Ok gang just an update. As most of you know
i was in a minor car accident. Just want to let all my friends know i am doing ok. I am sore
and stiff but nothing is broken. Car is pretty banged up(see pics in my folder to see it), but
it can be fixed.
For those that keep asking here is what happened.
I was on the way to the store to get dinner and
it was raining. Well on the street i was on
there is a school and it has one of those blinking lights that blinks from dusk to dawn but
actually works as a stop light during the day.
Well traffic was headed toward the light and it turned red we all stopped and waited. It turned green and we started moving, well it so happens
that the timer went off and the light went from green to its blinking state it startled people and they started hitting their breaks. well i hit mine but even at 5 miles an hour i slid on the asphalt and tapped a truck in front of my all i did to his truck was bend the light plug for his trailer, but cruched my car because i went under his bumper. Well i was ok at that point, but when stopped noone was stopped behind me. unfortunatelythats because traffic was further behind me and was still moving at a pretty good rate of speed about 30 mph the cop estimated. well the woman coming up on me was not paying attention well enough so about 5-10 seconds after i hit the truck she hit me. she nailed her breaks and tried to swerve but she caught the support for my rear bumper. all she did to my car was crack the bumper but she totaled her car it was crushed from headlight to windshield on the drivers side. Fortunately noone involved was injured and we were all able to leave without
going to the hospital.
When she hit me my neck snapped back and forth, classic whiplash so i am sore and stiff but thats it. If the soreness and stiffness doesn't go away in a few days i will go to the doc to get checked.
Oh and i am not sure how true it is but a few people who were standing around said the woman who hit me was on her cell phone when she hit me and a couple said that they heard her tell her friends that she was on the phone. not sure how true that is but its what i was told.
Well thats all the info i have on it for now if ya wanna ask anything just hit me up, but i wanted to let all of you know i was ok. and to all those who have asked and checked on how i am doing i truely appreciate it and i think your all great people and real friends.
Thank You All