Okay so I went to work today and everything was fine. My hand/wrist hurt a bit but nothing a little tylenol couldn't heal.
I had to go with Aunt Judy today to take Kayleigh to a friends house for a party >.<
When we returned I finished watching the movie "Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe." It was a really great movie.
I went walking today and if Aunt Judy and Uncle Howard had kept going I would have lapped them because I passed them anyways. I did my 6 laps.
I talked to Selina today and asked to be worked strictly nights and she said that I could and even thanked me for it because they needed more people for night shift. It's easier on me because I won't get confused about when I'm closing and such.
I thought about something. I'm going to try really really hard at setting aside as much money as I can for my future wedding to Teddy. I want to be able to ride away in a stretch limo. I want everything to be perfect and I don't want everyone hustling and bustling and stressing out like Elisha and Andrew did. Poor girl.
I thought she was going to pull her hair out. And not to mention it takes two people to make a wedding happen. I don't want anyone to have to stress. I want everyone to be able to help out but not stress out and pull my hair out.
I'm hoping that by switching to Night shift at work, that I will just be smart enough to leave early for work. For example since I work 5-11 tomorrow night, I want to leave around 2:30pm and get there at about 3:15 pm and I can do my six laps there for a total of three miles.
By switching to nightshift this makes things even more easier because I can sleep later and stay up later and such to make sure I have plenty of sleep before I go to work.
I got Teddy's father's day gift ordered. I hope he likes it. He got me somethign for mother's day but I don't know what. *laughs*
I think when I get my taxes back next year, I'll send like $100.00 to my Direct Loans Student Loan, I'll put like $300 or $400 into my little bank, and then the rest I'll do whatever with. I'll probably need a new spring wardrobe since I'm walking. *laughs again*
Who knows. I definately want me and Teddy to have the perfect wedding. Outside, on a beach, at night, with a beautiful moon. Some torches scattered here and there to keep it a little on the lit side. I want to be in my white dress, him in a white tux. His groomsmen in black tuxes with Silver accessories. My girls in silver dresses. And the reception will be indoors somewhere. That's where the deep dark Navy Blue will come it. I want that blue to be almost black. Midnight Blue is what they call it.
The blue won't come in until the reception though. Yeah that's what I want. The theme is called "Enchanted Moonlit Night." That is where the Extremely dark navy blue comes in. It's to resemble the sky or well I could do all black. Doesn't matter.
These past few days when I started walking again, I felt like giving up, but then there's this feeling that slides over me that is like Teddy running his hand down my arm encouraging me to go further.
My goal is to continue walking everyday to get ready to walk up Stone Mountain. I want to walk that mountain with Teddy and his friends and my friends. I don't care what else happens that day so long as I make it up that mountain.
Then I'm going to continue to walk everyday to prove that doctor of mine wrong. SO VERY WRONG!!!
Eh alright this is enough for now. I probably talked your brains to death. Laterz