The one I've always wanted, has now gone away as an option. Fuckin' damn it anyway. It's my own fault for not speaking up when I should have. I guess that's the price I pay for being shy, nervous, and what other words you can name to the feeling.
In some ways I just want to give up on it all together and say fuck it, in other ways I want to try my one last option. Either way, it's too late. I dont even think I have that good of a shot with the final option. I'll see on Thursday, not gonna bank on it though.
This would be where I mention a mad song.
From Seether
If I gave you the truth, would it keep you alive?
Though I'm closer to wrong
I'm no further from right
And now I'm convinced on the inside that something's wrong with me
Convinced on the inside, you're so much more than me, yeah
No there's nothing you say that can salvage the lie
But I'm trying to keep my intentions disguised
And now I'm deprived of my conscience and something's got to give
Deprived of my conscience
This all belongs to me, yeah
I'm beaten down again, I belong to them
Beaten down again, I've failed you
I'm weaker now my friend, I belong to them
Beaten down again, I've failed you
The deception you show is your own parasite
Just a word of advice you can heed if you like
And now I'm convinced on the inside that something's wrong with me
Convincd on the inside you're so much more than me, yeah
I'm beaten down
*If you read this, thank you*