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The end of chapter 4

The next two day’s went by in a blur I though my self into finding out all I could…which was not more then what they want you to know. Jack was not in class and we where told he would be out for a week or so. I was happy for that. I was not ready to see him yet. To say he had not hurt me would be to lie. He had hurt me but I had to lock that away and push forward. We (the young one’s) where told to meet at the gathering temple at 8am Saturday morning to help set up. The main room was a large round room with a large alter in the center of the room. Candles were being placed around the alter and a make shift bed was being set up. I was told that we would be setting in the back and would just be watching. At no time where we to speak, And we where to be robed and to stay robed. We would be able to join in on the party after. After we done setting up I was tired from the early morning wake up’s and late nights and wanted to nap before everything got started. I woke up around 8pm and got up and took a long bath and dressed in my robe that had been cleaned and made my way down to the court yard. I found my other class members and we made our way to our seats. Then a long procession started in with the upper classmen who would be taking there oaths tonight went and kneeled down at the alter. Then the ten woman who would be mated joined them. Then the rest of the black robed family members came in taking there seats. And then the Elders. Who stood around the alter. And then Father came in and stood at the foot of the alter. He reached down and took the hand of one of the young girls that where to be mated. He turned to her and told her she would be the one to bare his seed and his child. Was she welling to mate with him in this holy rite. She said she was and she let her robe fall to the floor. He went to the next girl and did the same and placed her with one of the male Elders. And told each of them as they bare the seed of an elder they also bared his seed. He gently touched there body’s and blessed the womb that would carry his children and this family’s line. And then blessed there breast that would feed his child. I could not help be remember his touch and as each moment passed I felt my self become more alive more turned on. The energy in the room was very hot. I gave glances around the room and I was not the only one affected. Then Father dropped his robe and I saw that he was more then ready to do his part. . The Female Elders started a slow chant that soon the rest of the room joined into. The first couple went to the alter and up to the bed. She was laid down and the elder made hot love to her. Until they had each found release. And then they would leave the bed. This was repeated 8 more time’s though would all make love in different ways. Some had the girl on top others the males. But each of them found there release. And with each one the chant became more intense. The energy in the room was almost overwhelming. I found it hard to breath. My body was so alive. I wanted to be one of the young lady’s. Then at last Father took the young woman that he was going to be with and lead her to the bed but instead of laying her on the bed he bent her over and stood behind her. In one swift thrust was in her deep. She cried out in pleaser. With each trust the chant became faster and louder and then when he came inside her I would swear I saw his life force leave him self and join with hers. Then everyone dropped to there knee’s and put both hands on the floor. The girl crumpled and started to fall to the floor and Father caught her and lifted her in his arms. He walked down and handed her to a waiting man. And I saw at second glance I saw that it was Jack that he had handed the girl too. And then the girls where lead out of the room and the bed was quickly removed from the alter. And Father’s Large chair was placed. The rest of the Elders found there seats and when everyone was seated except the young one’s that where to take there oaths. And then Father called each one of them to him and asked to see the proof of there love of the family and the mark that would set them aside from the rest of the world. Each dropped there robe to revile a new still raw tattoo on there right shoulders. I remember now seeing one on Jack but hand not thought much of it at the time. Each of the Elders had had one. Each kneeled at Fathers feet and swore there life and love and honor and respect to the family. When Chastity went before him and after she had taken her oath Father stood her up and He said something to her and her face fell and a look of pure hate came over her face. Father moved his hand and Jack and Dorman moved forward and took her by the arms and turned her around to face the family. Father stood and said. “My children this one has found to be unworthy of our life here. She is to be given one more chance to work her way back to this point and at that time if she is found worthy she well be allowed to take her oath. Jack and Doorman took the now crying girl out of the room. I could not help but think she’s was going to be fun to live with. And then something happened that I had not expected Father called all of the young one’s to his feet. He lovingly blessed each of us and told us to learn what we had to learn so we would be ready to take our oaths. Then we where sent back to our seats and Father blessed everyone and it was over. As we all went back out into the court yard all the shops where open and there was food and drink everywhere. A big bond fire was in the middle of the court yard and people started dancing around the fire. Will come up to me and grabbed my hand and we joined in on the dance. Everyone was laughing and