Current mood:sad
I dont understand how God works! But i know that he works for the best and whats best for me! And all i know is that the California girl i have found is the best thing that has ever happend to me
! Oh sure, we havent been dating long, but there is something inside me telling me that going to Cali,
away from her as hard as it may be, will make us grow closer. i trust God and i know that this was all a part of his wonderful plan, and i thank him everday for bringing her into my life!!! i know that the next 5 months are going to be a stuggle, but we will draw closer together and our relationship will grow stronger! God doesnt let us off easy, He puts us through trials so that we relay on Him to get us through and therefore making our relationship with him stronger! The same goes for my relationship... the more i trust her and the more i trust in God to help me through the hard times while i am away, my relationship will grow stronger!! All i need now is a little help on the talking more on the phone part of things!!! LOL!!
God Works Wonderfully!!!
found this about me...4 years later... wow... <3