Sometimes i feel like im swimming in an ocean of broken glass. i want him back so bad. he comes over all the time giving me hope. then he just takes it away leaving me bereft and wallowing in misery. i have done everything i can to let this man know i still want him now i have to ask him to leave me alone. For him to keep coming around and giving me hope when hes thinking about being with somwoneelse is not just unfair its down right cruel. like swiming through the broken glass every move every touch cuts hurts and bleeds. just waitng for the one that will come along and put me out of my misery. ive never been a quitter and ive alwayd been a strong woman. but there is only so much a person can take and i truely feel if he really cared about me loved me and respected me that way he says he does he wouldnt hurt me when he has been told how i feel and what his actions are doing to me. so please people give me some advice and if you happen to see him online feel free to express your opinion to him as well.
erotic god
@ CherryTAP
Thank you to all that have read this.