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2126's blog: "My Rants of Rage"

created on 09/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/my-rants-of-rage/b717
It's unofficial because I said it's unofficial. The origional #8 was just be flipping out. Anyways, yes... Christmas. What a sham it has become over the last however many thousands of years it's been around. Some of the older members of this site might actually remember a time when Christmas was about family. Spending time with each other. Sharing love. And the gifts were from the heart. People worked their hearts out into creating gifts for the people they love. Now, it's just a big commercialized marketing scam. What am I talking about? Hmm... if you don't know what I am talking about, then jump off a cliff and slit your throat on the way down. Look at this year alone. During the summer, the XBox 360 was released. Priced somewhere around $650 Canadian. Thats with everything, taxes inc., all accessories required to play. Working perfectly. Last week the PS3 was released. They sold so fast, no one can get their hands on them anymore. Value in the store? $1,000. On E-Bay? $10,000. Some dumb fuck stabbed someone out in L.A. for one. Ohh, and here's the fucked up part. The systems aren't fully working 100%. My dumb fuck neighbor put a sledge hammer to his because the PS3 froze. Xmas is an excuse to over price their shit and to send out defective products onto the market because of demand. It's a fucking commercialized marketing scam. Us, normal working members of society are suckers for taking it. (Welfare society members don't count. Read welfare rant for more info.) I got one thing to commercialization. Eat shit and fucking die.
Ok, so you Americans are celebrating Turkey Day really soon. We did last monday, cuz Canada rocks. Whats national turkey day celebrate? You Americans slaughtering the TRUE descoverers of our countries. The Natives. Ohh, you probably proclaim "Columbus descovered this wonderful land of ours!"... ok, what did the Natives do? Halucinate the land into non-existance? Hmm? WE were here first. You assholes came over to our country from Europe, slaughtered my people, raped our women, and brought your European diseases over here. And yet you celebrate by butchering a poor defenceless animal, with little turds dangling from it's neck and feast on it. How does that have anything to do with descovering this land? (Not that you did...) And another thing, you Americans claim to be so smart... you look at a native and call him an "Indian"... here's an education lesson for you. An Indian is someone who wears a diaper on his head and flies planes into your buildings. Us Natives are either drunk, or smoking some Opium out of a peacepipe. So enjoy your Turkey day. You enjoy eating that poor bird... and remember! You are what you eat you know. -Heretic out.

Rant #6: Chain-bulletins.

Umm, yeah... I know that about 85% of this site is made up with chain-letters of some kind. But don't you notice it's getting repeative and stupid now? I mean, seriously... You read some stupid bulletin and because of the "power of the bulletin" your balls are going to fall of or someshit. Like, wtf? You people who write this shit actually think this is intelligent or that these chain-letters hold some true power? You think mere letters on my LCD Monitor is going to make me jerk-off any less than before? Is it going to make me into one of the guys from an Axe commerical? Fuck no. Here's a chain-blog for you. You read this. Now, because you read it, you must tell everyone about it or your genitalia is going to turn into an animal's tool. And if you're a creater of a chain-bulletin, then you will magically find your keyboard broken in your ass. And if you truely believe that either one of those things is actually going to happen because I wrote it, you're an idiot. Chain-bulletins are annoying, stupid, repeative, and they give you no real power, and they aren't going to alter your miserable life for the better.
Omfg was I pissed the fuck off when I woke up this morning. I'll explain... A year and a half ago, I was first getting with a chick... the chick is now my ex, but whatever. Anyways, my roommate's best friend comes over a year and a half ago. My roomie (Monique) and her friend (Lisa) were both trying to get with me Lisa for about 2 hours that day. After a while, I got tired of hearing it so I told Lisa right to her face that she was too fat for me. Anyways, a year and a half later, being this morning, I woke up to hear her blabing away in the kitchen. So, I go upstairs, make a coffee and say good morning to everyone. They all say the same back. I go downstairs back into the basement and turn my monitor on. I don't even have the time to put the mouse in my hand, pick the shit out of my eyes, grab something to eat, have a morning smoke or even my morning coffee and I see the huge fat slob come down the stairs screaming my name "Eric! Eric!". She (finally) catches up to me and all out of breath, she starts to talk to me about stupid shit. Then she asks if I would like to get drunk with her... I saw where this was going... I turned to her and said simply like this "Didn't you try to get with me a year and a half ago?" She replied "yes"... and I said "Ok, and why did I turn you down back then?" She said "Well, because you started going out with Paula"... I said "Yes, that was a reason, basically my excuse, but the main reason is because your leg is the size of me. It was back then and now, a year and a half later, you still look the same... but yet you honestly believe in your heart you have a chance with me?" She was all shocked and like "Uhh, uhh, but I got a nice personality..." OMFG Don't you women ever realize that if you're fat and desgusting and a guy turns you down for an alternative reason, it's because he is trying to spare your feelings? "Ohh, I have a bad self esteem because no guy wants to get with me" you'd say... here's what I say, if you want a better self esteem and be attractive to men, get your fat ass on a fucking stairmaster and do something about your wide ass. "Ohh, I had kids" you say. Thats fine, there's women all over the world, and even on this site, that have had more than one kid and you wouldn't even be able to tell. Hell, and if you do gain weight from kids, lose it quick. "Ohh, I need a man to be in my life before I can feel good about myself to want to lose weight" is another excuse I heard... Lol... you're going to wait a long time then because no guy wants to get with someone who "needs" a man in their life for them to take care of themselves. Lisa, IF you EVER join LC and you're wondering why I turned you down, it's because you weigh over 400 lbs. Me fucking you wouldn't be enjoyment, it'd be a medieval chinese torture. The thought of you naked alone would break my back and make me puke all over my driveway. Please... please, Lisa, you fat pig... don't ask me out again... at least, not while you need to stand sideways to fit in a mirror.

