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46 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 552122 · Joined on July 28, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 3rd · 5 referrals joined!
46 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 552122 · Joined on July 28, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 3rd · 5 referrals joined!

Hi everyone, and thanks for coming to check out our page. I'm Michelle and I live in Canada. My fiance is Randy and he just moved here from the states a couple of years ago. We recently took our company online and have been really excited about it's online success so far. Our company is My Secret Sex Toys, and it is just packed with our personal favorites. The reason we joined fubar.com was to help bring some exposure and information about sex toys. We will be doing a weekly blog on here about....you guessed it, sex and sex toys. Can you think of anything mor fun in life than that? If you can, let me know, and I'll be the first in line to try it.

Other than that, we are just a normal couple, who enjoy going to the mountains, camping (gotta have showers nearby!!!), all different kinds of music (swing, psytrance/goa, hard and heavy rock, classic rock, classical music.....you get the picture. We are also movie junkies with over 400 videos in our collection. Horror movies are my favorite and Randy loves old Samurai movies. Oh, and did we mention sex? Yeah, we love that too. Big supporters of sex. It's feels good, sounds good, and funny thing is....It's Good For You! Yup, not only is it great exercise (hot, steamy, nasty, sweaty sex) but it also has several mental and psychological benefits. It relieves stress, helps regulate moods, great sleep aide (bye bye Sominex), and it makes every just seem a bit nicer. We put up some pics of different products for you to browse through. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us. We are really friendly people and love helping others.

Ok, for all the guys out there, in case you didn't read, I am engaged, so please, keep the hormones in check and have some respect for yourselves and others. I don't chat, cyber, etc with guys I meet online. How would you like it if your girlfriends were doing that? I also don't appreciate lewd suggestive comments that I heard back when I was in Jr. High. If you think that turns women on....you need to really rethink what you know. It doesn't. Women don't like it...trust me on this, it's ok, you can. So, put your "tool" back in your pants, hands back on the keyboard, and behave for a bit. I am all one for having a healthy sex drive, but learn respect.

Hmmmm, what else about us........well, we are really saving up all of our money to buy a house out in the country somewhere away from the city, We have a cat named Gir (after a character from "Invader Zim". He is definately a freak and so in love with Randy. We both love to read books, Lots and Lots of books about anything really. Going out to eat is a big thing for us. We love to try new restaurants, different types of cuisine, new things in general. We recently tried Ethiopian food. That was really good. Randy keeps bugging about Morrocan food, and his personal favorite is New Mexican food. He grew up eating it all his life. Bet his grandmother had to work over time cooking for him.

That's about it. Cant really think of anything else. If you want to talk to us, or have any questions or anything, send us a message. We talk to everyone. If you would like us to write about a particular subject, drop us a line and we'll see what we can do for you. Need advice about different kinds of sex toys? We got you covered there as well. We have too many years experience with them. WE offer only the best products from the best manufacturers like:

If you think we are even somewhat interesting, or that you think others might enjoy the blog we do, please let others no about it. We enjoy spreading love, so give us some and you will get lots back in return. Take care everyone, and Make it Hot and Steamy!!!

Friends of ours:

Make sure to check out these friends/family of ours. All are wonderful people that have added to our life in one way or another. Go visit them, you know you want to!!

Jess has entered her first contest and would love all the support you can give. Click on this photo to go and comment/rate it. Thanks for the help! Contest goes on until Sept 13!


This is Kink! You're going to love her, trust me!!

Dame Readily Undertaking Sensual Indulgence and Lustful, Licentious Affection

Get Your Sexy Name

46 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 552122 · Joined on July 28, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 3rd · 5 referrals joined!
We love everything from Tori Amos to Psytrance. All types of music get our juices flowing. If it's got a good beat and you can dance to it (or other things) then we like it.

I love Horror movies! I love the B rated cheese they love to come out with. I also like action, thriller, war, some westerns, anime, etc......... I don't like musicals most chick flicks suck a$$!!!!

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