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Send some poems to a friend - the love thought that counts! Poems for the People - Poems by the People About the PoemI began to have feelings for my best friend, who is with someone. I couldn't help feeling for her because she was so kind and caring to me, more than my friends ever have. She told me that she had feelings for me also - so, I had to write this as my gift to her. All Poems > Love Poems > Love and Friendship Poems > Can We Still Be Friends? My Gift To You by Lonely Shadow I live through my dark existence only to bask in your beauty your eyes that shine like sapphires your smile that brightens even my sad existence I envy the wind that runs through your hair that touches your lips I long to touch you to hold you in my arms but I cannot for your heart belongs to another so, I can only love you from afar your friendship means more to me than anything this world provides but like an angel you touched my heart in a way that I've never felt before cause I've never known what love is until this day I know that we are only friends but my heart wishes it to be more so I will still hope and dream that one day I can feel your lips pressed to mine to hold you in my arms and say, "I love you" Six FREE things you can do with this poem! Friend Want to share this poem with a friend? You can email it directly to your friend, with a personal message from you. Vote If this poem touched you, please take a moment to Vote for the poem and perhaps leave a comment telling us why. eCard Artistically inclined? You can use this poem in a graphical greeting card, designed by you, and then send it to a special friend. Print Need a hardcopy? You can send a copy of this poem directly to your printer, without all of the color and graphics. Author Want to send the author of this poem a private email? If they have maintained a current address with us, we'll send your message for you. More If you especially appreciated this author, we'll be happy to show you where you can find more of their poems (c) 2000 Lonely Shadow Please respect the rights of the author and Passions in Poetry. If you would like to use this poem on your own web page, please contact the Author. Thank you. All Poems > Love Poems > Love and Friendship Poems > Can We Still Be Friends? Visitor Comments (from the Voting form) ranjanits realy good and express my feeling angelai really feel this poem it happen 2 me once before but the only way that it happens is cuz just like that guy told me friendship last more den everything in the world is hard 2 see that serten person with anot5her person will really hurt u but u alwayz got 2 know that u learn from it u dnt cry for it. adaI LOVE IT jessI am in thesituation described and fell the way said about a male friend of mine. Watching from afar does hurt but this poem reminds me thats what i ahve to do. jess x JessicaCool Poem. eroticThis poem exudes the very essence of a forbidden line. It is beautiful thankyou. Erotic JessicaHey good poem. SarahI love this poem for one reason. It applies directly to me. I have a friend that has turned form a frind to my love. Though I know I can never have him, I will always love him. Thank you for the wonderful poem. floraI love it, because i can relate to it. GIGGLEZI loved the poem it describes how you were feeling so that made it a little more touching an kind wishing you the best with your writing *GIGGLEZ* JeanI love this poem because it describe a relationship I have with one of my friend, it say everything I want to say Breezythis is xaktly how i feel 4 this 1 boy but it sucks cus he has his baby girl. I LOVE THIS POEM . IT IZ SOOO TRU! louisathis is so touching and it expresses exactly how I feel YorlenisLOVE THE POEMS GustavoMan when I read this poem I knew it was true because this is how I feel about a friend I have and I just don't know how to tell her. I sent her this poem so that she can see that this is what I feel about her. Thanks lynIt was very touching and it definetly was about what i am going through right now! Louisit touch my heart. it explains what i think like if the writer is me the wrighter is a great one. candancethis poem really touch me it remind me of my love for some one very speical to me and i wish that he knew how much i care about himthanks for writing this i loved it. CHARMANEi love this poem it really touch my feelings dyantiea wonderful poem that represents most of the girls' love story. it makes me reflect to my own journey in loving the unreachable 'star' that cast over the dark sky. it gives me the strength to carry on. to love him. There are 359 Additional Visitor Comments (click to read them) All Visitor Comments on this poem have been posted by people who wanted to let the author know the poem touched their hearts. If you would like to leave a comment of your own, please click the Vote button in the Response Panel above. 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my brithday is coming

subject: my brithday is coming date: 2006-12-30 15:11:46 hey guys my brithday is coming on jan9th so what will u send me for my brithday wishes so stop by private message me to say happy brithday or give me a brithday surpise Reply To my private messager for brithday wishes and my brithday surpises as gifts

