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Wolfeyes's blog: "My Rants..."

created on 08/06/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-rants/b112356
Ok so I failed this class.. Having a "discussion" with yet another fine example of the male gender this morning, I was told to "know my role", and also that I needed to have duct tape over my mouth and "corner time". lol Now I laugh at this only for the simple reason that thinking like that is barbaric. This fine "gentleman" forgot the one most important fact in a relationship.. respect. Relationships are not bullying. But do men even know their role anymore???? Now, as outdated as my thinking is, I do know my place. If I am in a committed relationship I feel the man is the "head" of my household. If he goes out to work 8 hours a day, yes, my job is to keep the house and kids, and out of respect for him I would have his dinner ready at a reasonable time.. Now this does not mean that if dinner isnt ready at 5, or the dishes arent done.. it gives him the right to lay his hands on me. NO.. I do believe that the "women's movement" has left most men complacent. They have resigned themselves that women will "do it all" and they have become stagnant in their role in society. They now are not the main bread winner.. they are no longer the main "protector".. We women, in our attempt to be independent and succeed, and even get a few of the equalities, have taken away what gives many their "identity" so to speak. We have taken away their basic need to protect and provide.. why bother?? the women will do it.. Old fashioned yes.. but I miss the days when men were men, women were women, and they respected each other for it... I wonder.. What would happen if men took claim to that role again.. took a stand.. claimed their rightful role in the family status?? Could this change in "status" also explain the increase in "deadbeat" dads?? yes i know some are women but... you know what im saying..

Do You See What I see...

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" When you walk out your door, do you see what I see... or do you see what you want to see?? What I see is a country falling to pieces... I see children begging, stealing, doing anything they can to survive.. I see parents.. single or not.. struggling with daily life to survive and provide for their children.. I see families begging at food pantries because their jobs dont pay enough to feed their families.. and being made to feel like shit for using organization set up for that... I see children sick, and often dying, because they lack medical care because they fall above the guidelines for state medical aid, and their parents cannot afford private insurance.. I see the rich getting richer off the poor who are only getting poorer. I see people grasping at any hope that the promises this country made to us will be kept.. That promise of "give us your tired, your poor...." Where is the fullfilment of that promise.. As citizens have we become so blinded by the survival instinct that we have forgotten those who have fallen thru the cracks of our promise?? We will support every other country in the world yet we will tell our own "we dont have the money"... I wish I didnt see this reality.. I wish I had rose colored glasses to go about my daily life with.. but I dont.. I cannot NOT see a child, hungry and cold.. begging on the street and not have it affect me.. When did the promise of America become a myth????
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Ahh the Light...

At first I thought this was funny...then I realized the awful truth of it. Be sure to read all the way to the end! Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table At which he's fed. Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule. Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt. Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he Tries to think. Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries, then Tax his tears. Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his ass Tax all he has Then let him know That you won't be done Till he has no dough. When he screams and hollers, Then tax him some more, Tax him till He's good and sore. Then tax his coffin , Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he's laid. Put these words upon his tomb, " Taxes drove me to my doom..." When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax. Accounts Receivable Tax Building Permit Tax CDL license Tax Cigarette Tax Corporate Income Tax Dog License Tax Excise Taxes Federal Income Tax Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Fuel Permit Tax Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon) Gross Receipts Tax Hunting License Tax Inheritance Tax Inventory Tax IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax) Liquor Tax Luxury Taxes Marriage License Tax Medicare Tax Personal Property Tax Property Tax Real Estate Tax Service Charge Tax Social Security Tax Road Usage Tax Sales Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax School Tax State Income Tax State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) Telephone Federal Excise Tax Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax Telephone State and Local Tax Telephone Usage Charge Tax Utility Taxes Vehicle License Registration Tax Vehicle Sales Tax Watercraft Registration Tax Well Permit Tax Workers Compensation Tax STILL THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What the hell happened? Can you spell "politicians!" And I still have to "press 1" for English. I hope this goes around THE USA at least 100 times

What does a day make??

