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okie's blog: "My thoughts"

created on 09/26/2006  |  http://fubar.com/my-thoughts/b7228

God Help America

The first couple of thoughts will be my thoughts of days past. I got this in an email and I just had to comment white was the email that was sent to me, my reponses are in black. GOD HELP AMERICA Nov 5 2004 THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN.. Moran: THEY say that in life you get what you deserve. Well, today America has deservedly got a lawless cowboy to lead them further into carnage and isolation and the unreserved contempt of most of the rest of the world. This once-great country has pulled up its drawbridge for another four years and stuck a finger up to the billions of us forced to share the same air. And in doing so, it has shown itself to be a fearful, backward-looking and very small nation. Me: I can only imagine which finger they may be talking about, but I think voting for George W made the country look proud and strong and ready to declare that we will not waiver from the fight, and we are willing to see it through. HIM: This should have been the day when Americans finally answered their critics by raising their eyes from their own sidewalks and looking outward towards the rest of humanity. And for a few hours early yesterday, when the exit polls predicted a John Kerry victory, it seemed they had. ME: I think America did answer their critics. The critics were saying you will lose, you will go downhill, you will cease to exist, and we held our heads up high and proudly proclaimed we shall overcome. As far as the exit polls you can't declare an election win with only 100 votes!!! HIM: But then the horrible, inevitable truth hit home. They had somehow managed to re-elect the most devious, blinkered and reckless leader ever put before them. The Yellow Rogue of Texas. A self-serving, dim-witted, draft-dodging, gung-ho little rich boy, whose idea of courage is to yell: "I feel good," as he unleashes an awesome fury which slaughters 100,000 innocents for no other reason than greed and vanity. ME: Shows how dumb they really are. He was reelected because the majority said so. Better to serve in the guard and not get called up, then to go serve, and kill and return a traitor. With the likes of Jane Fonda. (a Traitor, oh I see now why we should have voted for Kerry). Those 100,000 innocents crossed the Ocean and killed America's innocent, and are still to this day killing and beheading innocents everyday. No other reason than greed and vanity, guess Traitors would forget 9/11.....and I didn't like your comment about Texas either. HIM: A dangerous chameleon, his charming exterior provides cover for a power-crazed clique of Doctor Strangeloves whose goal is to increase America's grip on the world's economies and natural resources. ME: I forgot this was all about oil. Never mind Afghanistan now has free elections, and Iraq will have free elections in January. In freeing all the people of Iraq and Afghanistan we forgot our main purpose was to control, and steal their oil. How foolish of me to forget. HIM: And in foolishly backing him, Americans have given the go-ahead for more unilateral pre-emptive strikes, more world instability and most probably another 9/11. Why else do you think bin Laden was so happy to scare them to the polls, then made no attempt to scupper the outcome? ME: Calling the American people foolish is a good way to show your patriotism. How you come to the conclusion that we have given a go-ahead to create another 9/11 by destroying the ones that caused it in the first place is beyond me. If my memory serves me correctly and it does the Bin Ladin tape that was found states; Vote for Kerry, Bush will lead you astray. Sounds to me like Bin Ladin is the scared one. What do you think. HIM: There's only one headline in town today, folks: "It Was Osama Wot Won It." ME: What????????? lol HIM: And soon he'll expect pay-back. Well, he can't allow Bush to have his folks whoopin' and a-hollerin' without his own getting a share of the fun, can he? ME: HE can't pay back with what he doesn't have. He has been hiding too, now whose scared. HIM: Heck, guys, I hope you're feeling proud today. ME: I am!!!! HIM: To the tens of millions who voted for John Kerry, my commiserations. To the overwhelming majority of you who didn't, I simply ask: Have you learnt nothing? Do you despise your own image that much? ME: Why would I take advice from someone who uses the word learnt. Why is it despise if we do good things in the world? HIM: Do you care so little about the world beyond your shores? How could you do this to yourselves? How appalling must one man's record at home and abroad be for you to reject him? ME: Do you care so little about our freedom that you would deny it to others? I ask you, do YOU care so little about the world beyond your shores? How can you ask how we can share our freedom with the rest of the world? If a man's record proves him to be a traitor to the country he is trying to lead, then that would be a good place to start. HIM: Kerry wasn't the best presidential candidate the Democrats have ever fielded (and he did deserve a kicking for that "reporting for doo-dee" moment), but at least he understood the complexity of the world outside America, and domestic disgraces like the 45 million of his fellow citizens without health cover. ME: Looking back at 9/11 and wanting to ask permission to defend ourselves shows me that he has no clue about America, or the complexities. I can't reply to the other issue here because I don't know what health "cover" is and 45 million sounds way high. HIM: He would have done something to make that country fairer and re-connected it with the wider world. ME: What is more fair than freedom. Fairer is not a word, like Learnt. HIM: Instead America chose a man without morals or vision. An economic incompetent who inherited a $2billion surplus from Clinton, gave it in tax cuts to the rich and turned the US into the world's largest debtor nation. ME: Ok first of all he inherited a deficit, and brought it up. IN case you forgot already again 9/11. It totally took the economy to zero, not anything he did. Now the economy is very good in case you didnt notice. If you doubt take a real good look. HIM: A man who sneers at the rights of other nations. Who has withdrawn from international treaties on the environment and chemical weapons. ME: Giving freedom to people who have never seen rights is now called sneering? HIM: A man who flattens sovereign states then hands the rebuilding contracts to his own billionaire party backers. ME: A man that flattened states that harbored terrorists, killed and is still killing American innocents. I am assuming you are talking about Haliburton. Just FYI Haliburton is the ONLY company that has the resources to complete the job that needs to be completed. I ask you now where were your slanderous thoughts when WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON (Your choice no doubt) gave a no-bid contract to the same Haliburton. HIM: A man who promotes trade protectionism and backs an Israeli government which continually flouts UN resolutions. ME: Did you really just say