what a great day

today the sun came out the brids were singing i heard my son say im alright ,no worries no sadness oh what a joy i had the most inner peace i felt sadness for a while but i knew in my heart that the love i had for him will live in me forever,one day i will see him at the gates of haven opening his arms to hug his mother ,i believe when someone passes on they are angels for the lord ,singing praises to the lord ,and the love from god and all the angels may they be withyou in your daily lifes always remember life goes on after death,we just go unto other levels of heaven or get reborn as someone eles but we are only here for one purpose to learn from eachother not to hate or be a and ass hole but to love everybody no matter what they are or how rich they or poor they are or sick or what ever it may be god is love we have to love as well and do good things in life ,so when someone passes celabrate there life not their death love you for who all supported me in my time of need thanks if you will u can send me a message or just show love u may do so

happy holloween guys

hey everybody hopeing you will have a great scary holloween i Halloween had its beginnings in an ancient, pre-Christian Celtic festival of the dead. The Celtic peoples, who were once found all over Europe, divided the year by four major holidays. According to their calendar, the year began on a day corresponding to November 1st on the modern day Gregorian calendar. The date marked the beginning of winter. Since they were pastoral people, it was a time when cattle and sheep had to be moved to closer pastures and all livestock had to be secured for the winter months. Crops were harvested and stored. The date marked both an ending and a beginning in an eternal cycle. The festival observed at this time was called Samhain (pronounced Sah-ween or Sow-in). It was the biggest and most significant holiday of the Celtic year. The Celts believed that at the time of Samhain, more so than any other time of the year, the ghosts of the dead were able to mingle with the living, because at Samhain the souls of those who had died during the year traveled into the otherworld. People gathered to sacrifice animals, fruits, and vegetables. They also lit bonfires in honor of the dead, to aid them on their journey, and to keep them away from the living. On that day all manner of beings were abroad: ghosts, fairies, and demons—all part of the dark and dread. Samhain became the Halloween of modern times when Christian missionaries attempted to change the religious practices of the Celtic people. In the early centuries of the first millennium A.D., before missionaries such as St. Patrick and St. Columcille converted them to Christianity, the Celts practiced an elaborate religion through their priestly caste, the Druids, who were priests, poets, scientists and scholars all at once. As religious leaders, ritual specialists, and bearers of learning, the Druids were not unlike the very missionaries and monks who were to Christianize their people and brand them as devil worshippers. As a result of their efforts to wipe out "pagan" holidays, such as Samhain, the Christians succeeded in effecting major transformations in it. In 601 A.D., Pope Gregory I issued a now famous edict to his missionaries concerning the native beliefs and customs of the peoples he hoped to convert. Rather than try to obliterate native peoples' customs and beliefs, the pope instructed his missionaries to use them: if a group of people worshipped a tree, rather than cut it down, he advised them to consecrate it to Christ and allow its continued worship. In terms of spreading Christianity, this was a brilliant concept and it became a basic approach used in Catholic missionary work. Church holy days were purposely set to coincide with native holy days. Christmas, for instance, was assigned the arbitrary date of December 25th because it corresponded with the mid-winter celebration of many peoples. Likewise, St. John's Day was set on the summer solstice. Samhain, with its emphasis on the supernatural, was decidedly pagan. While missionaries identified their holy days with those observed by the Celts, they branded the earlier religion's supernatural deities as evil, and associated them with the devil. As representatives of the rival religion, Druids were considered evil worshippers of devilish or demonic gods and spirits. The Celtic underworld inevitably became identified with the Christian Hell. The effects of this policy were to diminish but not totally eradicate the beliefs in the traditional gods. Celtic belief in supernatural creatures persisted, while the church made deliberate attempts to define them as being not merely dangerous, but malicious. Followers of the old religion went into hiding, branded as witches. The Christian feast of All Saints was assigned to November 1st. The day honored every Christian saint, especially those that did not otherwise have a special day devoted to them. This feast day was meant to substitute for Samhain, to draw the devotion of the Celtic peoples, and, finally, to replace it forever. That did not happen, but the traditional Celtic deities diminished in status, becoming fairies or leprechauns of more recent traditions. The old beliefs associated with Samhain never died out entirely. The powerful symbolism of the traveling dead was too strong, and perhaps too basic to the human psyche, to be satisfied with the new, more abstract Catholic feast honoring saints. Recognizing that something that would subsume the original energy of Samhain was necessary, the church tried again to supplant it with a Christian feast day in the 9th century. This time it established November 2nd as All Souls Day—a day when the living prayed for the souls of all the dead. However, once again, the practice of retaining traditional customs while attempting to redefine them had a sustaining effect: the traditional beliefs and customs lived on, in new guises. All Saints Day, otherwise known as All Hallows (hallowed, i.e. sanctified or holy), continued the ancient Celtic traditions. The evening prior to the day was the time of the most intense activity, both human and supernatural. People continued to celebrate All Hallows Eve as a time of the wandering dead, but the supernatural beings were now thought to be evil. The folk continued to propitiate those spirits (and their masked impersonators) by setting out gifts of food and drink. Subsequently, All Hallows Eve became Hallow Evening, which became Hallowe'en—an ancient Celtic, pre-Christian New Year's Day in contemporary dress. Many supernatural creatures became associated with All Hallows. In Ireland, fairies were numbered among the legendary creatures who roamed on Halloween. An old folk ballad called Allison Gross tells the story of how the fairy queen saved a man from a witch's spell on Halloween. O Allison Gross, that lives in yon tower the ugliest witch in the North Country... She's turned me into an ugly worm and gard me toddle around a tree... But as it fell out last Hallow even When the seely [fairy] court was riding by, the Queen lighted down on a gowany bank Not far from the tree where I wont to lie... She's change me again to my own proper shape And I no more toddle about the tree. In old England, cakes were made for the wandering souls, and people went "a' soulin'" for these "soul cakes". Halloween, a time of magic, also became a day of divination, with a host of magical beliefs: for instance, if persons hold a mirror on Halloween and walk backwards down the stairs to the basement, the face that appears in the mirror will be their next lover. Virtually all present Halloween traditions can be traced to the ancient Celtic day of the dead. Halloween is a holiday of many mysterious customs, but each one has a history, or at least a story behind it. The wearing of costumes, for instance, and roaming from door to door demanding treats can be traced to the Celtic period and the first few centuries of the Christian era, when it was thought that the souls of the dead were out and around, along with fairies, witches, and demons. Offerings of food and drink were left out to placate them. As the centuries wore on, people began dressing like these dreadful creatures, performing antics in exchange for food and drink. This practice is called mumming, although the similar American practice of trick-or-treating appears to have evolved independently. To this day, witches, ghosts, and skeleton figures of the dead are among the favorite disguises. Halloween also retains some features that hearken back to the original harvest holiday of Samhain, such as the customs of bobbing for apples and carving vegetables, as well as the fruits, nuts, and spiced cider associated with the day. Today Halloween is becoming once again an adult holiday or masquerade, like Mardi gras. ---- SOURCE : WIKIPEDIA.ORG know i am