having fun. I saw Jack a few time’s always with a woman on his arm or should I say women. But I was going to have fun tonight. My body was on fire and I wanted to be touched and made love too. Maybe Jack was right, I just need to find a lover. Then I felt someone watching me and I knew that feeling. And I stated looking around and before long I found Dorman and he was looking at me with such a hot lusty look in his eyes. My body was on fire and though I knew I should not I went by him walking past him, teasing him. I went to a not well lighted part of the court yard and I turned and he was no where to be seen. But I felt him. I knew he was there somewhere and then he was there pushing me up against the wall. His lips where on mine and I kissed him back with all the passion and the heat that the night had built up in me. He pulled away just for a moment and looked at me. “Why can’t I get you out of my head. What kind of spell have you put on me. I don’t think you know how truly sensual you are.” He kissed me again and then lifted me up pulling up my robe. He’s fingers found me and dove in and when he found me ready he pulled his own robe open and was then deep inside of me. My body shook with need. The ruff rock was hard on my back but I did not care as he lifted me up and down on him and when we cum on each others lips I was shaking like a leaf. He held me clothes to him and whispered to me. “Spend the night with me love.” All I could say is yes. He picked me up in his arms and I’m not sure what way we even went. The next thing I knew I was being laid down on a soft bed. The room was dark except for the fire in the fire place. My robe was gone and so was Dorman’s and he was there kissing each inch of my body. He loved me with his mouth until I was begging him to stop and then he pulled me over on top of him. My hair fell down over us both as I slowly started to ride. He’s hands where on my breast loving them with his hands, pulling on my nipples. “Your so beautiful, I have dreamed about what you have looked like, your hands on my body. You damn witch”. As hard as I tried I could not get him in deep enough or ride him hard enough each peak took me higher to the next until he though me over to my back and pulled my legs up to around his shoulders. He kissed me hard and trust in me a few more time’s and felled me with his seed. “Oh god Ella” He yelled. He slowly let my legs down and pulled me over and held me in his arms. “Just so you know dear I plan to keep you here all night. And maybe all day tomorrow.” And just for a little while I forgot just how much I disliked this man. He made love to me all night. I was not sure how well I would be able to walk the next day. After the heat had cooled a little we set and talked. I was laying on my stomach and he began kissing my back and running his hand over my back side. “You know I think you mush have one of the sexiest ass’s I have ever seen”. I laughed at him and said don’t you mean one of the biggest. He said no it’s perfect. It’s round and very nice to play with. He slid a hand down in between my legs and started rubbing my clit. He had such wonderful fingers and my body shook and then he asked. “Have you ever let a man make love to you here?” and ran a finger over my tight little back door hole. Pure pleaser shot though me. “No” I said “I would love to make love to you there.” He whispered. “I well go slow and make it so good for you.” He ran his fingers back down to my clit and worked me into a frenzy. And then I felt him slowly slid a wet finger into my ass. It felt strange even a little painful but wonderful too. He’s mouth was all over me loving me and with each passing moment he was opening me up a little more. By now I was on fire and did not care where he put it as long as I had him deep inside of me. He was kissing down my back and then I he pulled his finger out and I felt something warm and wet on my hole and he was laying over my back and whispered in my ear “Just take deep breaths my love, It well hurt a little at first but don’t fight me and I promise you I well give you more pleaser then you have ever felt before.” With that he spread my cheeks open and slowly pushed him self inside of me. It did hurt and I started fighting him. He held onto me, “It’s ok baby, Just relax and let it happen, No don’t fight me you well make it hurt worse.” And with that he push all the way in and I cried out in pain. He held very still and let me get use to him in side of me and to my surprise the pain went away and he slowly started to move. I had never felt anything like this before. I was so hot. “That’s it baby. God you feel so good, I knew you would, I have thought about this everyday since I had you bent over my desk” Harder he pushed and reached around and started rubbing my clit. The build up I felt was harder and faster then any orgasm I had ever had in my life. My body rocked and I screamed at the top of my lungs as I came. And then I felt him cum and he too yelled out as he shot his load deep in me. We lay in each others arms for along time with out speaking. I was in a daze never had I cum that hard. And for some reason I wanted to cry. I felt the tears hit the back of my eyes and try as I may I could not stop. Dorman pulled me tighter in his arms and kissed my tears away. It’s ok my love he got up and got a wet clothe from the bath room and cleaned us both up and then he put some cream on my sore pussy and ass and said it would help keep from making it too sore for me. Though he chuckled and said “I do want you to remember me for a day or two.” He drew me to him and kissed me once more and I could feel my eyes getting heavy and try as I might I could not stay awake. That’s the last thing I remember until I awoke in my bed the next morning.