that? HIM: America has chosen a menacingly immature buffoon who likened the pursuit of the 9/11 terrorists to a Wild West, Wanted Dead or Alive man-hunt and, during the Afghanistan war, kept a baseball scorecard in his drawer, notching up hits when news came through of enemy deaths. ME: Did you see his drawer, and if you did how can I get in there to see it too? HIM: A RADICAL Christian fanatic who decided the world was made up of the forces of good and evil, who invented a war on terror, and thus as author of it, believed he had the right to set the rules of engagement. ME: I believe you are confusing Bush with God. Forgot 9/11 again I see, the war on terror was a result of a terrorist invention. They set the rules of engagement when they rammed planes into our buildings and killed our people. HIM: Which translates to telling his troops to do what the hell they want to the bad guys. As he has at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and countless towns across Iraq. ME: You should really see my other thought for today. The media has polluted your mind. Have you ever been to GITMO, and Abu Ghraib nothing was ever said about Bush handing down the orders, and the various towns were ALL targeted for the terrorists that have been killing the innocents. HIM: You have to feel sorry for the millions of Yanks in the big cities like New York, Washington, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco who voted to kick him out. These are the sophisticated side of the electorate who recognise a gibbon when they see one. ME: Ok these are the same people that elected Hillary, and Teddy Kennedy. Need I say more? HIM: As for the ones who put him in, across the Bible Belt and the South, us outsiders can only feel pity. ME: I find it strange that you consider yourselve the outsiders when you think you are right, but I guess deep down you know. HIM: Were I a Kerry voter, though, I'd feel deep anger, not only at them returning Bush to power, but for allowing the outside world to lump us all into the same category of moronic muppets. ME: So you weren't a Kerry voter. Then why are you talking? HIM: The self-righteous, gun-totin', military lovin', sister marryin', abortion-hatin', gay-loathin', foreigner-despisin', non-passport ownin' red-necks, who believe God gave America the biggest #@*$ in the world so it could urinate on the rest of us and make their land "free and strong". You probably won't be surprised to learn of would-be Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn who, on Tuesday, promised to ban abortion and execute any doctors who carried them out. ME: You should feel deep anger on the self-righteous, gun-totin non-passport ownin foreigners that enter this country. Our land is free and strong and again with the seperation of you and the rest of us are you not even American. I bet you were one of the ones who wanted Scott Peterson to get the death penalty for killing his unborn son. When Tom Coburn in all his wisdom wants equal treatment for everyone else that kills the unborn babies of total strangers it is bad. You really are Democrat. HIM: He also told voters that lesbianism is so rampant in the state's schools that girls were being sent to toilets on their own. Not that any principal could be found to back him up. ME: How many did you ask, and do you honestly think the schools would admit to allowing this go on with our children? HIM: These are the people who hijack the word patriot and liken compassion to child-molesting. And they are unknowingly bin Laden's chief recruiting officers. ME: Interesting you would use the term "hijack" HIM: Al-Qaeda's existence is fuelled by the outpourings of America's Christian right. Bush is its commander-in-chief. And he and bin Laden need each other to survive. ME: Al-Qaeda existence is fueled by the income Bill Clinton gave to the organizations that finance them. HIM: Both need to play Lex Luther to each others' Superman with their own fanatical people. Maybe that's why the mightiest military machine ever assembled has failed to catch the world's most wanted man. ME: The mightiest military machine failed to catch him because he never stood still, and it is like 1 needle in 5 haystacks. HIM: Or is the reason simply that America is incompetent? That behind the bluff they are frightened and clueless, which is why they've stayed with the devil they know. ME: Incompetence never freed countries. Enough said!!! HIM: VISITORS from another planet watching this election would surely not credit the amateurism. ME: Did you really say another planet? Are you an alien now? HIM: The queues for hours to register a tick; ME: Proves that America is not scared and is proud of their right to vote. HIM: the 17,000 lawyers needed to ensure there was no cheating; the $1.2bn wasted by parties trying to discredit the enemy; the allegations of fraud, intimidation and dirty tricks; the exit polls which were so wildly inaccurate; an Electoral College voting system that makes the Eurovision Song Contest look like a beacon of democracy and efficiency; and the delays and the legal wrangles in announcing the victor. ME: All brought about by the very people you are defending. Now you are so confused. HIM: Yet America would have us believe theirs is the finest democracy in the world. Well, that fine democracy has got the man it deserved. George W Bush. ME: Why are you talking you are not even American. You have not been granted the right to free speech here. HIM: But is America safer today without Kerry in charge? ME: (YES) HIM: A man who overnight would have given back to the UN some credibility and authority. Who would have worked out the best way to undo the Iraq mess without fear of losing face. ME: Overnight given to the people that failed in the first place, and had a new plan every other day to undo what you call a mess. Freedom has now become a mess. HIM: Instead, the questions facing America today are how many more thousands of their sons will die as Iraq descends into a new Vietnam? And how many more Vietnams are on the horizon now they have given Bush the mandate to go after Iran, Syria, North Korea or Cuba...? ME: Iraq will never be Vietnam, and for you to even compare the 2 proves your stupidity. If the others threaten my freedom I hope we take care of them. HIM: Today is a sad day for the world, but it's even sadder for the millions of intelligent Americans embarrassed by a gung-ho leader and backed by a banal electorate, half of whom still believe Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11. ME: Today is a sad day for everyone that has had to listen to your whining about things you have no idea about. You're starting to bore me. HIM: Yanks had the chance to show the world a better way this week, instead they made a thuggish cowboy ride off into the sunset bathed in glory. ME: (What's wrong with being a cowboy?) HIM: And in doing so it brought Armageddon that little bit closer and re-christened their beloved nation The Home Of The Knave and the Land Of The Freak. God Help America ME: You proved yourself stupid with this one!!!!! Knave??? And God has Blessed America once again. You said it best at the beginning of your babble when you said the people have spoken.