hey my son is better

hey guys they got the results back on my sons kidney and how to trat him now hes has a bad infected in both kidneys ,but being trated with antibotics now ,so thank you for all the prays and support for us ,
hey just sending me and peters love right back at you,thanks for everything we will never forget how all of yous sent all of lovely comments to us ,still no word on tissues tests well just kept sending those comments peter saids hi that when gets better maybe he can meet you all that show a 10yr old boy love so still kept praying and may god bless for what you have show us love in our hearts for all of yous than you for careing and loveing us
hey guys if u were in love with someone what would u tell them how you loved them so tell here and respost this to see how many people come to u and tell all
thanks for who came here to show love and support some of my friends didnt come here or say anything you should of came its a child we r talking about its is life hey if u or your kids were sick and i was your friend i be there for u or kids or wife but u werent there for me or my kids shame on yousso if u give a fuck that my child is stuffering here cause both kidneys failing come on over here and show me you care about me or my kid ,to the ones that show up here thank u sovery much my son peter is also graeful u came to show him your love to a sick boy ,well guys come and say hi to peter tell him something to cheer my son peter up he said its not fun being sick ,so come on guys show peter how u feel,more up dates soon ,still wating on home nurse to come and results on kidney tissues they took from his both kidneys ,hugs kises love and smiley faces
hey guys i have good and bad news well the good that is fever is no longer but my insurece company made the doctors discharge him so i had to bring home still with kidney failure but the kidney dr.is sending a home nurse to my house to check on him but im still worried about things.the doctor said if hes worse bring him to a hospital he will let me know the results of the cancer test with tissue they took from both kidney then they will let me know how they will trat him for kidney failure then everybody on lost pls pray that peter does not get worse while home i want to kick ass right now with my health insurnce that i have ,for me and my sons well guys wish me goodluck watching my son until the home nurse comes to my house i am not a dr or a nurse they shouldnt make do this its killing me already that hes has kindey fallure and is still not out of the woods show me and peter well wishes send peter some hi how r u u have us has friends he can read your comments everyday until we know whats what love u all hugs love peace and smiley faces
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