Ok, this is to all the guys out there that have girlfriends/wives. Why do you need to go on a site and flirt with people who you'll prob never meet if you have someone at home who you say you are happy with????? Not to mention the fact that that person didnt even know that you belonged to that site... Why would you lie abt something like that? Does it make you feel like a real man to know thst youre getting away with something that your girl has no idea abt???? WTF??? And then ignore her when she finds you on here and messages you.... I really dont get it? Is it because the girl youre living with and marrying next year isnt good enough for you? Or is it that it's just easier to get off to people who would never want anything to do with you anyway, so you pretend to have some sort of "dellusional realationship" with them with no strings attached? I really dont understand... Could someone please enlighten me???? Thanks...Oh, and Sean, if you read this, you better reply!!