38 Year Old
Joined on July 18, 2010
Born on July 4th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Being Chinese takes up most of my time. The internet makes me simultaneously as smart as a tree full of owls and as stupid as a soup sandwich. Wasabi is great. Especially with sushi.I am very proficient in HTML (How To Make Love) Los Angles is a place women walks their kids on a leash and carry their dog.
I am full Irish American.
I have a few tattoos, 1 piercing ask me where.. haha.. :}
I have a dog named {Moot} and a turtle {Cookie}
5 little amazing sisters and 2 older awesome brothers and a great family.
Staying positive and spreading the love is something I am good at. Never want to stop doing that.
I am a writer and I am a artist, just recently I realized that I might be good at it.
I have been described as weird..
I am a outspoken person, this might probably be the only thing that causes me the most trouble.
I am a lover never a fighter.
Just a little bio.
I have a weird disease called Chronicle Reply Disorder (CRD) which makes it hard for me to reply sometimes It's a vary rare chronic disease and there isn't much known about it.
38 Year Old
Joined on July 18, 2010
Born on July 4th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
I'm really into music, its a huge part of my life, I even play guitar very piss poorly, also I'm really bad at the drums, as for bands that list is truly endless, I'm always looking for new bands that I've never herd and that you wont here on the radio, so the list grows pretty much every day, as far as style of music that's vast as well, everything from the most brutal of metal, to very mellowest of the mellow.
I am not a movie buff, but who doesn't enjoy a good movie. So my answer is.... Anything interesting.
Mark Twain Jack Kerouac Dagobert D. Runes Erma Bombeck I Ching