Part three of 4

Early in the morning I was awaken by Jacks light kisses on my body. I pulled him closer to me and he gave me a deep hot kiss that awoke my body even before my mind was full awake. I felt his hand slid in between my legs and found my clit. He slowly started rubbing and built me up to a fire pitch. He then rolled over on top of me and slipped deep inside of me. I raped my legs around him as he whispered sweet love words in my ear. The trust became harder deeper as he kissed me. I felt him every where all around me, in side of me I felt each word he said like a spell being cast upon me. Each wave was deep.. I was falling and not sure as to where I would land. And then my mind exploded in a million peaces and I not understanding what it was that my body was feeling, Not just my body, But my mind and my very soul. I began to cry. A deep hard cry some how I knew this was the beginning of the end. The end of what I was not sure but I felt a loss. Jack pulled me into his arms and held me as I cried. When I had cried my self out he gave me a soft kiss on the lips and began to speak. “ I want us to take a brake for awhile, I well be your friend and always be here for you. But as for your lover I’m not being fair to you keeping you in my bed when you have so much to learn about living this lifestyle. I have taught you what I can at this point and it’s time for you to find new lovers and not just one. Don’t limit your self that way. Find out who you are and what you need. Then when you have found you’re self. Then and only then can we play and have fun. But right now I’m only holding you back. My sweetie Ella, please don’t cry any more. It’s going to be ok. And you well be happier much happier then I well ever make you. Other then class you well not see me again until after Mid summer’s night. Just remember I love you and want what’s best for you.” He leaned down once more and kissed me and then he was gone. I came full awake and set up with a start. My face was wet with tears but I was in my own bed. How had I got here. And had I dreamed it all. I looked at the clock and it was 5am. Time for me to get up I ran to Jacks bed to tell him I was so sorry about last night and to please not put me out of his bed. But when I got to the bed no one was there. The bed was striped of all blankets and pillows. I went to his wardrobe and it too was bare. All of his things where gone from the bed room. I wanted to set down and weep. But I didn’t. Something in side of me grew strong. And I said no. I was stronger then this. I was here to do a fucking job not fall for some stud who thought he was a gift to all woman.

