well last night I got a wake up call. After I spent the time to go and make a special comment for someone. Someone that constantly asks to be commented and rated. I found out that she doesn't even look at her comments. She gets too many, so she doesn't even bother looking at them. Now I am not all that creative. I don't have these photoshop skills like a lot of people. but sometimes I spend a lot of time looking for a special comment just to post. Yes I admit that I often send the same one to many people. But then again I spend a lot of time finding a special one to give to people for a certain reason. but it all becomes pointless when I find out that they don't even look at them.
That is why I go to many pages. I rate and comment people, and I fan them to give them points. but unless I am haveing a conversation with them I don't ask them to add me to thier friends list. I never turn anyone down if they ask me.
Now I am a myspace person. and I think I might do here what I do there. People that add me just to get a big friends list. If they don't comment me, or talk to me. I delete them from my list. I tend to keep my friends list under 100. I think I need to do the same here. It isn't quantity that counts, it is quality. and I think it is time to do the same thing here. I need to focus on the quality not the quantity.
It is sad to be in a conversation with someone and you have to wait 20 mins to get a reply to the last thing you said, because they are too busy commenting other people with a generic comment, and aren't bothering to look at the ones they recieve.
Yes I have gotten caught into the hype too. I look at every comment I get still. and I try to reply to everyone I get. but sometimes I don't do that. I try to rate every picuture of those who rate my pics. (but I know I have missed some of you) Please don't let me fall into that rut. If you are reading this. and have rated my stash or my photos and I haven't done the same to you. Remind me. I will do that. I promise to focus on my friends here instead of trying to add a bunch of people I don't talk to.
I know a lot of you are this way here. and that is the way I going to try and be again.
There are more important things to me than trying to be in the top 25 cherries. I want real friends not just numbers.
I am sorry that I have fallen into that group. I apologize to all of you. I am going to try and mend my ways.
I will continue to rate and comment people I don't know. but I will be cutting down my friends list. So that I can be a friend, and you won't be just a number to me.
Well time to get off my soapbox again. To those of you who take the time to read this and even comment it. Thank you. and please let me know if you feel that I have ignored you. I will do what I can to correct that. You are more than just a number to me.