So yeah this weekend I went to see Sounds of the Underground tour and it was fantastic. With some minor hiccups along the way.
Some friends and I got together around 0930 on Friday Morning and piled in her van and ran errands. One being to get a tire changed cause it was showing metal along the side wall and tread. Really needed to be changed so we took care of it, got a map picked up another traveler and away we went.
The trip down was okay no hitches, we parked near the Palladium and got in line to wait for tickets. Now I am a curious sort of fellow and I looked into the line a bit and I see some people with clip boards, hmmm curious is piqued a bit. One of the kids, a rather short and chunky lad is wearing a shirt with a chicken on it above it the words, "I am not a Nugget!" were there. Oh, fun times ahead, these were activatists. So I approached the three of them and asked some questions and this one young lad who was a bit feminine, he acted and reacted like he didn't have a lot of testostrone in his system. So anyway I asked this young man some questions and he gave me short answers without a lot of information.
Like why should I sign this petition,? His response was because it's the right thing to do.
Do you have any literature and he handed me a dvd with some writing on it.
I looked at him, then at the dvd and said there is no way that I can view this DVD in this line right now, to give me any valid information on why I should sign your petition.
He asked me "Do you like seeing Chickens thrown against the walls?"
I told him that I don't believe in torturing animals but I am a meat eater and they have to die someway.
Then I tossed his CD onto his clipboard and it kind of landed and slid off and he's like That's not very nice and walked around me and said "I'm going to talk to somebody whose more friendly". I told him I haven't begun to get mean yet. With that he walked off and the chunky kid with the chicken shirt came up and actually had a bit more to say that at least had conviction to it. I told him I wouldn't sign anything without reading some literature on it. He gave me a flimsy piece of paper with some websites and writing on it. Very nice of him and we bantered a few minutes and I told him that I would look at the websites, but on the paper and DVD the words. were on it, guess what. Not gonna happen, I don't respect them and I consider them to be terrorists in their own ways. Nuff said about those cock suckers. Well they are vegitarians right so the cock would be shaped out of rotton tofu.
So we get inside and the music is pounding and some band is up there, don't know their name, don't really care but they were decent enough. I am 33 years old and a bit out of shape and I am watching the pit, there were plenty of Fists and feet flying and I really didn't want to get involved with it. I don't need anything broken. I was trying to make a choice as to if I wanted to try to get to the center stage front rail. I had been to two concerts at this venue before and I remember how much fun general admission can be. So after about 30 seconds of thought the band on stage finished and I moved to take my position into the crowd to force my way to the stage. Well to make this part of the story shorter, it took me two bands worth of time but I was one layer on flesh away from the railing and I had gotten to the center stage. It took me about 4 more bands to actually break through and get to the railing itself. FUN. Well I don't remember a lot of names of the bands that were there, but there was Chimaria, Shadows Fall, Job for a Cow boy, Heavy Heavy Low Low and of course GWAR headlining. Oh yeah and this stupid fucking rapper named Necro was there. He was horrible, yeah he sung about fucking corpses but come on, who doesn't in death metal. He just rapped it, oh yeah and his lame ass "DJ" pushed play on his CD Pioneer turntable, yeah I was close enough to read the brand name.
So anyway. GWAR!!!!!!!!! Holy shit!. Wow Zoinks and my sphincter is still puckered with excitement.. This band is phenomenal in concert. Wow, it was like a audio assault. Double bass drums pounding, guitars screaming, bass guitar rearranging your organs, fog machines going, strobes and a tremendous light show. Oh yeah and the blood. So much blood. It was great. If you've never been to GWAR they basically turn several large diameter hoses on the crowds. Granted they spray it through a third party object, Head on a steak, decaptated person on stage oh and the big cock that the Lead singer Oderous has hanging between his legs. The thing is as big as a thermos only longer with eyes on tenticles and a smile on the end. Yeah he will jerk off his cock and spray the crowd with fake blood, semen or urine. It may sound gross but do it anyway it's so worth it. Of course during the whole show I am getting security up around me pulling people over my head. I got kicked in the noggin a few times from flailing limps, I helped push people out when I could. I managed to not get to crushed even enough several thousand people were pushing forward. It was a blast. I had this hot girl behind me who had her arms around me and was laying her head on my sholder. I kept looking at her, and damn she was good looking, she had dark hair with a white streak in it. When she got covered with blood initially I looked back at her and told her how beautiful she looked. Mmmmmmm She really did. She gave me a kiss later on for helping her look for her cell phone which we never did find. Oh well. I still got some tongue, on hind sight I wish I had tried to get her to come with me, I knew she had a boyfriend but I don't know if he was there someplace lost in the crowd or if he was sitting at home doing something else. No idea.