Part two of chapter 4

I would like to tell you for a man who did not get much sleep the night before he sure kept me up all night. Some where around 3 he pulled me in his arms and told me to sleep and it seamed I had just got my eyes closed and he was waking me up for class. I knew today I would be coming back and napping after class I fought so hard to stay awake all day. And when Jack was all peppy in class I truly wanted to throw something at his head. I made it though the day and after class went strait to bed. I awoke with a start at 945 and rushed to get dressed and down to dinner. Jack was no where to be seen so I went walking around the court yard. After my long nap I was awake and thought it would do me good to get in a good walk. Maybe I would hear people talking and could get some more info. Around midnight I decided that I would go to bed and headed off to my room. When I got there I saw that Jack had his curtain down and I quickly undressed and went to get in bed with him. When I pulled back the drapes to my surprise he was not alone. There was a beautiful blond woman lovingly sucking on him. On my Jack. Anger shot though my body as he tried to reach for my hand. I let the drape go and stepped back from the bed. I felt so stupid just standing there in the nude and I could hear Jack stop the young woman and I ran to my bed and dropped the drapes on all sides and hoped he would not come after me. But he opened the drape and climbed into my bed. I moved over to the far side. “Ella, your not jealous are you? We waited for you most of the night and when you did not come to bed we started with out you. Now stop being a baby and come to bed I have a gift for you.” “A gift for ME I said don’t you mean a gift for your self?” I spat. “Now little one you are acting like a jealous two year old. You need to stop and come meet my friend Trasa.” “NO” I spat. “I do not want to meet your whore”. I saw Jacks eyes go dark the way he had looked when Chastity was being so mean to me. And I at once felt sorry for my words. Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed as I tried to say I was sorry. “yes you are sorry and you are going to be even more sorry when I pull you over my knee and spank that ass blue for acting this way.” He drug me to his bed and moved the drape and all but tossed me in. The girl he had called Tresa set there somewhat shocked at the whole thing But I again went to the far side of the bed. After Jack come to bed I watched him untie a leather strap from the bed post. Very calmly too calmly I might add. “Come here Ella…no don’t pull away from me. Come here and let’s not make this worse then it already is.” Jack please I’m sorry I should not have acted that way.” I pleaded. No your right you should have never acted like that now get over here. If you make me come get you it well be much worse on you. NO don’t pull away. Ella, if you don’t want me to toss you out of this bed right now and never let you back in then get your ass over here!” The thought of never having Jack again was much worse then the thought of a spanking. So I moved with in arm reach of him and he dragged me over his knee and the first stinging slap of the strap come down hard across my ass. From above me Jack said in a hard voice that in a lot of ways was worse then the sting of the strap. “Never not one time did I tell you I would not be with other lovers. We are in a Polly family here. If I had wanted to be with just one woman I would have stayed in the world.” SLAP….I wanted this to be a fun night for all of us and you are the one who did not let anyone know you where staying out late. As far as I knew you had found someone else to play with tonight.” SLAP… SLAP… SLAP. I cried out in pain as each slap on my ass got harder. “And you well never speak of anyone like you did a few moments ago. Never well you call anyone a whore. Never well you act this way again. Is this understood Ella!” “Yes Sir” I cry…”Now go and set over there on that side of the bed and you can watch the fun your going to miss tonight.” With that he pushed me off his lap and set back on the edge of the bed as he pushed the girl down on the bed and pushed his face deep into her pussy. The girl screamed out in pleaser as she cum. He then turned her over and kissed up her back taking small bites as he went and even though my ass felt like it was on fire I found my self getting really turned on by what he was doing to her. He looked over at me and held out his hand for me to come to him. I did and he lovingly rolled the girl back onto her back and whispered into my ear. Make love to her with your mouth and gently pushed my face down into her warm pussy. Not knowing really what to do. I thought well I would just do what I liked being done to me. The girl moaned under me as I sucked and licked on her clit and when I sled a finger inside of her I felt her cum all wet and warm. Jack pulled me up and kissed my lips running his fingers over my very hard nipples. He then gave me a killer grin and whispered “My turn.” He sent me back over to the other side of the bed and started making love to this woman. I was no longer mad at him but mad at my self that I had messed up me getting to have fun. After he had loved her everyway he could and the both had cum long and hard and had lade and caught there breath she gave him a sweet kiss and said goodnight to us both she was gone. After a few moments of watching me Jack called me to him. I moved up on the bed and he pulled me into his arms. “Now little one was acting the way you did worth all of that” he asked? I brought her here for us both to love on and to be loved on. I have been told that her way’s with woman are very good and I wanted to share that with you. But because of the way you acted the only thing you got was to pleaser her. You did not deserve to have her touch you.” The tears where rolling down my face by now. Jack leaned down and kissed the tears from my face and said “I know it’s hard to understand sometime’s little one but this is the type of lifestyle you said you wanted when you came here.” “I know” I said and he held me close as we both fell to sleep.

