My Mottos
Here are a few of my mottos, I wrote them on my friend Eric's blog but decided I liked them and wanted to post them myself so here they are...
1) The past is gone, the future is far in the distance but the present is now. So live for the present because it is what matters.
2) This is a fairly new one. It kind of points out the extremes we make. If we care for something or want something so bad we lose sight of ourselves and we become obsessed, our mind becomes closed and our vision narrowed to where we would give up everything to get that particular thing. The other extreme is to not care at all. In this we lose all ambition and drive to accomplish goals. But if we care without caring (yeah it seems to be a contradictory belief) we will suceed. You ask what does this mean? Well, let me give an example. Say I want something if I cared too much I would obsess for it, if I didn't care I wouldn't try, but if I care enough to try but not care enough if I don't get it I stay neutral. But it also keeps me open to try for something else. So I don't get the next thing, oh wait, there is something I want there. I get it, ok, now I want this. And so on if this makes sense. But it is a good way to keep your mind and soul open to the occurences that happen.
3) This one I just thought of. We strive for easy answers yet, when we arrive on that answer we feel it is wrong and discard it. We as humans discard simple solutions because we feel all solutions are not simple. If they were life would be simple. Well, life can be simple. Not every easy answer is wrong. If we realize this our lives will become much easier. It is just the way society has confused us with simple answers as being wrong. So instead of always taking the hard way and working so hard on something JUST DO IT! (not a rip on Nike). This is the simplest answer, don't bitch, don't wine, don't cry, just step back take a look and proceed on with your life.
4) As long as you learned something you cannot have any regrets. Every situation you learn from so therefore a person can never have regrets.
This can go along with #1 because the past is gone. As much as we feel the past looks good if we put ourselves into that situation again it may not be the one we want (believe me I am a living example as to the past is not the same and break ups and things in life happen for a reason, there is no need to relive them)