Thought for yall!!!

My thoughts for today will be two fold. The first is more of your thought. As you all know there was an attack on December 7th. 20 Points if you understand what that means before you read the answer.......... It is the bombing of Pearl Harbor. There was alot of talk that the US knew more about the attack before it actually happened. Alot like the bombings on Sept 11. I want your thoughts. Here is your question. Do you think History has infact repeated itself? I would like to hear from everyone and your reasons why or why not. Do you believe that the US knew about the attacks then, and what about now. If the similarities are true, do you think we are heading to another WW? Just something to get you to think!!! Please send it to all your friends too. I would like to know their thoughts too. Thanks.

Communism in America?

My thought for today comes from a response that I received from someone that reads the thoughts. I was asked to explain what I mean when I refer to the Liberals of this country leading us into Communism. The best way that I can think of to do this is to look at the life of people living in Communism. One of the first things that comes to mind is in Communism you have a lack of a freedom of religion. The " Marxist religion " (atheism) was the religion of choice. Clergy and other "non-believers" were murdered for the difference in beliefs. The Left in America today may not go to the extent of killing you for believing a certain way, but we can all see a lack in our Constitutional freedom. The fact that we can not pray before any school activity anymore, we can't recite the Pledge of Allegience in school, and even as recent as as a few weeks ago a teacher was told he can't teach the Declaration of Independence in school anymore. This is just the beginning. Next the Communist didn't allow freedom of speech. They were banned from free thought. How many times do we find the left trying to dictate what we should think. For instance, the embedded news reporter that has traitorously taped and turned in images of a Marine doing his job and wanting us to believe that he was a cold blooded murder. It is not just the embedded reporters, it is all of them. (Dan Rather, and even more so Peter Jennings). In order to keep this from being so long, I will end here. The Communism that we know well today was started because of a hate of Capitalism. Through my studies I saw some similarities see if you can see which we fall under: Capitalism: Created an elite group of people (Wealthy individuals or business owners) Communism: Created an elite group of people (Government people) Capitalism: Allowed the individuals to be greedy and abuse their powers. Communism: Allowed the government officials to be greedy and abuse their powers From this we can see that America although founded on Capitalist views, and suppose to be free to exercise our freedoms, we are seeing more and more the left wanting to lead us down the road to Communism. I would like to stress this is only my opinion, and you are free to disagree at any time. You will be wrong, but I won't hold that against you. HEHE I am just kidding of course. I may hold it against you. LOL Thanks for the question, and please let me know if anyone else has any other questions.


Get ready to take a journey into the mind of a genious. (That's me in case you didn't know). Here you will experience a trip unlike any other. You are entering a world of great thought and wisdom!!! On a more serious note, I sometimes get bored and think about different things. I now want to share them with you. Here you will find all of the thought for the days in 1 convenient place. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate all of the ideas that have come in so far. There is no limit to what we can do if we put our mind to it. Everyone always has questions for me when I come home to visit, from "what is my job" to what's happening with the war now? Thanks goes out to April for making this page possible, and thanks goes out to all of you for allowing me to clear my head.
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