The rest of two.

Jack kissed my forehead and said “little one you have a lot to learn. Do you not know what a gift it was to go to Fathers room. He never plays with young one’s. But you caught his eye and he wanted a closer look at you. And Door well he’s just an ass. I would try and stay away from him as much as you can. You know I have hard rumor that he very seldom plays and when he does it’s only with the sluts of the family. He keeps his self away from most people other then Father and he’s said to be fathers closest friend. But I think your beautiful and I also think you just need to be made love too. Do you think you would be ok with that. I laughed and said yes I think I would. With that Jack kissed me. It was a hot sexy kiss. The kind that make’s a girls toe’s curl. He ran his hands down my body and when his fingers reached my clit he gave a little rub. I almost came out of the bed it felt so good. I wanted to push him over and ride him until I passed out. He laughed at me and said “oh no my dear not yet” and kissed his way down my body. He lifted my legs up around his shoulders and shoved his face into my very wet pussy sucking on my very hard and throbbing clit. Then with one hand he opened me up more and the other he slid in two fingers and started walking the upper part. OH god but I need to cum and I could not help but scream out as I cum all over his hand and mouth. He was back up my body and kissing me. I could taste my self on his lips. He pulled my legs up with his arms and slipped inside of me. He was slow at first I kept pushing my hip’s up trying to make him go faster but he would just laugh. He would pull almost out and wait for me to try and push up then he would shove deep inside of me and give me a few deep hard thrust. Then he flipped us over to where I was on top. My hair was flowing down over both of us as I began to ride him. He tried to control my movement but I would not have it as I was too far gone to do anything slow. He held my hips in his hands as I rode to another orgasm. He then pushed me off him and grabbing my pillow’s and put them in a pile and pushed me over it. And was once again in me. The slow teasing was over as he rode me hard and fast and then I was lost. I felt the fireworks go off in my head as he shot his hot cum deep inside of me as he yelled out. After a few moments he pulled the pillow’s out from under me and lifted my head and laid my head down on them. He softly kissed my back and asked “better little one” “yes” is all I could say. As I drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Two...The rules

Chapter Two The Rules I started looking around the large room and saw a large grandfather clock over on the wall. It was 7:30 I had some time before dinner and thought about a nap. But truth was I could not have slept even if I had wanted too. It had been a long week of medical exams and then what I had to go though in the doorman’s office. I almost laughed at my self thinking I would not do that again. I went to my bed and saw a package laying there on the bed with the word “RULES” in bold black ink on the front. I opened it up and found a list of rules of things I could and could not do. As a “young one” I was very limited as to where I could be, see or even set. I could only watch when they had gathering and could not do any spell work unless it was in class and I was under guidance of the instructor. If I was asked to do anything by an Elder I had to obey with out question. And I had to earn the right to have control of my body and my thoughts. Until then they belonged to the elders and the father. I set the paper work down and had to remind my self that I was here to do a job and that I could get though this. I had to turn the part of my self off that could feel. Just do what I had to do. Get this done and get out. I got up off the bed and started looking around and found a bath room with a very large tub that was just crying for me to run a hot bath and to get in. I also found toiletry’s with my name on a peace of paper. Thank god I need to brush my teeth after having a mouth full of the doorman. Not that it was that bad but it was not really what I had wanted to do. I brush my teeth as the water was running and then undressed and claimed into the tub. The hot water felt so good on my sore body. I laid my head back and shut my eyes. I came awake sometime later with a start with someone standing over me. I jumped up and looked for a towel and this very good looking man was holding it. “Can I have my towel please.” I asked Sure he said and handed me the towel. “You must be Ella, I’m Jack nice to meet you” He said in a very friendly voice. “we well have to get to know each other much better but right now we have to get to dinner. The don’t like it when we are late.” He walked back into the bed room and undressed with me standing right there and put on a long black robe. Mine