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Karlucci94's blog: "My poetry"

created on 06/08/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-poetry/b89721

The Journey

The journey of my life and my identity today has been charted and navigated for these past twenty years like the ocean tides. For twenty years I have been identified by a single term, a term that though I am proud to wear I don't choose to over announce it. I was, I am, and always will be a Sailor. I have been to sea and saw the wonders of the world. I have been on shore serving with the Marines and there I learned the true meaning of Semper Fi and now I understand why they say "Once a Marine, Always a Marine." The same can be said for us, "Once a Sailor, Always a Sailor." Although some of us may never have had the chance to serve with our brothers in green, we all understand what it means. I once thought as a young lad that the Air Force wouldn't be so bad. then fate came and took that dream from me , which made me really sad. Then i thought well then it is the Army for me just like my good old grandad. that thought quickly faded and became jaded the day my oldest brother told me he was joining the Navy and I thought he was truly crazy. I went to his graduation and that that he wasn't crazy and then I knew whose course I'd follow. Then my other brother said I'll go to the Marines instead, and I thought what got into his crazy head. I thought and trained to be like him until he decided to become a SEABEE instead. So off to San Diego he went and a company honorman was he. So we had tea and krumpettes with all of the brass. That is where I first learned how to kiss political ass when the Admiral asked of me, "Son how do you see your future come to pass?" I answered the Admiral in all sincerity, "As a Sailor in the United States Navy and I'd join today if there was a way to let me." From that day forth my fate was set and never again was I to rest until I became the Navy's best. Doing training manuals in high school during my study halls, left at home by my brothers carelessly. I read and studied what an Engineman should be. Then the day came that I took my PSAT. The scores came and right then and there I knew there was no Naval Academy for me. I was smart but not smart enough, so let me go back and talk to the Marines. A little voice screamed loudly in the back of my head. "You idiot!, your Navy dream isn't dead." So once again with order restored and I was standing on the Navy's door. Then the moment arrived without any dread that my contract had been read. They wanted me to be a Deck Seaman but the decision was put to a older and wiser head because I asked my oldest brother what that meant. "Chipping and painting all day for you if you sign that contract you fool!" That contract I left go by for I didn't want to spend all day outside and over the side of the ship. The next contract became tried and true for a Ship's Serviceman is what I choose to do. So I had to wait for my shipping date which was in December late. Then there came an ironic twist of fate that had me ending up and changing my rate. Storekeeper became the way for me because I could ship out on an earlier date with a friend, who was also my classmate and we both graduated on the same date. October 27, 1994 was the day I stepped onto Great Lakes' door and then the fun had begun trying to become the company's number one. This was one task I could never get done for I was never number one. I got to go home December 31, and a brand new Sailor had begun. My next journey would begin when I went to school in Meridian, Mississippi. Another chance to try and be number one. I worked hard as hard could be, still only finished my class ranked number three. So I chose my orders to the USS Robert G. Bradley. From Charleston, SC to Norfolk, VA and then to Mayport, FL finally, three homeports did the USS Robert G. Bradley see. With her I journeyed both near and far and got to see the world at large. My course however wasn't very fair for I got into much trouble aboard there. Busted twice for my own stupidity, was E-5 ever meant to be for me? Fate stepped in and not a day too late and she brought me a fortunate mate, my knee slipped out and they had to operate. Never again was I to see the Robert G. Bradley until I had gotten better. Next stop Beaufort, SC, hopefully thinking that things will be better. For three years I toiled along, hoping to correct the things that I thought I did all wrong. Working and living with Marines all day long, to be honest it wasn't a swan song. I learned to blend you see from Navy Blues to Marine Utilities, finally then I learned that E-5 was truly meant to be for me. The Marines all laughed with dread the day the Squadron Gunny said, "A sailor makes a better rack than my Marines instead." Time grew short and new orders had to appear and to the Emory S. Land it said. How I'd hoped that an overseas tour would come along but things would happen back here at home for soon a daughter would be along. I love the sea, don't get me wrong but now was the time for me to stay at home instead of leaving for six months long, so I left Active Duty. Back full circle to Charleston, SC I went to be in a Supply detatchment. Fun and joy preceeded for I found a spot where I was needed. a problem child I still could be but mostly I chose wisely. Time passed quickly by and I spied a brand new prize. E-6 is what I next longed to be and finally that goal I had achieved wholeheartedly. My brothers both I had surpassed and told them they could kiss my ass. for now I wasn't any longer the lowest of us three, while in uniform they would have to take orders from me. Though that day sadly will never come to pass for long ago had their civilian lives begun. My goals right now are very lofty you see for I am looking at the Khaki target three, for a Chief is what I next long to be. The drive is there, of this there is no doubt but who knows the way my path will pan out, for I also long to be an officer in the United States Navy. So whether I stay enlisted or a "Mustang to be", they are all a part of the Khaki target three of which now I long to be. Fate may step in and put me out of the Navy but I can still say I did my duty every day and set the goals for me to achieve for I had and still am living my dream. The journey of my life and my identity today has been charted and navigated for these past twenty years like the ocean tides. For twenty years I have been identified by a single term and its is a Badge of Honor to me and to all that have served before you and me. I always have been and always will be, even after my dying days. I AM A SAILOR IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY!

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