Rant #4: Welfare

This rant is one of my all-time favorite rants from the archive. So, here it is: Your fucking right, I'm picking on you this time. What is Welfare? Well, here's my version of what Welfare is. It's when some dumb fuck sits at home and collects a cheque/check (I am Canadian. Forgive me) from the government. Where does this money come from? Us hard WORKING members of society. Know what I think? I think they should either modify it or ebolish it. Plain and fucking simple. Disability, I got no problem with. People are crippled and can't work, thats fine. No beef with you guys. Its the workable people I got a problem with. You fucking dipshits sit at home and fucking either surf the web looking at porn all day, do blow or watch fucking soap operas. You fuckers are pathetic. Get a fucking job. Even if it's shoveling horse shit or selling the drugs your cranking. It's because of you fuckers that our economy is fucked. And whats fucking it up even more is the fact you testical licking orangatang fuckers want more money. Why? Because you don't have enough money to last the month. Well, I'll tell you why. It's because you spend your money on stupid shit that you don't need. Do you Drink? QUIT. Do you smoke? QUIT. Do you have cable? Get it disconnected. You obviously have the internet if you are on Welfare and are reading this. Guess what. Get it cut too. You do blow? Quit that shit too. Also, cut salt, pepper, pizza pockets, pop/soda, candy and anything else thats not needed for living. Go to McDonald's on payday? Don't fucking say "no", I used to WORK there and Welfare weekend was the busiest days of the month. QUIT THAT SHIT TOO. IT'LL FUCKING CLOG AN ARTERY AND KILL YOU... wait a sec... no Welfare people, more money for healthcare... hmm... actually, eat all the McDonald's you can, you'll fucking die quicker and since the healthcare system is so shot because of you fuckers you'll die quicker. HAHA! Wanna know how to modify it the way I would have it? NO (from all the Welfare people). Too fucking bad assholes, you don't got an opinion on this topic, us working people do though. Make it so that the Welfare people have to punch into a central Welfare facility. Turn in their house keys for the day, punch in and actually look for a job. Also, you're only allowed to collect a cheque for 3 months. After that your on your own. Failure to do so would result in permanant termination of assistance. Why like that I say? Because it doesn't take more then 3 months to find a job. "There's nothing" you say? Well thats the biggest hunk of bullshit I have ever heard because I live in a little shithole town with only a grade 10 education and I found a job in a week. And that was a job that I went to when I was stuck because I knew they'd hire anyone with a heartbeat. And there's a place like that in every town. Sure, the pay isn't spectacular but I can actually buy what I want with the money I ACTUALLY EARNED. If there's a couple and one's on disability, the cheque is only large enough to support the disabled one only. This way the other person can actually do something useful for society instead of freeloading. Another thing is for all the Welfare women out there. They must go and get their tubes tied upon applying for Welfare. Should they land a job, it gets reversed. And the guys get casturated. Now, this isn't a full broad bashing on all Welfare people. Just some. Like I said, disability I got no problem with. Single parents with a kid obviously can't afford a babysitter unless there making like 1.2k a week to babysit for 8+ hours a day 5 days a week. On top of that, since there going to be too young for preschool or daycare, they'd need special shit like diapers, etc. But guess what, thats what E.I. is for (U.I. in the states). Your working, you are insured. In any event, except disability, Welfare isn't needed. I say cut the fucking thing or make it severely limited. I hate fucking freeloaders and you asslickers on Welfare are fucking freeloaders. My tip to you is get a haircut and get a fucking job.
What would you rather do? Go out with a hot woman who treats you like shit or an ugly chick who's nice? God, where to begin. There's good things and bad things about both sides. But honestly, what would you rather do? On one hand, you got a totally hot banging chick who's stuck up and complete total bitch, which on top of that won't put out because she believes that no one's good enough for them. On the other hand, a nasty looking chick who looks like a horse's rectum who treats you good and wants to put out? Either way your not getting laid. The hot bitch won't put out and you aren't good enough for her. Simple. However, the ugly bitch wants to have sex with you but the thought of her naked is enough to make you want to felch* a jewish person's horse on passover. Another thing I hate is ugly women thinking there hot and hot women thinking there ugly. Look at the nasty bohemoth's on Rikki Lake, or the busted chicks on Jenny Jones, saying that they can get any man they want. Sure, they can get any man they want... if they managed to get about 45 lbs of narcotics and enough alcohol to kill a horse. Now hot women, like my girlfriend for example, shes hot and she don't believe it. I can't stress it enough how I find her hot and so do many other people, but does it sink into her head? NO. So, I'm telling the women of the world this now. If your over 5'10 and over 170 lbs, with no ass and tits that are smaller then a B cup and don't look like any modern day female celebrity, then guess what, your BUSTED, HIDIOUS, MONSTEROUS, GROTESQUE, AN ABOMBINATION TO HUMANITY. If you meet at least 3/5 of the things I said above, then your at least decent. If not, then kill yourself now because there isn't enough unnatural toxins in the world to get you laid if your life depended on it. I'm out.