was lying across the bed it was white and I was wondering why mine was not also black. Jack laughed and said it’s white because your fresh meat. He chuckled again and said it was because I had not take my oath yet. But not to worry as soon as I got though my first classes I would go to a black one. As we walked down the hallway I saw others also going to the dinning area and they where all in black. When we got into the large dinning room I saw there were about 50 people setting at a very large table. All in black and then I saw a smaller table with about 10 other’s in white. I looked at Jack and he gave me a nod as to tell me that was where I was to set. I went to the table and saw a name tag with my name on it and set down with the others. I also noted that no one at my table was talking. I leaned over to the girl next to me and told her my name and she put a finger up to her lips and to say not to say anything. I did not know why but I did not speak again. And then everyone stood up and a line of about 15 people walked into the room with dark robes on that I thought at first was black and then I saw that it was not black.. it was a very deep purple. They filed in and set left or right of a large chair. I noted that two woman set on ether side of the large chair and I also noted that the Doorman set at the end of the table. And then he was there…I blinked my eyes. I’m not sure as to where he even came from. He was not there and then he was. But oh my. This man the one they called the father. He had to be in his late 40’s he had very long hair black for the most part but some gray around his face. He was a large man but in no way did that take away from how he looked. To say he was good looking would not have been even close to describing this man. He had to be the most attractive man I had ever seen in my life. He truly took my breath away. I saw or maybe it was closer to say I felt his eyes on me… For just a moment. And then they where gone. As I looked around me I saw that everyone but me had there heads bowed. I lowered mine quickly and tried to still a glance though the hood of my robe. “My children I great you tonight and welcome you to my table. I love you each and everyone. Now let us dine in love and light as we stand as a family. Love, honor, and respect.” And the rest of the family repeated the love, honor, and respect part and then they all where seated. The food was served to each of us by men and woman in short night dresses. They where a deep blue and for the most part you could see right though them. The young girl beside me whispered “I want to be one of them. Working in the kitchen. What do you want to do?” She asked. I again felt my self looking at the “father” and smiled back at the girl and whispered. “I want to be in his bed.” She giggled and said “don’t we all” She said. But don’t get your hopes up. It’s said he only take’s his wife’s to his bed. Though I think it’s more then that it’s just that no one talks about the Fathers love life. “And nether should you two came a sharp voice from across the table. God but how I hate baby setting you people said the hateful voice. She was a pretty red head in a white robe with a red sash. “ I well be so happy when I can set at the big table. One more week and I well be so done with you people.” “oh shut up Chastity just because your fixing to test up does not give you the right to be nasty to anyone.” Said the young man to her right. He looked at me and said my name is Will by the way. That’s Christy setting there next to you and this is Chastity your room mate. Thank god you have Jack in there or you would have to think about murder I’m sure.” “Oh go to hell Will” Chastity murmured. “I’m sure I well my dear if there is a hell though I don’t think there is.” Chastity did not say anything else the rest of dinner and when it was done we all stood to leave the room and Jack once again was at my side. “Come my dear let me show you around”. As we walked off I was sure I hard Chastity say something about fresh meat. We walked out into the court yard and I was in shock as to how large it was. “It’s like a small city here” Jack said we have shops and bar and clubs to go to. In the in center of the yard was a large building. It looked like an old Gothic church. Jack took me to what was an old coffee shop and set me down at a table. He came back with two cups of coffee and set down beside me. He was a very charming man and I could see why the girls loved him. I was just starting to relax some when someone walked up behind me. “I thought you would be in bed after the hard fuck I gave you today”. It was Doorman or Dorman as It had been explained to me. Jack looked at him and asked “May we help you Sir.” No Jack I don’t need you. I need this little whore. Father wants to meet her.” My heart almost pounded out of my chest. I could not believe I was meeting him this soon. Jack laughed