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FatAdmirer2000's blog: "My Thoughts"

created on 07/11/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-thoughts/b101315

In 100 Years

Nobody will give a fuck about who you were or what you did. I for one have thought about this for several years. Do you know what I've come to grips with? I don't care if they do or not. I am living my life the best I can. I am trying to enjoy every day and to learn at least one new thing every day. I help others without expecting or wanting compensation. I work my ass off because I have pride in my workmanship. I don't make very much money doing the job, but hey its better than nothing. I do have several challenges in my life. I want to give more than I have time for. I want to please everyone (impossible I know, but I still try). I try to start all my customers days off so they are smiling, and its starting to work. Some people are just destined to be miserable as that's the way they want and like it. I understand that and don't let them bring me down. I, like most people have financial obligations. I am slowly getting those tended to as well. It doesn't leave anything extra for myself. I am barely able to maintain my Internet connection, but quiting smoking has given me the money I need to keep that up. There are a great many things I would love to do while I'm still trapped in this festering septic tank of hell called life. I would love to sky dive, be the only skinny guy in a room full of big sexy women tending to all of their sexual needs, I would love to travel to outside our atmosphere (Earth orbit) at least once in my life. They say God will not give you more than you can handle. this may be true, but I wish he or she didn't have so damned much faith in me. They also say that nice guys finish last. Well I'm living proof of that. this doesn't mean I'm going to change my ways. It just means I know I'm a nice guy and I will be shit upon all my life because of it. How is it that all the wealthy and powerful (in most cases these two are the same people) are liars, cheats, tax dodgers, and all together not nice people get all the things they want all the while stomping all over the nice guys like me and you? History is in fact a biased record based upon the rich and powerful's ideas of what it should be and how it should be recorded. We see it every day. The rich and powerful have influence over the media. They only report the bad and none of the good when it comes to controversial subject matter (i.e. Iraq). We know this to be true as families of soldiers over there are getting the real story from their loved ones and are passing it along as best they can via web sites and e-mails. The beauty is they also have pics included in most cases. My friends who know me well will wonder what the hell crawled up my ass this morning. Well I just needed to vent and thought this would be a good way to do it. I am also going to copy this and add it to my first blog. We'll see if I continue to add to it as I have said before, I have very little spare time these days. If You can read this, thank a US Soldier. If you can't, go back to fucking Mexico! Oh by the way. I have a grand plan that not many people like but it would solve a lot of the problems we have with illegals and the fact the rest of the world doesn't appreciate that we give aid to so many other countries at tremendous cost to us the tax payers. It would get the world off our backs as we wouldn't be there any more and if they called, tell them to fuck off. If a dog bites you when you try to help it you know what happens. It's really simple. Bring home all our troops, every single one. Put them on patrol on our borders with orders to shoot to kill anyone coming across illegally 10 feet on our side of the border. Oh and to leave the bodies there. You know what, you pile up enough bodies on the borders, they will learn and stop trying to enter. Want to reduce the student per teacher ratio? Send all of the kids born to illegals and illegals in this country on a one way field trip to Mexico. That will give our children better educations and also reduce how much money is being wasted on feeding them TWO meals a day and all the associated medical expenses that we the tax payers have to cover. It would also reduce the required materials budgets for the schools and be able to pay the teachers wages that are a bit more worthy of educating the future of our country. If I offend anyone reading this, oh well. That's your right just as its my right to write this. We all have our troops to thank for this. I'm not a religious person but I do recognize that this country was founded with a very strong belief in a higher power. I personally believe they would not have been successful if they had not. Part of this countries primary assets is Freedom of Religion. That means you can practice your beliefs or non-beliefs to your hearts content. That does not give the right to force an atheist movement by an incredible minority to remove the word God from our class rooms, courts, street, currency, etc. When I was growing up and there was an atheist in my class he/she would simply exercise their right to not participate in anything that countered their beliefs. It was really simple. Now someone is bound to pipe off with "you're contradicting yourself" well I am still a nice guy. I just happen to to keep the dark crap tucked away until I feel the need to vent such as I have here. Again if you disagree, good for you, if you agree, sweet! One of the few remaining beauties in this country is that we can all say what we want and share our opinions on this and all other topics. Someone will also more than likely sound off with I'm a bigot. Nope, not true. If you happen to be a Mexican born person who has gone through the process of getting your Alien Registration Card, I welcome you to our country and ask you to advise your brethren on how to come into this country via legal means. But then again in 100 years who'll give a fuck. Just my 2 bucks worth (hey you can't buy anything for 2 cents anymore) FatAdmirer2000
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