yes it is 9/11.. a day that will live in my memory forever.. each and every day.. My support and love to the troops always..without question.. My question is.. what does a day make?? Does over dramatizing one day a year make it less a tragedy?? Does it make you a better american for one day a year that is your focus??? what about the other 364 days a year?? the ones where you are so concerned with bills, money, who your going to screw that night.. what bar your going too.. what to make for dinner?? you know the ones.. those days when 9/11 is the furthest thing from your mind.. You want to be a good american.. volunteer at a vet hospital.. become a volunteer fireman.. send packages to the troops.. oh wait..that would take more than one day wouldnt it.. I remember that day EVERYDAY.. i lost people that day.. and i lost people in the aftermath.. i dont miss them anymore today then I did when I lost them.. My god people.. does the tragedy disappear tomorrow on 9/12??? or is it any less tragic on New years day?? What about Pearl harbor?? Or the Oklahoma City bombing?? or the Columbine shooting?? what about the countless other tragedies that have happened throughout history..?? Is this a sign of what america is coming too?? its only important that day.. or if you are directly effected?? Its 9/11 and taking time out of your otherwise self absorbed lives to remember a tragedy one day a year makes you a proud american ... lmaooo Just remember that the next tragedy and its your loved ones that are affected... we'll give you ONE DAY a year.. dont expect more...

Just another Rant..

Over the last few days I have seen some things that have pretty much crushed my faith in human nature. With the exception of a few very close friends, my faith in people as a whole, has faded to nil. I have watched people give others advice, berate, degrade, and otherwise set out to fully humiliate other human beings. Their excuse? This is the net.. its not real. If this is not real, what is everyone doing here, and two, if it isnt real then who is that on the other side of the screen typing. And if it isnt real, how can you tell someone you luv them, or care for them, or understand where they are coming from. People on the internet are real. They have feelings. They have families, friends and other loved ones. Just because there is a screen seperating them from you does not make them unreal. Yes, some become something they cannot be in their real world, but that does not make it so for everyone. I, myself, have been guilty of pointing out others stupidity. I do that in my "real" world too. Questions with such an obvious answer to me deserve no less than to be pointed out with the DUH HELLOOOOOO. I have also had many discussions on religion, politics etc. I love a good conversation, I even love a good debate, but a debate without the names and looks of inferiority. People will be people yes, but when you claim to be the same on the net as you are in real life, then would it not be right to practice this? Many many people dont see where they go wrong, but if you watch, you will see. I have done this, which in turn has taught me that people will see what they want to see, whether it is physical or in words, and they will force their opinions on you because a screen gives them strength. I dont say that peoples opinions dont matter, they do, but so does mine. I also will state my opinion, and why I believe the way I do. I have met and gotten to know some very special people. I hope some day I am blessed to meet them and thank them for being who they are. They deserve that much.. plus some. For me however, I will remain single.. I will remain in my own personal world where only a select few are allowed beyond those walls. I will treat people as I have always tried too.. with respect, and I will continue to hope that my cinicism of people in general does not close me off totally to the one in 100 people that are good and true. And one more final thought..... how can we criticize a war and the hows and whys of that war when we cannot even live in peace among ourselves???

Just one of those days ...

You ever just have one of those days lol My son starts football on Monday.. no biggie.. I have made a joke about reserving a room at the ER for the boy cause he isnt the most graceful.. Well I may have jinxed myself as I had him up at the ER tonight to get stitches.. lol.. Just 3 stitches, nothing major, but still.. for me, a nightmare.. Now the reasoning for the stitches.. typical boy stuff, yet to a point really made my anger boil. My son for the most part is a strong boy.. reset his own finger when he broke it last year.. broke his arm when he was like 7 or so.. cried at the initial break, never complained again.. Tonight I watched as his face held fear.. he, like many people, dont like needles.. especially if they dont understand what is actually going to happen.. I never have disliked children, but at that point I did..for an instant I disliked the boy that caused this fear in my son, because it was stupid.. My son, under rules, was due home.. this boy took his sneakers so he couldnt leave his buddies.. then when my son got mad, he punched my son and not only broke his glasses, but caused a gash in his face not even 1/4 inch from the eyball itself.. Well we made it through the ER visit.. I have yet to decide how I am going to handle this issue.. whether I send the bill for the ER and new glasses to this kids parents and let them know exactly what their child does.. or if I will chalk it up to experience, and keep my son away from the boy as much as I can.. Experience maybe lol.. my son will now know what to expect when he gets hurt in football.. good thing probably.. Me .. well lol.. another day in parenthood... battlescars healing.. and another watchful night to make sure my warrior rests well....