and said “I’ll see you back in our room love” try to not stay out too late” and gave me a wink. “May I have your hand my dear?” “Would not want you to trip on your robe on the way there.” I was thinking to my self I would rather hold hands with a snake then have this man touch me but I placed my hand in his and then almost had to run to keep up with his big steps. He leads me to a far end of the castle up two flights of steps and when we came to a large door he knocked. The door came open and I was led into a large setting room. We walked across plush deep red carpet and came to another door on the far side of the room. I was led into a grand but more privet setting room. It was dark with only candles and a large fire in the fire place. Dorman gave me a slight push into the room and then he was gone. As far as I could tell I was alone in the room. I walked over to the fire place and started losing my self in the flames. Fire had always been my element. It called to me. And then he was behind me again from no where he was just there. “Hello Ella….welcome to my home.” I was trembling even though it was almost too warm in the room. I started to turn around and he asked. “May I touch you?” Yes….yes Sir.” I whispered. He brushed my hair away from my neck and laid a soft kiss on my neck. “I would like to see you.” As he undid the front of my robe and let it slid down my body. He Ran his hand over me slowly giving each nipple a soft but firm tug. I could feel my self getting wet as I was inspected by this man the one they called Father. He lifted my face to his and kissed me. A shock went though me that I had never felt before. Pure energy. Pure love. My body grew hard and wet and throbbing. I felt on fire. He slipped his hand between my legs and briefly flicked his finger over my hard clit. I almost came on the spot. Then he stopped. He pulled my robe back over my body and laid an almost fatherly kiss on my head. “Learn young one what you need to learn and learn it well until then you well not return to my room.” And then he was gone and I was once again alone in the room. I felt such hot lust burning though me I wanted to cry. I could fell the tears burn the back of my eyes. The door opened and Dorman was standing there and I walked to him. He never spoke to me until we where once again out in the court yard that was now quite. It was cold out and I must have been shaking. Dorman looked down at me and said. You didn’t really think he would fuck you did you? Why would he want you. He has the most lushes woman at his beck and call. He dose not need a little whore like you in his bed. And for some reason his words hurt and they hurt badly. I just wanted to get a way from this nasty man and cry my self to sleep. I was way to tired for this. “But you can always come around the corner here with me and I’ll let you suck me. I have to say you did a good job today even if you did not ask first.” I turned with every intention of slapping the smirk right off his face when he leaned down and kissed me hard. He pulled me close to his body and shoved his hand into my hair. And as much as I wanted to hate his kiss and hate his body I could not. I felt all hot once again and he pulled away from me. “Damn you but you’re a hot little whore. Now go to your room before I disrespect both of us and fuck you right here on the street.” I pulled away from him and his harsh words and ran to my room. When I got in the room was dark except for a few soft candles and the low fire in the fire place. I took off my robe and crawled into bed and the day’s events came back to me and the tears started to flow down my face. I shoved my face into my pillow and let the sobs come. What in the hell had I got my self into. No job was worth this. Then the carton of my bed was pulled back and Jack was standing there. “May I come in little one?” “Yes” I said. And he slid into bed beside me and pulled me too him. Why are you crying my love and I told him what had happened…everything from my fuck up today in Dorman’s office until I came to bed leaving out the part of Dorman’s kiss. Jack kissed my forehead and said “little one you

The Dark Lords family

The Dark Lords Family Chapter One I was almost in…it had take so much and so long and now I was almost there. In this strange world. Would I pass the test? Would they see right though me and all be lost. It had take five years to find them then another two to getting to know the right people. Now I set at the doorman’s desk as he looks at my file. “So I see you have been though all the test and they have come back all clean. As you know we don’t let any thing in our home with disease.” He set down at the end of his desk and looked at me. “what make’s you think you well fit in here?” He asked. The look in his eyes told me he was not looking for words. I stood up and walked over to him. I looked around the room as his crony’s looked on with