For those of you that know me....I never write in here very much. But this morning I sit here with a heavy heart. I am hoping that writing will help me so far nothing has, I have only slept about 2 hours, so I decided to sit down and remember all the good times .
Well first off I should probably start with what happened. Yesterday (May 6th) started off good...Ash filled me in on some of the things that happened at her prom, Tom was cussing the lawn mower for not working you know Tom that is a common occurance when he is mad about a mechanical problem...then Ash left to go shopping and Tom went to his friend Brians.
So I was sitting here watching a show on the History channel on TV and my cousin Brucie shows up to tell me that my dad died in a motorcycle accident...He went to Richmond, Va to see the Nascar race...(God knows how he loved that bike and he loved to see the races!) Seems that he was on the interstate and the person in front of him braked and they had no working brake or tail my poor dad didn't have a chance...he died about an hour later...
Isn't it funny was like I knew something was wrong....the show I was watching was about Evel Kenevel....So I was sitting here remembering all of us as children and dad sitting around watching his jumps when we were little...was remembering dad buying that Evel rip cord motorcycle toy for my brother for Christmas...and then playing with it as much as Mike did....that was things that I hadn't thought of in years and years and it was all on my mind right before my cousin came by....
Dad always said that friends are only for a short time, but family is forever....I believe that to an extent...friends do come and go....but it is also friends that are your glue at times....just like your family....I think that they can be one and the know my cousin that came by....I run into him on occassion we say hi and catch up with what is going on with our familys....but we never really talk unless it is at the family reunion or sad to say a funeral....but you know we still love each other and are there for each other cuz it is families that make us is our glue
Please, my friends keep my family in your thoughts and prayers....we need it right now....but you also know we all have each other and that is what will always make us stronger and it is the tough times that is the glue that holds us all my friends please let all of your friends and family know how much they mean to you because they are your glue....