Not really a Rant But....

I was having a "discussion" with someone about single parenting.. Now I am a single parent. My son is 13.. I raised him on my own with no help from his father. I worked full time.. 2 jobs at one point.. even had one job where I was able to take him with me to work.. came home, cleaned, fed him.. etc.. Now, this person I was discussing things with, seemed to think that single parents dont have it near as hard as they say. With child support they are "living the life" so they think. I was like HELLO!!! I am court ordered to recieve 157 dollars a month in child support. I might see 50 of it.. if I am lucky. Enforcing that order gets me the "you should be happy with that, its not what he owes or what he's supposed to pay, or even on time, but at least you get it". Now, yes.. single parents make that choice for thier children, I would hope its for their kids... they choose to raise their children, not pawn them off on others.. they work, they come home to put in another 5 or 6 hours of work at home and if they are lucky they get 20 minutes of peace in the shower without the "mom/dad can I*.. Single parenting is not all peaches and cream, and I am NOT by far whining. I chose this life, and I dont regret it. What I do regret is the misconception of MANY that its easy and we just let others raise our kids. Im not saying some dont.. Single parents, male or female, often dont have that time alone needed for "regrouping".. they often dont have the support systems for themselves or their children. But they plug along in the hopes that one day, they have raised a productive human being for society.. respectful, hardworking and appreciative of the smaller things in life...that is their goal, and reward in the end.. Now dont misunderstand, some two parent households may as well be single parent households and Im sure that two parent households have their dilemas too.. but the thing with a two parent households that single parents miss out on is that "honey i NEED 10 minutes to myself".. often times we dont get that 10 minutes for weeks.. I guess my point to all this is.. dont assume that single parents live a life of ease because they dont have that partner there to contradict discipline or choices..or they live a life of ease because they get child support.. That would be like us single parents assuming that two parent households have it sooooooo much easier than anyone cause they always have that person there to give them their 10 minutes.. Parenting whether single or two parent households can be trying even for the strongest of people..

Double Standards...

I was in the mumms earlier..and a mumm was posted.. what the whole point was I cant remember but I do remember that it was written by a bigger woman (no disrespect intended). Now because this woman was big, a comment was made to her about "doing a sit up or two" to help her attract the right kind of man. Now.. I am a big woman.. always have been. I am not ashamed of myself.. and those that know me will understand where I am coming from. Just because a woman is big, does NOT give a man the right to hit her.. assume she is desperate.. or assume that she has low self esteem.. shit happens people.. sometimes we ALL attract the wrong type of people.. Now the comment was explained to me that it "is a proven fact doing sit ups helps you feel better about yourself"... so if this is the case.. someone PLEASE explain to me why no one ever tells a thin woman who attracts assholes to "do a sit up or two"... why is it assumed that only big women attract the assholes.. or somehow deserve it.. this is where I get angry... DO NOT assume because I am big that I am not confident in myself.. DO NOT assume because I am not a size 6 that I am desperate for male attention.. DO NOT assume that because I am big that it is because I have low self esteem and by all means DO NOT assume that because I am big that I have low standards in a partner.. DO NOT assume that because I am big that I dont feel good, or I am not healthy.. DO NOT assume that because I am big that I dont have feelings or I am not a good person.. DO NOT assume because I am big that I cannot love just as well as the size 6 woman of your dreams.. and DO NOT assume that because I am big I should be thankful that you MR PERFECT (in your eyes) have shown some interest in me.. Remember one thing.. everyone has faults.. and the only perfect person is a dead one.. so many people talk about Karma.. well remember that.. The greatest gift people recieve is to be loved by another truly and honestly.. not for what they look like.. not for the job they do.. You place too much value on the cover of a book you may be disappointed in the outcome..
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