I had a racing bike wreck I am in a wheelchair now. Well May 11, 1997 at 22 years old. I had the bike wreck. I bought a racing bike on Tuesday put another front end on it and put lights and all on it. Friday I took it to the drag strip. Sunday on Mothers day I had the wreck because some one pull out in front of me in Ford Explorer and I hit the back coner for it and tolded them out and my bike at over 100 miles ahour. Their was a statetrooper right their eating and he said I was doing over 100. I was in a choma for 6 1/2 weeks. but mom said I was still in it for along time. I am very lucky to be here because I died twice. Motorcycles are real danagerous because people pull out in front of you all the time. And I can`t walk im in a wheelchair. But what put me in chair was a A autery had to be fix and they closed it off for 30 mins and when they dopened it back it had killed my legs. I didn`t break my back.