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Stats for Mar 14

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39 Year Old · Male · From Mansfield, OH · Joined on August 9, 2007 · Born on December 2nd · 6 referrals joined!
39 Year Old · Male · From Mansfield, OH · Joined on August 9, 2007 · Born on December 2nd · 6 referrals joined!

im just lovin being in my 20's tryin to live life to its fullest i want to be back in school by spring quarter to be an architecht! but until then ive been workin with my cousin tryin to get our small buissness off the ground we do construction of all kinds mostly masonary and concrete though.

i am single as they come and desperatly want to find a nice sweet girl that will treat me right just like i would her. my last girl broke my heart did me dirty as hell and basicly just walked all over me {bitch} so it still kinda hurts from that and everyone since then has been a total blow up and not the right person at all, i guess thats what u get when u meet people at the bar or partys.

back on january 21 i learned a priceless lesson, received a gift from god himself, and since then i will never get behind the wheel of a car drunk. i had just pickked a friend up bout 4:00 am we were cruzin back out into the country to where some friends were partying, so we start comin up on a mean set of railroad tracks that have claimed several lives, i look at cody and say hold on were going air born! he agged it on callin me a pussy so i mashed the gas. we went airborne and when the car came down i lost control and got knocked out cold, when i came to i was about 150 ft away from the car looking at it on its top in the ditch, ac/dc highway to hell was on the radio, boots were gone, shirt was ripped off, and i was covered in blood from an injury to my head and was tore up with road rash from ass cheek to shoulder blade you can see the scar going through my rib tat {the angel}. so im standing there realizing im not fuckin dead then i remember cody and i get sick, thought i was going to vomit so i start screaming his name and he smacks me in the arm standing a few feet to my left! we tryed to run i made it a few steps and my knee snapped and i hit the ground from the torn acl i sustained in the crash, finally someone came down the road and called 911, the state highway patrol report said i was going 90-110 mph rolled the car 7-8 times and cody and i were both ejected at a high rate of speed! cody was fine he had some bumps and bruise's and was sore as fuck but thank god he was ok. i on the other hand, lost my job with the cable company {good ass job $} got a wicked scar through my tat and had to have surgery on my knee, go through thereapy for months, my knee wont be the same again, i got ovi, failure to control, and a seatbelt ticket so total by the time i get my liscense back and everything { which my suspension is lifted now } it will cost bout $1300 plus 3 days in jail. im kool with that im still breathing and my momma didnt have to bury me! {thankful}

39 Year Old · Male · From Mansfield, OH · Joined on August 9, 2007 · Born on December 2nd · 6 referrals joined!
i love the outdoors i absolutly love to deer hunt been doing it for about 4 years now fishing is another fav camping campfires love em and one of my most favorite things to do is tubing, i love kickin back floatin on my tube with the beer tube floating at a close distance just relaxin its tons of fun and really therapuetic!
i like most everything a little country rock is by far my favorite daughtry hinder nickleback staind are some of my favs i can go a little heavy some times but deffinatly no death metal i gotta be able to understand what the fuck is going on in the song, also get me nice and buzzed up ill shake my ass all nite at the club :P so yea i like rap 2!

Video Games
i play a wide variety of games . i play on pogo.com quite a bit and all different kinds of games on there i also have prince of persia for my laptop i get into it sometimes but when it comes to console gaming the xbox 360 takes the cake and as far as games are concerned i love to shoot shit aliens people zombies i dont fuckin care i just wanna shoot somthin in the face!

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