Join the Ticketmaster group on Facebook:
After joining, the screen will show an iTunes code valid for 5 free song downloads, including the $1.29 drm-free songs.
You can leave the group right away
Codes expire November 15, 2007.
Credits expire December 31, 2007
You can only do this once per account but you can keep creating fake accounts with diff email addresses. Using helps.
According to my calculations it takes approx. 1.25 minutes to go from nothing to having a code. That means you could generate about 48 codes an hour. now say you do this for oh, 2.5 hours a day until nov. 15th. starting today thats about 5,160 free songs. (or between $5,108.40 and $6,656.40 based on songs costing .99 to 1.29 dollars) or Total songs=5(48x) with x being the number hours you spend generating codes.
Now if you had plenty of time (or were just really devoted) and put 6 hours a day into it, you could get up to 61,920 free songs.
EDIT: ofcourse this is all assuming itunes doesn't have a limit for song credits.
I don't have the stamina for it, but i have gotten 400 credits over 2 days :P