smirks on there faces. He was not the best of looking men but was not what I would call unattractive. I reached out and undid the front of his pants and pulled his soft cock out and went down on my knees. I took him in my mouth and gave the blow job of my life. I knew it all depended on this moment. Could I prove my self that I would work in the “family”. After I had Him hard I was surprised at the size of him. He ran his hands though my hair then I felt a sharp pain as he pulled my hair and snapped my head back to look at him. “Did I ask or give you permission to touch me?” he growled. Oh god I had fucked it up now. He pulled me up to my feet and put his face close to mine. “I should throw you back out onto the street. I think your just a little whore.” Oh my god he was going to kick me out all my work. All the men, hell all the woman I have had to go though to get here and I’ve fucked it up by not asking. I could hear the other people in the room laughing under the breath, I felt like a damn fool. I know better then that. I was just trying so hard to get in that I forgot the first rule. Don’t touch unless asked to or ask your self and be given the ok. Then a smile came across his face. And I could see the passion in his clear blue eyes I only had a moment to think about what that meant as he pushed me over on to his desk and leaned down by my ear. And said. “I’m fixing to fuck you is that ok with you?” Yes I whispered…”WHAT?” He growled in my ear. “Yes Sir it’s ok to fuck me. I want you to fuck me”. Then I had a sharp pain as his had came down across my ass. “Don’t ever touch with out give permission”. He snapped. “Yes Sir” I stammered out. Then I felt his hands on my body as he pushed his now very hard cock up to my ass. He’s hands where everywhere and despite the fact that we where in a room full of people I felt my self getting turned on. And then I felt his fingers slid in me and start to rub. OH god this man new what he was doing he new about hitting the top wall and I could feel my self start to cum. “Yes that’s it cum for me you little whore let me here it” I could feel it building and then the gush as I cum all over his hand. “oh God” I yelled trying to welled my self to stay in control. But then I lost it and my body gave in to the deep orgasm that his fingers had given me. And before I was done Cumming he was in side of me deep and hard his cock felling me up as he started fucking me…hard and fast…I did not have time to catch my breath he was taking me so hard… so fast…. And then just as quick he pulled out of me and pulled me down to my knee’s and shoved is cock into my mouth letting his load go. I tried hard not to gag and swallow as quick as I could but he flooded my mouth and I was almost to the point of trying to pull back when he pulled out and left me on my knee’s. I felt the tear’s burn the back of my eyes but I refused to cry or show this asshole any weakness. “Nora” He snapped out. “Take this little whore to her room”. He walked back over to me and pulled me up to my feet pulling me an inch from his face. “If you ever touch anyone with out them giving you the ok I’ll though your ass out on the street my self.” And then shoved me away from him. A very kind faced older woman come up to me then and took my hand. She was very gentle as she led me to me out of the room.” We walked for a few moments when she said “I’m sorry dear that he’s such an ass.. You well find most people here are very loving and kind though somewhat dark but I guess this is a dark life style. Just always remember to ask.” That’s the father’s biggest rule” The Father he’s the one I had been waiting on. He’s was the whole point. It was he that the people who sent me…he was the one they wanted. And I knew to ever get close to him I had to go through the others. This woman named Nora. She seamed very kind and central as she lead me down a long hallway. As we walked I saw people standing most of them in “Goth” type clothing. There where young and old alike but no one looked at me unkind. I was led into a room that had three large beds in it that where almost med-evil looking. They had heave drapes tide to the post but could be let down if one wanted to be left alone. “you well be staying in this room with two other people. That’s Chastity’s bed. Watch out for her she can be ummm a little nasty at time’s. Just stay out of her way. And that’s over by your bed is Jack. Nice guy just make sure you don’t fall for him. He love’s to play with all of the lady’s here. Ok supper is at 10. Everyone is to be there and you well start class in the morning at 6am. Just don’t ever be late.” She then turned and place as soft wet kiss on my lips. “Good luck my dear, I’m sure you well do fine”. And then she turned and left me standing alone in the room.
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15 years ago
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