My disgust for women... and people, in general, grows each and everyday with something they do or dont do that I witness, daily
I dont even want to get into it, it'll just get me all riled up... Lets just say, that you ALL annoy me a great deal
Pretending to have friends when you ALL talk behind each others' backs about any juicy gossip that may be floating around, cause, heck, its, at least, SOMETHING to talk about :OP:OP
And whats with your vocabulary and speak impediments?? All this "like" this "like" that, EVERYTHING IS COMPARED TO SOMETHING with you all!! Whats with that non sensicle, unintelligent banter that you spew, these days?!?!
"Liiiiiiike, OOOOhhh Myyyy GOD! He said that she said that he said.. LIIIIIKE WHATEVERRRRR!"
*smacks you all upside your air-filled skulls*
As our technology advances at an ever greater pace... we are ever becoming socially retarded!!
It doesn't make sense!
Y'know what it is, computers are doing all the thinking for you, now
But, I digress...
You suck
I said it.
I'll be single forevermore, because you ALL disgust me
female/male.. whatever!
Send me to another planet, will ya?
*rolls eyes*