I'm trying to make this as short as possible, but it's taking awhile to type out. We ended up getting stranded for the night in Worchester. turns out we got a flat tire, remember the tire we had changed earlier in the day. Yeah, it was flat. Shit....
So we got it towed and since we didn't have the cash to get it fixed the girl called her mom and got her moms credit card and we had to wait until morning to get anything done on it. So then we called a cab company so we could get to a cheap motel, we didn't have jack shit for cash on us. I said screw it and called my father and got his Credit card number. We went to the Hilton acrossed the street. It was a 145 dollars for the night and we got 2 queen beds for the six of us, but it worked out three of them slept on one bed, I got the other bed and two slept on the floor. Woohoo.
The receptionist was a young asian girl who spoke English but her comprehension was still in the learning process. So when we got there I witnessed some older guy giving her a ration of shit, big heaping helping of it. I wasn't impressed so even though she did kind of annoy me a bit I was nice to her as much as possible, she was trying and it did take us a half hour to get checked in. I had given her the phone to speak to my father to get his credit card info, Now first things first here, I had given her my card which had some money on it, but it was for the guarentee, which means if there are any extra charges occurred like porn tv, stuff from the mini bar and so on that it would have a place to go. So after that she spoke to my dad and then his card didn't go through, so I got his number and she put it in again. Denied again, which I knew was not possible. So I asked if she minded if I come behind the desk. It was 2300 hours, the security guard was right there, I was soaked and looked like a homeless guy. It was perfect and she said sure. So I walked behind the counter and figured out where she had gone wrong. I watched her enter the information. She had messed up the names, plain and simple. No big deal, in five minutes we had our room. Well we had the wrong room, but we still had the room. I came back down later and got the right room.
There was a Uno's connected to the hotel and we went in there directly afterwards and got some deep dish pizzas, Now picture this, Four people come walking through your door and you prolly stink, your wet and covered in different collars. Think they would be surprised? Nope, didn't bat an eye, the lady at the door, the guy who pointed us to the bar and the bartender. None of them batted an eye. Oh and the Bartender was hot, like porn star hot. She wasn't the least bit disgusted with us, I told her what happened and she treated us nice, we got a few extra things, they were good to us.
We did get some dirty looks from two girls sitting in the booth near us, of course they were the spitting image of spoiled stuck up superficial bitches. Maybe they were and maybe they weren't, but either way they gave us dirty looks. Fuck them.
So we get our take out, sodas and water and head up to our room. Hmm wrong room, we were expecting two Queen sized beds, and there was one kind sized bed. So I went back downstairs and got the right room, with the two queen sized beds. Went back up stairs. We ate and went to take showers. Not enough towels, I walked my happy ass back downstairs and got more towels. Finally I could take my shower.
I took my pants off in the room and my underwear was now in many multiple shades. Yeah! I went into the bathroom and there was a blow dryer which is great. So I got undressed and I'm different colors, my legs and balls were all blue. Literally. that's how bad I got soaked. My hair was red with the blood and of course my face was a dark tint from all the fluids that were dried on it. It was great to hit the shower and get all that stuff off. It did come off very easily I'm happy to say. I dried my cloths with the hair dryer afterwards and went back out.
Even after that long ass day, hot shower I felt like a million bucks.
If you're still reading then you're awesome. Leave me a note and let me know what you think. This is my first blog on here.
- Christian