Rant #2: Nipslips

You ever go to those sites that have celeb nipslips? Well, I went to one of them last night and they were like "OMFG!!!! Trish Stratus NIPSLIPS HERE!!!" and shit. So, I clicked on it and what did I find? Sure, I found a nipslip. A whole 1/39375473658326258365926587th of the nipple was showing. Now, don't you find this pointless? I mean, some fucktard desided to make a site showing that little of a nipple. I find this a fucking waste of bandwidth and cyberspace. Fuck, why don't those fuckers make a site on clevage? I mean, it's just as arousing and meaningful. Fuck, you bastards even make nipslip paysites. Are you that fucking easy to turn on? What in God's name is wrong with you people? Here's a message to you cock suckers: Just because you are just as easy to turn on as a lightswitch, doesn't mean the world is. I mean, you cock suckers sit there, dysecting a television show then look for little itty bitty pieces of half-assed nudity. What the fuck do you think we are? You honestly think that because you get a woodie harder then diamond from those little crappy pics that we will? Give me a fucking break. You fuckers are probably 37 year old virgins who have never even seen a women's full tit. You are probably scared that they'll milk you to death, so you try to slowly expose yourself to this. God forbid you saw a pussy, let alone touch one. Here's a tip, go get laid or watch a full motion porn where you see more then 1/39375473658326258365926587th of a tit, and then you will be one step closer to being an intelligent member of the porn site genre. After you accomplished one of the following, do the other. After that, destroy your whole nipslip site and put something intelligent. If you happen to find a nipslip that shows the WHOLE NIPPLE, then by all means, post it. If you find a pic where you see the cunt, well, by all means post it and tell everyone else. -I'm out.

Rant #1: Double Standards.

Ok, this is my first official LC exclusive rant. Exclusive meaning that I am a member of more than one site, but this site alone will get this rant. Don't you notice that life is filled with double standards? It's fucked up... it really is. Think about it like this. A girl wants to get with a guy who is hot, has a ton of friends, awesome clothes, big dick, etc. etc. etc. It's because "they got standards"... However, when a guy wants the same thing with a woman (replace dick with tits) he is considered a shallow prick. A woman once said "Ohh, you're a lying sack of shit. I'm not like that. I like a man for whats on the inside" blah blah blah... Bullshit. It's fucking bullshit, and I'll tell you why. Like any self respecting human being, you're not going to be turned on by some fat fuck with a prick the size of my pinky finger. You're not going to get turned on by someone with a busted face. You're not gonna wanna fuck someone who dresses like shit, so why would any self respecting man do that for a woman? Because of the power of the pussy? Give me a fucking break. I got a secret for you women. Vascaline and a shower curtain. You got any woman you want. Ok, another standard thats fucked up. The man has to make the first move. Why is that? Because the woman is too chicken shit to get rejected? Because it's "proper" that the man make the first move? I don't know what to attack first, your claims of wanting "equal rights" or your claims that you can think for yourselves. If you can think for yourselves and you want someone, then why can't the woman make the first move? Don't you got minds of your own? You know, the greymatter in your skulls. You got no mouth? You can't communicate or express your feelings? You feel we have to come to you? How equal is that? I don't want to sound like a sexist asshole (I know, too late) but you women make all this big fuss that it's hard to be a woman because of this and that, that society isn't treating you right because you got a cunt. Did you ever hear of Karma? What goes around, comes around. Maybe SOME (not all) of the misfortunes and steriotyping of women is well deserved.
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