The day that everyone had been waiting so long for had finally arrived, D- DAY. The more speed the C-47 picked up, the worse the vibrations became. I held my Thompson machine gun close to my chest. It was the one thing that helped me stay calm through the German flak and night fighters that I knew were coming. Then all became somewhat calm, we were finally airborne. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the wind whipping past the jump door as the engines strained to gain altitude. The pitch of the two engines changed which told us veterans that we were at altitude and we were headed for France and the welcoming committee in Normandy. I was sure the welcoming wasn’t going to be very friendly. My buddy Carl Bush was sitting next to me trying to write a letter to his wife or mother. Then the C-47 suddenly dropped a few feet causing Carl to rip a gaping hole in the paper with the pencil. Carl became so mad that he threw the paper onto the deck of the plane. He nudged me in my right arm. In order to talk to someone it was necessary to scream. “YOU, ALRIGHT CHARLIE?” “FINE , YOU?” “I WAS TRYING TO WRITE A LETTER TO MY MOTHER, WHEN THE DAMN PLANE DROPPED. TORE A DAMN HOLE IN THE PAPER. GUESS I’LL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL I’M ON THE GROUND.” “GUESS SO.” “WHAT YOU GOING TO DO WHEN WE GET TO PARIS?” “I‘LL WORRY ABOUT THAT WHEN I GET THERE, BUT I FIGURE I‘LL BE NEEDING A BATH BY THEN?” “YEA, I’LL PROBABLY NEED ONE OF THOSE TOO, WHAT DO YOU THINK, CHARLIE?” “ I THINK YOU NEED ONE NOW , CARL. THAT’S IF THEY DON’T DROP US IN ONE OF THOSE DAMNED AREAS THE GERMANS FLOODED AROUND STE- MERE- EGLISE. IF THEY DO WE’LL GET A BATH ALRIGHT AND IT WON’T BE IN WATER EITHER I‘TLL BE IN BLOOD.” “ THAT’S FOR SURE.” Carl had no way of knowing that he’d be killed by German flak not two minutes after jumping from the plane. What was left of his body was recovered and identified by his dog tags. it was sent home to his wife after we took Ste-Mere-Eglise . Our plane would drop down, then rise up again. Then drop down again from all the turbulence caused by all the other planes ahead of us and around us. The up and down motion was starting to make some of the other guys nauseous. Our sergeant had been in the cock pit talking to the pilots. As he came out of the cock pit he stopped in the middle of the isle way he looked up and down the isle. “LISTEN UP YOU GUYS WE’RE OVER FRANCE NOW, THAT’S THE THIRD REICH DOWN THERE. SO IF YOU HAVE ANY FINAL PRAYERS, SAY THEM.” “SARGE HOW LONG UNTIL THE DROP POINT?” “TWENTY MINUTES, CHECK YOUR GEAR.” “OK, SARGE.” Each man checked his gear the best he could. Once the order is given to stand up, then hook up to the jump cable and then hold onto your static line. Then the order will be given again to check the mans gear in front of you. Each man checks the mans parachute in front of him making sure that there isn’t anything wrong with it. At the tail of the C-47 was the jump door. Above the jump door are two lights one red and one green. The red light stayed lit until we reach our drop zone then the red will go out and the green will come on. Each man stands with his hand on his static line once the green light comes on they follow the man in front of them to the jump door of the plane. Then each man jumps if any man freezes in the door way he is given a helping hand by the Sergeant who was the last man to jump. Then came the sound that scared the hell out of all of us, flak and anti- aircraft fire. The guys sitting near the jump door could see the yellow tracers coming up towards us. Then a huge explosion rocked the whole damn plane. We didn’t need to ask what the explosion had been, we already knew. We had heard it a thousand times before, it’s a sound you’ll never forget once you hear it. One of the other troop transports had been hit by a flak shell. The shell had gone right through the fuselage and exploded inside the plane. Not one of those poor bastards had a chance to get out. A night fighter had strafed our plane filling the plane with bullets and in the process killing ten of our men. After that the sergeant had us get on the floor and stay there until it we were at the drop zone. Time seamed to slow down to the point where I thought we’d never get away from the guns and flak. The next thing I knew I was being pulled to my feet by my Para shoot harness. When I looked up to see who had a hold of me, I saw that it was Carl. “IT’S TIME STAND UP AND HOOK UP.” “OK.” I stood up and attached my static line to the cable while Mike Gunston checked my shoot. Once he had finished he slapped me on the shoulder. “YOUR OK, CHARLIE.” “THANKS, MIKE.” I hooked up to the jump cable with my left hand and held onto the rest of my gear with my right. The interior of the C-47 was illuminated in a blood red color by the red light over the jump door. Waiting for the green light was the worse part of jumping. It seemed as if it would never come. It seamed to me that I had been standing there with my hand on the static line for hours when the light changed. One by one my fellow solders jumped to meet what ever fate was in store for them. I watched Carl go out the jump door his static line pulling taught as he jumped away from the plane. Then it was my turn to go. As soon as I went out the jump door the wind caught me and swept me away from the plane. I started falling towards the earth when a sudden bone breaking jerk yanked me up skywards as my shoot filled with air. Then I slowly started floating downward towards mother earth. As I dropped I couldn’t help, but wonder if I was going to make it to the ground before being killed or would some soldier get me while I floated down in my parachute. I landed on the very edge of one the flooded areas near Ste-Mere-Eglise with a bunch of other guys. After getting out of my parachute harness I grabbed my Thompson joined up with group of solders just to find out that they were the 101st and I belonged to the 82nd. “Hey, Mack you seen any of the 82nd?” “Hell, no I don’t even know where the hell I am.” “What the hell happened, why is everything so screwed up.” “Military planning they did this on purpose to confuse the krauts.” It must have worked because at 0030 hours June 5th 1944 Ste-Mere-Eglise was taken by the 101st and my Division of the 82nd.
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