Anybody interested in missing and exploited children???????....... I am running a website on, with 2 pages especially for missing and exploited children as they are listed on the National site for Missing and Exploited Children.
I have very intense feelings about this issue. many of our young people are being exploited on the Internet right now as I write this blog. if you run across a space where there is no longer a picture of the child that was there, it means he or she has been located and is now at home with their families. T
There are pedaphiles and predators every turn in cyberspace and it is vital that you teach every young person you know how to protect themselves online, not just at home or on the streets.
I have posted ways for children to read and learn to protect themselves online, on the streets and at home. please if you have anylove in your hearts for young people go to my site and see if any of the children on the site are from your town/state and if they are then won't you please email everybody you know in your town/state and tell them about the missing child???
You never know, you just might help some poor lost and hungry child, or kidnapped and violated young child get back home to their families so they can celebrate Thanksgiving together this year with a special thanks to our Lord above for his guidance and help.
Blessed be,
Velvet Vamp

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